>棄権35カ国の国名と理由を知りたい 《棄権した国の国名と理由(一部)》 【オーストラリア】 Several delegates spoke in explanation of position, with Australia’s representative explaining that she had abstained because although her country’s Government did not support unilateral action that undermined the peace process, it did not believe today’s text would help to bring the parties back to the negotiating table. 【カナダ】 Canada’s representative said he had abstained because the resolution was one‑sided and did not advance the prospects for peace. The representative of Canada said he had opted to abstain because the draft resolution was one‑sided and did not advance the prospects for peace. Emphasizing the importance of Jerusalem, he condemned the violence and terrorism of the past weeks. 【パラグアイ】 Meanwhile, Paraguay’s representative said he had abstained because his delegation’s position was that the question of Jerusalem was a matter for the Security Council, as the primary body responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security.The representative of Paraguay said his delegation had abstained because the matter was still before the Security Council, which was responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security. Furthermore, the issue should be resolved directly by both parties. 【メキシコ】 Mexico’s representative said he had also abstained, while emphasizing that convening an emergency session was a disproportionate response. The United States must become part of the solution, not a stumbling block that would hamper progress, he emphasized, noting that the international community was further than ever from agreement. The representative of Mexico said he had abstained. Noting that the international community was further from agreement today than ever before, he said it was disproportionate to convene an emergency session of the General Assembly. The United States must be part of the solution and not an additional stumbling block hampering progress. Mexico would keep its embassy in Tel Aviv, he underlined. 【アルゼンチン】 The representative of Argentina said he had abstained because the draft would not help to resolve the conflict between the parties, emphasizing that the abstention did not imply a change in his delegation’s view of the situation. Argentina supported all attempts to bring about peace in the Middle East, he said, urging the international community to make a joint effort to uphold a two‑State solution, as per the Arab Peace Initiative and the road map of the Middle East Quartet. 【ルーマニア】 The representative of Romania said his delegation’s position concerning the status of Jerusalem was in compliance with the relevant resolutions of the Security Council and General Assembly. Calling for calm, he encouraged the parties to resume dialogue so as to move the peace process forward, stressing that the time had come to renew international efforts to relaunch the peace process. 【チェコ】 The representative of the Czech Republic said that while his delegation supported the European Union position, it had nevertheless abstained because it did not believe the draft resolution would contribute to the peace process. 【ハンガリー】 The representative of Hungary said her delegation did not comment on the foreign policy decisions of the United States and its position on the issue remained unchanged. 【ラトビア】 The representative of Latvia said his delegation’s position remained unchanged. Jerusalem’s status must be negotiated through direct talks, and the city must become the capital of both Israel and a future State of Palestine. Latvia had abstained because it was important not to escalate the political and security situation in the region. 【その他】コロンビア、ポーランド、フィリピン、ルワンダ、ウガンダ、南スーダン、ジャマイカ、ハイチ、パナマ、クロアチア ウクライナ(採決を欠席) ◆General Assembly Overwhelmingly Adopts Resolution Asking Nations Not to Locate Diplomatic Missions in Jerusalem https://www.un.org/press/en/2017/ga11995.doc.htm ◆http://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2017/12/post-9184.php ◆https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO24950950S7A221C1000000/ ◆http://www.sankei.com/world/news/171222/wor1712220021-n1.html ◆https://mainichi.jp/articles/20171222/k00/00e/030/239000c ◆http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3156282
こんなのがある 「アメリカのキリスト教原理主義者とシオニスト・ユダヤの同盟関係」
彼ら「キリスト教シオニスト」たちは、「キリスト再臨」のためには、イスラエルが中東に建国されることが不可欠な要素だと信じこんでいるのだ。イスラエル建国は「キリスト再臨」のための重要な第一歩だと盲信しているである。そしては自分たちこそ神に選ばれた人間(選民)であり、罪深い人間が全て滅ぶようなハルマゲドンが襲来すれば、世界から人類が姿を消した後、自分たちだけが生き返ると信じている。 この彼らの世界観は一般に「天啓史観」と呼ばれている。 ●彼ら「キリスト教シオニスト」たちによれば、イスラエル建国は聖書の預言が成就されたものであり、“神”が行った奇跡の現れだということだ。そして彼らはイスラエルの存在を柱にして信仰心を増幅させ、次に起きる奇跡(核兵器による世界大戦など)を、まだかまだかと待ち望んでいるのだ。
にわかに信じがたいがウソではない。中東が平和であるうちは「キリスト再臨」が来ないと信じているのである。 ここに、パレスチナ問題の複雑さがある。 中東大戦争(ハルマゲドン)が キリスト再臨の条件だとするキリスト
教徒カルトみたいな連中がいるんだから。 自分たちは携挙により天国へ行けるて信じてるみたいだ、わしゃ、付いていけな 考えだ。 近づかないほうがいいだろ、ハルマゲドンに巻き込まれる。