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【英日併記】12/15英BBC #伊藤詩織さん インタビュー "Japan's #MeToo Moment"
2017.12.21 T. Katsumi
2017年12月15日、英BBCが 『日本の #MeToo モーメント』と題して昏睡レイプの被害を訴え現在東京地裁で係争中のジャーナリスト #伊藤詩織さん にラジオインタビューを行った。刑事事件としては不起訴が確定したデートレイプ事件に直面した詩織さんが6分間のインタビューの中で語ったのは次の内容だった。
Japan's #MeToo Moment (※音声)
Although speaking out about abuse and rape is difficult in almost all circumstances, women living in certain countries face insurmountable obstacles when seeking justice. Japan is one of those places. Entrenched cultural norms which don't even allow the word rape to be mentioned, have silenced women almost entirely. But one person refused to be quiet - journalist Shiori Ito. The man in question has publicly denied all allegations.
Shiori Ito.Journalist
I was raped two years ago in 2015. And the man who raped me, he offered me a job in Washington DC, because he was bureau chief in one of the Japanese mainstream TV news station. We made appointment to meet because we need to talk about working visa.
It was hard to realize that someone you trust or someone you respect would do that. So I was scared, because he was quite close to all the high-profile politicians. So it took time, to me, to think if this is the right thing to do, if anyone would believe me.
I decided, okay I'm going to the police, and I knew that this would make me hard to work in ... work as a journalist in Japan to accuse such a high-profile journalist. And then when I got to the right person to talk to, he told me, "These things happen a lot, and we can't investigate. It would never be prosecuted, it would never be charged, and it's just a waste of time."
But I told him, "Look, I know which hotel I came out from. They must have security camera. Can you at least check that ?"
So he did a few days after, and we saw that this man was pulling me out from the taxi. So this investigator said, "Okay, this is something."
So I thought he would accept, that he would file the case. And then he told me, "Look, you're accusing such a high-profile journalist. You have no chance to be a journalist in Japan. "
-- That's what the investigator or detective said to you?
The investigator.
-- And how did that make you feel?
It was quite a tough decision to make, although I had to do it. Because if I put a lid on the truth that I have, I shouldn't be a journalist. And also, I started having more questions, why can't you investigate?
Finally, one day they called me. The investigator decided to file the case. The court issued arrest warrant two months after that.
And during the investigation, it was hard... Every time investigator has changed, they asked me if I was a virgin. Why would you ask these questions so many times? I stopped going for work. Every time I see the same... similar figure man on a street, I became panicked. So I decided,"Okay, maybe it's better for me to go outside of Japan."
-- So just to go back, so he was still in the United States but there was an arrest warrant issued for him WHILE he was still in the United States. Is that right?
-- So how did that go, then? What happened there?
Investigators plan was to wait at the Narita Airport and arrest him as soon as he gets on land. But then the investigator called me on the day they were going to arrest, and he said, "There was order from above," and they stopped the arrest.
It was shocking, because if once the court issues an arrest, investigator can change it? But they did. So I asked why and how. He couldn't tell me.
He said, "This is just so odd and rare."
-- Am I right in saying that you are the first person who has publicly said, openly under her own name, "I was raped. This is my story," in this country?
I'm the first person who spoke out about rape by someone familiar.
-- What have you learned about your own country from your experience? What have you heard from other people since you've spoken out?
I was quite disappointed. I felt like everyone knew about me. So I couldn't go out anymore. So I was always ... I had to disguise myself if I needed to go somewhere. And I started seeing these websites talking about my personal life, my family. I saw my family's photo. So I was scared if I go out with my family, with my friend, what's going to happen to them? I couldn't leave the house.
I decided to quit to media I was working for, and be a freelancer and start working with British media. I had a chance to move to UK this summer and that made me feel, again, like a person; that I can go out.
-- Well, we are sitting here in Tokyo. How do you feel about Japan and being in Tokyo now? Do you feel any change at all?
Finally I do feel small small changes. Politicians are now talking about it at the Diet, at the parliament, and they finally changed the rape law which hasn't changed for a 110 years.
As a journalist I tried many different ways to talk about it through media, but none of these worked. So in the end, I had to be the ONE who speak out about it. And certainly, sexual violence could happen anywhere anytime in the world.
But I was more shocked by what had happened afterwards, that made me really hopeless. And I never realized what kind of society that I was living in. Okay, legal system -- it would take time. But social system can change to support and help. And that would make a major change for survivors to take the next step. Now, I do see some positive movements, so I'm very optimistic.
⚡️ “2017.12.15英BBC #伊藤詩織さん インタビューの全文書き起こし飜訳(英日併記はブログで) #MeToo” やや出遅れましたが原文書き起こし+飜訳完成です。詩織さん、まだまだ日本社会に失望しているようです。無理もないですけどね。 #Fighttogetherwithshiori ⚔️
— T.Katsumi🎸 (@tkatsumi06j) 2017年12月20日
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