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Consumers set to save up to sixteen billion dollars on banking and insurance fees thanks to blockchain-based smart contracts says Capgemini report
October 11, 2016 | News alert
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Paris – A report by Capgemini’s Digital Transformation Institute reveals the average consumer could save more than 500 US dollars in banking and insurance fees thanks to the emergence of a new type of smart contracts based on blockchain technology. The report draws on extensive discussions and initial trials with industry professionals, prominent smart contract start-ups and academics from the financial services sector, predicting mainstream adoption beginning 2020. However, there are a number of challenges detailed, including privacy, the security of the blockchain technology and the regulations that surround it.
So-called ‘smart contracts’ work similarly to standard written contracts in serving as a legally binding agreement based on a set of agreed terms and conditions. Where smart contracts differ is that they are electronically programmed and based on distributed ledgers such as blockchain technology, meaning they can automatically enforce actions like payments as soon as the agreed conditions have been met, and without the need for independent verification or manual processing. For instance, when buying a house, instead of the current process involving heavy documentation and manual intervention, details would be shared in a permissioned ledger smart contract network1 connecting all parties in the system. This would simplify the loan process, drive down processing charges, and result in a speedy transfer of property title to the consumer. Subsequent disbursement of loan amounts and interest payments would take place automatically as per the terms encoded in the smart contract.
While smart contracts could be used in a wide range of scenarios, the report, "Smart Contracts in Financial Services: Getting from Hype to Reality" focuses on the financial services industry, where contract technology and systems underpinned by blockchain are already in development by many major institutions such as BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, and Credit Suisse. It details three major areas where smart contracts are anticipated to have a significant impact for both consumers and organizations:
1. Retail banking: Personal loans and mortgages are set to benefit through the adoption of smart contracts. Smart contracts can help eliminate today’s paper-based appraisal and documentation processes, reducing the time involved in interacting with multiple agencies to verify applicant and property details, and in processes related to the transfer of property ownership. This could translate to an average saving of between $480 and $960, or eleven to twenty-two percents on mortgage arrangement and account fees for consumers. Meanwhile, it is estimated that banks would be able to cut between $3 and $11 billion annually by lowering processing costs in the US and EU alone.
2. Insurance: Smart contracts will speed up claims across areas such as health, motor, home and travel insurance, with fewer forms to fill out and interactions between claimants and insurers needed. A smart contract system would bring all parties in the insurance value chain – consumers, insurers, claim agents and third-party vendors – together on one platform. This would result in fast and seamless claim processing due to reduced documentation, reduced dependence on manual checks and faster settlement of dues to vendors. In the personal motor insurance industry alone, smart contracts are estimated to have the potential to result in approximately $21 billion in annual cost savings globally for insurers through reduced processing costs. Were insurers to pass even half of these savings on to consumers this would lead to an average annual saving of $45 on premiums.
3. Investment banking: In syndicated loans trading, settlement typically takes 20 days or more currently. Smart contracts could reduce the delay in processes such as documentation, buyer/seller confirmation and assignment agreement and checks such as KYC, AML and FATCA2, which are currently performed by back and middle-office staff. This could reduce the settlement cycle for corporate client from 20 days to 6-10. This could lead to an additional five percent growth in demand in future or 2 to 7 billion dollars, leading to higher income in addition to lower operational costs for the investment banks in the US and Europe. In addition, regulatory capital requirements and risk associated with delayed compensation payments during the settlement of the leveraged loan would reduce.
The broad applications of smart contracts within the financial services industry and the potential benefits to consumers have led many organizations to explore them as a matter of priority. Philippe Denis, Head of CIB Blockchain Initiatives at BNP Paribas, said: "Now is the time to start experimenting with smart contracts in a sandbox environment. By 2017, we will begin to see early-stage contracts enabling practical use-cases and also a connection to legacy platforms. By 2019 we might even begin to see consumer adoption ramping up."
Meanwhile, startups built around the idea of smart contracts are thriving. Louis Stone, Managing Director-Head of Business Development, Symbiont: "Two years ago Symbiont was started to show the transformative potential smart contracts could have on financial institutions and capital markets. In a short space of time, having proven the success of several use cases involving smart securities and syndicated loans, we’ve seen huge interest from the industry in exploring and adopting smart contracts."
Amol Khadikar, lead blockchain researcher at Capgemini’s Digital Transformation Institute, said: "Contracts have largely escaped the digitization of financial services, leading consumers to bear the financial brunt of manual, antiquated processes. We’re at a point where distributed ledger technology can, and will, drive a revolution in contracts. This will hugely benefit the industry to reduce risks, cut costs and enhance operational efficiencies. Consumers would benefit, not just financially, but also from processes that are simpler and free of many of the hassles of today’s customer experience."
Please read the full report:
The Digital Transformation Institute is Capgemini Consulting’s in-house think-tank on all things digital. The Institute publishes research on the impact of digital technologies on large traditional businesses. The team draws on the worldwide network of Capgemini experts and works closely with academic and technology partners. The Institute has dedicated research centers in the United Kingdom and India.
About Capgemini
With more than 180,000 people in over 40 countries, Capgemini is a global leader in consulting, technology and outsourcing services. The Group reported 2015 global revenues of EUR 11.9 billion. Together with its clients, Capgemini creates and delivers business, technology and digital solutions that fit their needs, enabling them to achieve innovation and competitiveness. A deeply multicultural organization, Capgemini has developed its own way of working, the Collaborative Business ExperienceTM, and draws on Rightshore®, its worldwide delivery model.
1A permissioned ledger smart contract system allows the participants to agree on who can create, transact, validate and view smart contracts. This is done using rules and permissions granted to the participants in the system in advance. For instance, banks can be granted rights to validate transactions; and regulators can be granted access to view transaction details and so on.
2KYC: Know Your Customer , AML: Anti-Money Laundering, FATCA: Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini
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Can you trust crypto-token crowdfunding?
Posted Feb 12, 2017 by Ben Dickson (@bendee983)
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Ben Dickson is a software engineer and the founder of TechTalks.
More posts by this contributor:
• Unlocking the potential of eye tracking technology
• How blockchain can create the world’s biggest supercomputer
In 2016, blockchain startups raised some $200 million in Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), a new form of crowdfunding based on cryptocurrency tokens. This figure might not be much compared to the billions being poured in by VCs and Kickstarter-style crowdfunding, but it shows a huge year-over-year growth for blockchain crowdsales.
Some of the startups have raked in millions of dollars with barely more than a promise and a website; several have failed to deliver on those promises.
As is with blockchain itself, expert opinion is highly polarized on the crypto–tokencrowdfunding hype, its reliability, its legality and its future. Here’s what you need to know.
How does it work?
In a nutshell, projects launch an ICO by issuing crypto-tokens on the blockchain (usually the Bitcoin or the Ethereum blockchain), giving early investors the chance to acquire tokens in exchange for cryptocurrency.
ICOs are usually limited by time or a cap on the amount of funds raised. The value and number of tokens released can be static or calculated based on the amount of funds raised.
Crypto-tokens have become an easy way for blockchain startups to fund their projects early in the development cycle, and for regular users and enthusiasts to invest in projects of potential value and have a say on how their future is shaped.
Where do crypto-tokens stand legally?
The legal classification of ICOs and crypto-tokens remains murky and a point of contention. They borrow traits from both IPOs and traditional crowdfunding (e.g. Kickstarter, Indiegogo), while at the same time they bear enough difference to avoid fitting into any of those categories.
They do not account as donations because they give crypto–token purchasers a stake in the company and a right to vote on future decisions. Neither can they be called the cryptocurrency equivalent of stocks.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and their counterparts in other countries have remained largely silent on whether crypto-tokens account as securities. A framework put forth by Coinbase, Coin Center, Consensys and Union Square Ventures tries to weigh in on the issue but stops short of providing a definite answer, part of which is due to the unregulated nature of the blockchain itself.
Others, such Preston Byrne, blockchain expert and COO at Monax, are more vocal in their dismissal of token sales as being legal at all. “Real investments are legal in nature in that they specify the rights and obligations of the parties to them and have to follow certain, entirely arbitrary formalities to be valid and binding,” Byrne said in a Slack conversation. “And they rely on the courts for their enforcement.”
Many view ICOs and crypto-token sales as fraudulent schemes for a quick money grab.
If an issuer fails to meet investors’ expectations, such as abstaining from repaying a loan, investors can then go to a court and seek performance, perfection of title to collateral or damages in order to be made whole for their losses.
“Tokens, on the other hand, usually disclaim that any legal relationship exists between the token-seller and the investor at all,” Byrne says. “Fortunately for the law, legal obligations around the marketing of investments are arbitrary and exist no matter how loudly token-peddlers may protest that ‘this time it’s different’ or that ‘blockchains represent a new paradigm.’ The difference between a legal scheme and an illegal one is whether there is a legitimate, legal investment opportunity — a real business with a legal obligation to the investor to deliver something — that underlies it.”
Byrne underlines that coin offerings often don’t follow regulations and purport not to create any legal obligations for the scheme promoter to deliver anything in return to the investor. “Indeed the scheme promoter often expressly disclaims these obligations in their offering documents,” Byrne says. “At the same time the scheme promoter, expressly or impliedly, makes it known to the investors that profits may be expected from the scheme.”
Are crypto–token projects a scam?
Many view ICOs and crypto–token sales as fraudulent schemes for a quick money grab.
Building on his previous arguments and referring to the FTC definition of pyramid or Ponzi schemes, Byrne clearly stipulates, “In my informed opinion, many ‘coin offerings’ run the risk of being seen as closer to Ponzi schemes of the past than they are to legitimate investment products of the present-day. Draping an investment scheme in advanced cryptography and Silicon Valley futurebabble won’t change that. I’m frankly stunned that some of the best minds in venture capital can‘t see what’s right in front of them for what it is.”
Byrne’s perspective is echoed by other experts, who describe them as “snake oil,” scam tokens and outright mistakes.
In fact, many crypto–token projects have failed miserably to deliver on their promises to investors. A stark example is The DAO, which raised $150 million in ICO, the largest ever, and lost a huge chunk of it to a hack, causing a huge stir in the Ethereum community.
In many cases, startups have launched their ICO without due diligence and by offering little more than a vague whitepaper and a flashy website.
“It appears that many of the groups running crypto crowdfunding/ICOs/crowdsales are often deliberately giving outlandish promises with the goal of collecting as much funds as possible, without considering the long-term trust implications, especially for people watching from outside of the crypto-economy,” says Stas Oskin, core developer at, a decentralized platform that aims to address some of the problems that riddle cryptocurrency investment. “This can lead to tarnished brand images for these projects, funding difficulties in the future for the teams involved, but also an overall impression that the space is just too early to get involved in.”
But the rising skepticism hasn’t prevented companies from raising funds through crypto-funding. WINGS itself raised more than $1 million in its first round of ICO. Golem, a decentralized computing platform, raked in $8.6 million in mere minutes in a November ICO. Lisk, a blockchain application platform for JavaScript, collected 14,000 bitcoin (BTC) in its crowdfund in early 2016. And ICONOMI, a platform for managing ICOs and crypto–token projects, scored a $10 million-plus funding in its September token crowdsale.
Some believe the future of the investment landscape will have no place for ICOs and cryptocurrency tokens.
Why does the investor hype surrounding crypto–token continue? A lot of it has to do with the one-time success of Bitcoin and Ethereum, experts believe.
“The main thing that’s going on is crypto enthusiasts have experienced significant gains from BTC and ETH in the past few years and are now overweighting vision and underweighting execution when making investment decisions,” says Nick Tomaino, principal at Runa Capital. “The crypto market has set the bar shockingly low for entrepreneurs to raise money and this is dangerous for everyone involved.”
In a blog post where he weighs in on the “irrational exuberance around ICO investing,” Tomaino describes crypto crowdfunding as fundraising getting done based on vision rather than any semblance of execution. “This has been a problem on Kickstarter for years and I’m fearful we’re going to see a lot of the same in the ICO world,” he says.
Otherwise, blockchain technology and blockchain investment are still nascent, and there are a lot of kinks that need to be ironed out. “The fact is that blockchain services have a real potential to disrupt huge industries like banking or insurance,” says Tim Zagar, co-founder at ICONOMI. “But, as they are very new, there is not much of a track record to go by. So the investors can choose either to wait for certainty and lose the potential of a large payout or accept the inherent risk — because the potential payout is worth it.”
The future of crypto-tokens
Some believe the future of the investment landscape will have no place for ICOs and cryptocurrency tokens. In a post titled “Against Crowdsales,” Hivemind developer Paul Sztorc, warned against crypto–token crowdsales in general, saying, “If you ever ‘invested’ in a crowdsale, you made a big mistake. It’s OK, maybe you didn’t know any better. Until now.”
Others believe it will depend on the investors and whether they push project developers to abide by a set of universally accepted rules. In a Medium blog post, Tomaino proposes a set of best practices that investors can use to vet crypto–token projects and determine whether they’re worth investing or not.
The practices include transparency, presenting a viable and testable model, a cap on funds and a control on liquidity. But above all, Tomaino believes, it’s the team itself that matters.
“Ask any professional VC what the most important aspect of early-stage investing is and they’ll tell you it’s people,” Tomaino says. “ICO investing is very similar to early-stage startup investing. The biggest thing being missed currently is people overweighting the importance of the idea and underweighting the importance of the people behind the idea and ability to execute — this isn’t something that technology will solve anytime soon. Investors need to assess the people behind the project and make sure that they’re quality.”
Several startups are working on programs and platforms that will make it easier for both investors and startups to overcome the challenges of crypto–token projects.
“Very often, blockchain startups are amazing technology teams that lack business experience, which leads them to underestimate the value of market research, sales or even a good revenue model,” ICONOMI’s Zagar told me. ICONOMI, Zagar explained, recently initiated a mentoring program to protect ICO investors while helping projects clarify their business proposition and business plan.
ICOrating is another company that has set up shop recently to offer analytical research and assessment of ICO projects to potential investors. The website presents a list of past and ongoing crypto–token projects along with their details, ICO progress and level of integrity based on the analysis done by the company’s experts.
Only time will tell whether ICOs are just another dot-com bubble ready to burst.
Other companies are pushing for more transparency by leveraging the power of the blockchain itself.
WINGS’ platform for creating and managing decentralized autonomous organizations uses the power of the blockchain community to evaluate and rate tokens. “The most important factors as always are understanding the team, the technology, the market potential and the timing,” says Dominik Zynis, communications lead at WINGS. “That can be really hard — if not impossible — for someone who is not crypto-savvy.”
Zynis further stresses that it can be hard to trust random analysts on the web, especially when their interests and goals are not known.
WINGS gives teams the ability to transparently weigh the sentiment toward their crypto–token project by using the power of crowd intelligence. The platform’s community analysts evaluate tokens via forecast markets, and get accountable and transparent incentives for the accuracy of their forecasts. The votes, history and credibility of each participant is stored on the blockchain.
“We think that this system can be used as a standard like a good housekeeping seal of approval,” Zynis says. “If WINGS forecasters take their financial rewards seriously then over time people will notice that projects that don’t launch with WINGS carry a higher risk factor of failing.”
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Another startup worth following is OpenLedger, which is developing a number of synergistic ecosystems and platforms to enable startups to strategize, promote and execute crypto–token crowdfunding campaigns.
OpenLedger’s team is working to develop a business model that will purportedly provide the blockchain community a source of investment opportunities. At the same time, the team has developed a due diligence checklist that it uses to assist startups through the conceptualization and launch phase and help them vet their projects before going public.
Adel, a self-regulating blockchain startup incubator, is working on an ecosystem based on the Nxt blockchain-as-a-service platform to assist in the proposal and development of blockchain projects. Members can get help on solidifying their proposals for funding by introducing their projects to the Adel community and receive advisory services in various fields such as finance, marketing, tech and law.
Adel will ICO in March 2017.
It’s still too early to see if any of these initiatives will manage to bring order to the chaos of the crypto–token landscape. The fintech industry is still ripe for disruption and only time will tell whether ICOs are just another dot-com bubble ready to burst or a new form of the investment that will drive a wedge between traditional venture capital and centralized crowdfunding and carve itself a permanent niche.
In the meantime, if trends are any indication, crypto-tokens will continue to absorb huge amounts of cash in 2017.
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Showcase: ICONOMI.index
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Launch date
21 Dec 2016
No. of tokens in array
1 week return
6.29 %
1 month return
40.63 %
02 Feb 10:4625 Feb 14:2020 Mar 17:5312 Apr 21:26$0.1500$0.2000$0.2500$0.3000
is a passive Digital Asset ArrayTM (DAA) developed from the ICONOMI value tokens index. It measures the performance of digital assets that meet the ICONOMI eligibility criteria and reflects the blockchain economy. The structure of the ICONOMI.index DAA delivers diversification benefits and minimises risk. The digital assets included in the index represent ~92% of the total market capitalisation of value tokens.
is an actively managed DAA with a higher performance target. Lead by a team of experts conducting thorough research and due diligence, ICONOMI.performance connects supporters’ digital assets with the best distributed economy startups and other lucrative opportunities.
ICONOMI is more than just a marketplace for value tokens. The ICONOMI Digital Assets Management platform is an application that enables access to variety of digital assets and combined Digital Asset ArraysTM (DAA). ICONOMI provides DAA managers and their supporters the best experience and the simplest way to enter the rapidly growing distributed economy.
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Digital Asset Arrays (DAA) include various combinations of digital assets. Each manager can create his own assortment of specific digital assets and offer them to the community.
Benefits of Digital Asset Arrays
Because arrays can consist of as many underlying digital assets as you want, they are a perfect vehicle to achieve your goals. Arrays can be either diversified to maximise value stability or tuned to aggressively pursue maximum gains.
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Invite others to support your assets array and share proceeds.
ICONOMI.index is a passive digital assets array (DAA) developed from the ICONOMI cryptocurrencies index. It measures the performance of digital assets that meet the ICONOMI eligibility criteria and mimics the blockchain economy. The structure of the ICONOMI.index DAA delivers diversification benefits and minimises risk. The digital assets currently included in the index represent ~92% of the total market capitalisation of cryptocurrencies.
ICONOMI.index constituents and their corresponding weights are rebalanced on a monthly basis, or more frequently due to the fast changing environment of the cryptocurrency market. Between rebalancing periods, the weights of the index constituents move proportionally to their price movements. If the weight of a specific digital asset surpasses 25%, the index is immediately rebalanced.
ICONOMI.index is represented by ICNX app token. The methodology, rules, current structure and price of ICONOMI.index is published and updated every 5 minutes.
The Cosmos fundraiser raised $16.8 million USD and finished on April 6, 2017 6:28AM PDT.
Building an Internet of Blockchains
Cosmos is a project with an ambitious mission: To create a network of distributed ledgers that will solve long-standing problems in the cryptocurrency and blockchain communities.
The Cosmos network consists of many independent, parallel blockchains, called zones, each powered by classical Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) consensus protocols like Tendermint (already used by platforms like ErisDB). Some zones act as hubs with respect to other zones, allowing many zones to interoperate through a shared hub. The architecture is a more general application of the Bitcoin sidechains concept, using classic BFT and Proof-of-Stake algorithms, instead of Proof-of-Work.
Cosmos Hub
The first blockchain in the Cosmos network is the Cosmos hub. The Cosmos hub connects to zones via the novel IBC (inter-blockchain communication) protocol and keeps a record of the total number of tokens in each zone. Because all inter-zone token transfers go through the Cosmos hub, you can transfer tokens from one zone to another, quickly and securely, without the need for a liquid exchange or a trusted third party between zones.
The Cosmos hub can connect to many different kinds of zones, as long as each zone speaks IBC. As a result, Cosmos can support a variety of currencies and scripting languages like those found in Bitcoin, Ethereum, ZeroCash, CryptoNote, and more.
Read Whitepaper
Fundraiser Event
raised $16.8 million USD in 28 minutes.
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