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米駆逐艦にロ軍機接近 バルト海、「危険」と非難
2016.4.14 09:04 産経新聞
バルト海の公海上で、米海軍のイージス駆逐艦ドナルド・クックに接近するロシア軍のSU24戦闘機=12日(米海軍提供・ロイター) An U.S. Navy picture shows what appears to be a Russian Sukhoi SU-24 attack aircraft flying over the U.S. guided missile destroyer USS Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea in this picture taken April 12, 2016 and released April 13, 2016. Two Russian warplanes with no visible weaponry flew near the destroyer in what one U.S. official described as one of the most aggressive interactions in recent memory. REUTERS
U.S. Navy picture shows what appears to be a Russian Sukhoi SU-24 attack aircraft making a very low pass close to the U.S. guided missile destroyer USS Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea in this picture taken April 12, 2016 and released April 13, 2016. Two Russian warplanes with no visible weaponry flew near the destroyer in what one U.S. official described as one of the most aggressive interactions in recent memory. REUTERS
An U.S. Navy picture shows what appears to be two Russian Sukhoi SU-24 attack aircraft flying over the U.S. guided missile destroyer USS Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea in this picture taken April 12, 2016 and released April 13, 2016. Two Russian warplanes with no visible weaponry flew near the destroyer in what one U.S. official described as one of the most aggressive interactions in recent memory. REUTERS
An U.S. Navy picture shows what appears to be two Russian Sukhoi SU-24 attack aircraft flying over the U.S. guided missile destroyer USS Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea in this picture taken April 12, 2016 and released April 13, 2016. Two Russian warplanes with no visible weaponry flew near the destroyer in what one U.S. official described as one of the most aggressive interactions in recent memory. REUTERS
- NATO ロシア機が「ドナルド・クック」の周囲を飛行した問題をロシアと協議することを決める:露艦船も米国近海を遊弋したら あっしら 2016/4/15 14:47:40
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