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Requests for President Trump: Rebuild the United States and preside the new world order
- Based on the "Japan, the US and Russia Trilateral Alliance", pull out fangs of China and the Islamic extremists, and become the leader of the new world order based on the great cause.
- After the withdrawal of the current TPP treaty, detoxify the arbitrariness of international capital, and revise the treaty to true WinWin based one for people of the US, Japan and other nations.
- Establish a success model of the social structure to solve the disparity problem, so that each citizen layer will be full of vitality.
I think these are just "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN".
Nov.19th 2016
Kozen Sato from Japan,
- トランプ大統領への要請書: 米国を立て直し、新しき世界秩序を主宰せよ 佐藤鴻全 2016/11/20 05:36:36
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