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Huge crane collapses on to Japan nuclear plant – Damages spent fuel pool building – Area covered in mangled wreckage – TV: “Workers checking building’s functions to prevent radioactive materials from leaking” (VIDEOS & PHOTOS)
日本の原子力発電所(高浜原発2号機)で巨大なクレーンが倒壊 - 燃料プールの損害 –エリアはたたきつぶされた残骸でカバーされた - テレビ:「放射性物質が漏れないように建物の機能をチェックしている作業員」(ビデオと写真)
Published: January 22nd, 2017 at 5:57 am ET By ENENews
公開:2017年1月22日午前5時57分 ET By ENENews
Kyodo News. Jan. 21, 2017 (emphasis added): Crane falls on building storing spent nuclear fuel at Takahama plant — A crane collapsed Friday night at the Takahama power station… damaging a building housing spent nuclear fuel, the plant operator said Saturday… An official apologized for the accident at a news conference at the plant, saying the utility would re-examine the risk of crane accidents amid strong winds and investigate the cause of the latest incident…
共同通信社(ジャパンタイムズ)。 2017年1月21日(金)に、高浜原発(2号機)でクレーンが使用済み核燃料を保管する建物に落下 - 高浜発電所で金曜日の夜に崩落したクレーンは...核燃料を貯蔵するビルディングに損害を与えた、とオペレータは言った。… 関係者は原発での記者会見で謝罪した、そして強風の中でのクレーン事故のリスクを再調査し、最新の事故の原因を調査すると言った。
Asahi Shimbun, Jan 21, 2017: The mangled wreckage of the construction crane at the Takahama nuclear power plant… The 113-meter tall [nearly 400 foot] crane used for construction work collapsed around 9:50 p.m. … The plant’s operations have been suspended. The mangled wreckage lies on [a] building used to store spent nuclear fuel… Winds gusting at 50.4 to 54 kph [31 to 34 mph] were raging at the time, and a warning had been issued…
朝日新聞英語版、2017年1月21日:高浜原子力発電所の建設用クレーンの壊れた残骸...建設作業に使われた高さ113メートル[高さ約400フィート]のクレーンが午後9時50分頃に倒壊した。 … 原発の作業は停止した。壊れた残骸は使用済み核燃料を貯蔵するのに使われる建物の上にある...時速50.4〜54キロメートル[時速31〜34マイル]の風が吹き荒れていて、警報が発令されていた...
Jiji Press, Jan 21, 2017: Large Crane Falls Down at Takahama Nuclear Plant… A 113-meter crane toppled over two buildings… Friday night, the operator… [T]he 270-ton boom crane partially damaged steel frames of an auxiliary building and an adjoining spent fuel storage facility for the No. 2 reactor… The central control room for the reactor is located in the auxiliary building…
時事通信英語版、2017年1月21日:大型クレーンが高浜原子力発電所に落下する...金曜日の夜、オペレーター(は言った)... 113メートルのクレーンが2つの建物にひっくり返る... 270トンのブーム[ク]レーンが、2号機原子炉の隣接する使用済燃料貯蔵の鉄骨骨組にダメージを与えた...原子炉の中央制御室は補助ビル内に位置しています。
Getty Images, Jan 21, 2017: Crane falls on Takahama plant building housing spent nuclear fuel… where a crane collapsed a day earlier, damaging a building housing spent nuclear fuel.
Manichi Daily News, Jan 21, 2017: After the incident, the framework of the collapsed crane was seen bent along the buildings on which it fell, and the metal rails on the edges of the roofs of the two affected buildings were damaged… [A] worker at the plant’s central control room heard a loud sound and checked to find one of the four cranes collapsed…
NHK, Jan 20, 2017: A large crane has toppled onto a building storing nuclear fuel… Part of the building’s roof was damaged… Workers at the plant found… the crane had half-collapsed onto the building next to the containment vessel… They confirmed damage to a facility collecting rainwater on the roof, but say they have detected no change to radiation levels in the surrounding area… Nuclear Regulation Authority says its inspectors have confirmed the falling crane caused wall panels inside the building to move. Workers are checking the building’s functions to prevent radioactive materials from leaking… The Takahama plant’s operational chief… apologized for the accident…
Watch videos: Asahi | NHK
動画を見る:朝日| NHK
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