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Photographer Sneaks into Fukushima: “I can feel a burning sensation in my eyes and thick chemical smell”… We drove straight out — An “almost entirely lifeless” post-apocalyptic world… “IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!” — “Radiation leakage is damaging environment and life in Pacific” (PICS & VIDEO)
写真家が福島に潜入する:「私は、目に灼熱感と濃い(化学)薬品臭を感じることができます」...我々はまっすぐに運転しました - 「ほぼ完全に生気のない」黙示録後の世界...「それは驚くべきものだった!!!!!」 -「放射能漏れは太平洋地域の環境と生活環境にダメージを与えています」(写真と動画)
Published: July 15th, 2016 at 7:49 am ET By ENENews
公開:2016年7月15日、午前7:49 ET ENENewsによる
Facebook post by Keow Wee Loong, Jul 13, 2016 (English edited and emphasis added):
Fukushima exclusion zone… Never seen before photo of the Fukushima exclusion zone. When i enter the red zone, i can feel a burning sensation in my eyes and thick chemical smell in the air. before i went there the authority told me that i need a special permit to visit this town and it take 3-4 weeks to get the approval from the local council,, well too much bureaucracy bullshit for i just sneak in the forest to avoid cops on the road …AND IT WAS AMAZING !!!!! …
福島避難(立ち入り禁止)ゾーン...福島の立ち入り禁止ゾーンの写真を以前に見たことがありません。私がレッドゾーンに入るとき、目に灼熱感と空気中の濃い(化学)薬品臭を感じることができます。私はそこに行く前に、当局は私がこの町を訪問するために特別な許可を必要とし、それが地方議会の承認を得るのに3-4週間かかること、を私に言いました,,私にとってもあまりにも多くの官僚のでたらめです..ですから私は道路上の警官を回避するために、森の中にこっそり潜入した...そしてそれは驚くべきものでした!!!!! ...
Have you ever wonder what is like in Fukushima exclusion zone now ??? . to feel what is like to be the only person walking in the town when you have 100% full access to every shop and explore??. when i was young i always had a dream like this… everything is exactly where it is after the earthquake struck this town… The radiation level is still very high in the red zone. not many people seen this town for the last 5 years…is like it vanished … i can find food, money, gold, laptop and other valuable in the red zone… I’m amaze that nobody looted this town clean. unlike Chernobyl [where] the entire town is been looted clean. this is the difference between Chernobyl disaster and the Fukushima disaster.
Facebook post by Keow Wee Loong, Jul 9, 2016 (English edited): Ever wonder what is like in Fukushima exclusion zone now ??? … The radiation level is still very high in the red zone. not many people seen this town for the last 5 years…is like it vanished … I can find food, money, gold, laptop and other valuable in the red zone… I’m amaze that nobody looted this town clean. Well this is the devastating effects of using nuclear energy. Resident lives in Fukushima will never be the same again… The radiation leak at red zone by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is damaging the environment and marine life in the Pacific Ocean…
ケアウ・ウィー・ルーンによるFacebookの投稿、2016年7月9日(英語編集):現在福島避難(立ち入り禁止)区域は一体でどのようなものでしょうか? ...放射能レベルはレッドゾーンで依然として非常に高いです。多くの人々は...最近5年間この町を見ていません、それは消えたようなものです...私はレッドゾーンに食べ物、お金、金(ゴールド)、ラップトップ(コンピュータ)やその他の貴重な物を見つけることができます...私は、この町がきれいに誰も略奪していないことに驚きます。まあ、これは原子力エネルギーを使用したことによる壊滅的な影響です。福島の住民の生活は再び同じになることはありません...福島第一原子力発電所によるレッドゾーンでの放射能漏れは太平洋の環境と海洋生物にダメージを与えています...
CNN, Jul 14, 2016: Photographer sneaks into Fukushima ‘Red Zone’… For more than half a decade, towns like Tomioka, Okuma, Futaba, Namie, have remained almost entirely lifeless, sealed off from the outside world, as the Japanese government keeps in place an exclusion zone for fear of radiation contamination. Last month, under the cover of night, photographer Keow Wee Loong and two colleagues slipped past authorities and made their way into the exclusion zone, taking a three-hour walk through the woods to reach the abandoned towns… There are few signs of life in the exclusion zone, Loong said, apart from a few cats and dogs; pets abandoned, now turned wild, he speculates. One dog chased the photographer and he was forced to fight him off with his tripod.
RT, Jul 14, 2016: Urban explorer and photographer Keow Wee Loong illegally visited abandoned settlements around the Fukushima Daichii nuclear power plant and produced a series of photos of a post-apocalyptic world inhabited only by feral beasts… Despite often venturing into abandoned sites, Loong was taken aback. “It’s very empty, it’s very quiet, and it’s kind of scary”… “Unlike Chernobyl, where everything valuable has been looted clean, here everything is in place.”… Unsettled by what he experienced, Loong got in his car and drove straight out… “I want people to see the devastating effect of a nuclear disaster like Chernobyl or Fukushima. I don’t care about the fame, but I want people to see those photos.”
Mailonline, Jul 12, 2016: Wearing a gas mask but no other protective clothing, Loong, 27, visited four of the evacuated towns in Fukushima – Tomioka, Okuma, Namie and Futaba – in June this year with friends Sherena Ng and Koji Hori… the towns have been completely untouched by humanity since then… [Loong said] If you visit any boutique or shopping mall in these towns, you will see the merchandise exactly where it was since 2011, nothing has been changed or moved.’…
メイル・オンライン、2016年7月12日:ガスマスクを身に着けて、しかし何の他の防護服も着ずに、ルーン、27歳は福島の避難された町の4つ - 富岡町、大熊町、浪江町や双葉町 - を訪問しました – 本年6月に友人シェレナ・ンとホリ・コウジと一緒に... 町はその時以来、人類によって完全に手つかずされています...[ルーンは言いました]もしあなた方がこれらの町で如何なるブティックやショッピングモールを訪問しても、2011年以来のその場所に正確にその商品を見ます、何も変わっていないし移動されていない。」...
Loong added: ‘I even found money laying around the pachinko parlour, books dating back to 2011, gold and other valuables all still in place… Due to the high level of radiation, the adventurers only had a limited amount of time to explore all four towns and had to wear gas masks to protect themselves from the contaminated air.
Loong explained: ‘The radiation level in the red zone could go as high as 4.8mSv – 6.5 mSv according to the reading on the electronic signboard on the road. ‘Upon arrival in the red zone, I could smell chemicals and felt a burning sensation in my eyes.’ … The urban explorers walked along an abandoned train station in Futaba, Fukushima, which was eerily devoid of life… ‘This was one of the creepiest things I have ever seen, I have been to many places, but nothing like Fukushima, the traffic lights are still operating but there are no cars around. ‘It all reminded me of the movie I Am Legend, like stepping foot into a post-apocalyptic city.’
ルーンは説明した:「レッドゾーンでの放射能レベルは4.8ミリシーベルトと高い値を示した - 道路上の電光掲示板の示度によると6.5ミリシーベルト。「レッドゾーンに到着すると、私は化学薬品の匂いを嗅ぐことができ、目に灼熱感を感じました。」...都会の探検家は生気を不気味に欠いた福島、双葉町の放棄された鉄道駅を歩きました...「これは私が今まで見てきた最も身の毛のよだつ事の一つでした、私は多くの場所に行ったことがあるが、福島のような町は(何処にも)無い、交通信号灯はまだ動作しているが、何の車も周りに存在しません。「それにより、ポスト黙示録の都市に足を踏み入れたような映画アイ・アムレジェンドを全て思い出しました。」
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