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AP: Officials “admit deadly Fukushima meltdown coverup” — TEPCO President: We lied about meltdowns, “It was a cover-up… This is a grave issue” — “It’s an unprecedented nuclear disaster… about as bad as it gets” — Revealed “unpardonable breach of trust” (VIDEO)
AP通信:(東京電力)関係者は「致命的な福島メルトダウンの隠蔽工作を認めます」 - 東京電力(廣瀬直己)社長:我々はメルトダウンについて嘘を突きました、「それは隠蔽だった...これは重大な問題です」 - 「それは未曾有の原子力災害です...(メルトダウンと炉心溶融は)大体同じくらいに悪しきに至る」 - 明らかになった「信頼の許し難い侵害」(動画)
Published: June 22nd, 2016 at 12:55 am ET By ENENews
公開:2016年6月22日午前0:55 ET ENENewsによる
The Times, Jun 22, 2016 (emphasis added): Fukushima nuclear meltdown was covered up, plant operator admits — The company responsible for the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant has admitted lying about the meltdown of its reactors five years ago, in a deliberate cover-up…
タイムズ、2016年6月22日(強調を追加):福島原子力メルトダウンは隠蔽されていました、原発オペレータは認めています - 福島第一原子力発電所に責任を持つ会社は、意図的な隠蔽により、5年前の原子炉メルトダウンに関しての嘘を認めています...
NHK, Jun 21, 2016: TEPCO admits meltdown cover-up — The president of Tokyo Electric Power Company has admitted the company concealed the reactor meltdowns at its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant… TEPCO President Naomi Hirose said at a news conference on Tuesday that the company’s concealment of the meltdowns at the order of its then-president is a grave issue.
NHKワールド英語翻訳、2016年6月21日:東京電力はメルトダウンの隠蔽を認めています - 東京電力の社長は、同社が福島第一原子力発電所原子炉のメルトダウンを隠したことを認めています...東電・廣瀬直己社長は火曜日の記者会見で、その当時の社長命令によりメルトダウンを会社が隠蔽したことは重大な問題である、と語りました。
AP, Jun 21, 2016: The utility that ran the Fukushima nuclear plant acknowledged Tuesday its delayed disclosure of the meltdowns at three reactors was tantamount to a cover-up and apologized… “I would say it was a cover-up,” Hirose told a news conference. “It’s extremely regrettable.”… TEPCO has been accused of a series of cover-ups in the disaster…
CBS (AP), Jun 21, 2016: Fukushima meltdown apology: “It was a cover-up“
CBC (AP), Jun 21, 2016: Japanese power company TEPCO admits it lied about meltdown after Fukushima
Hong Kong Standard (AP), Jun 21, 2016: Japanese operator admits deadly Fukushima nuke meltdown coverup
Shanghai Daily (AP), Jun 22, 2016: It was a cover-up, says Fukushima chief
Asahi Shimbun, Jun 18, 2016: A panel investigating Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s response to the triple meltdown during the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster revealed an unpardonable breach of trust by the operator of the stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. But there is still a lot more work to be done by the panel to uncover the full scope of the utility’s apparent meltdown cover-up.
Immediately after the catastrophic accident at the Fukushima nuclear plant, then TEPCO President Masataka Shimizu instructed employees not to use the term “meltdown,” leading to a delay in the official announcement, according to a report compiled by the investigation panel commissioned by the company. A reactor meltdown, or the melting of nuclear fuel in the core of a reactor, is about as bad as it gets. The panel’s report suggests that in the middle of this unprecedented nuclear disaster the top official of the plant operator was trying to conceal the severity of what was unfolding from the public…
Watch NHK’s broadcast here
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