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「5 More U.S. Nukes to Close, Will Diablo Canyon Be Next?」 (EcoWatch 2016/6/17)
A rising tsunami of U.S. nuke shut-downs may soon include California’s infamous Diablo Canyon double reactors. But it depends on citizen action, including a statewide petition.
Five U.S. reactor closures have been announced within the past month. A green regulatory decision on California’s environmental standards could push the number to seven.
The focus is now on a critical June 28 California State Lands Commission meeting. Set for Sacramento, the hearing could help make the Golden State totally nuke free, ending the catastrophic radioactive and global warming impacts caused by these failing plants. A public simulcast of the Sacramento meeting is expected to gather a large crowd at the Morro Bay Community Center near the reactor site. The meeting starts at 10 a.m., but environmental groups will rally outside the community center starting at 9 a.m.
The three State Lands Commissioners will decide whether to require a legally-mandated Environmental Impact Report under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). If ordered, a public scoping process will begin, allowing interested groups and individuals to weigh in on the environmental impacts of operation of two nuclear reactors on California’s fragile coastline.
In 1969 and 1970 PG&E got state leases for tidewater acreage for Diablo’s cooling system. These leases are set to expire in 2018 and 2019. If the State Lands Commission does not renew them, both reactors will be forced to shut down.
Signed in 1970 by then-Gov. Ronald Reagan, CEQA requires more extensive Environmental Impact Reports on such leases. Included among the issues to be evaluated are water quality, potential damage to human and other life forms, chemical and radiation releases, and impacts on threatened and endangered species. The commission will not decide whether Diablo will continue to operate, only whether it will now be required to meet CEQA standards.
Pro-nukers say PG&E is at the brink of shutting Diablo’s reactors. They cannot economically compete with renewables or gas and are sustained by an intricate network of subsidies, liability protection and tax breaks. Many believe the cost of new environmental studies and of meeting updated standards would be a death blow. More protestors have been arrested at Diablo than any other American nuke, and the public pressure to finally shut it is intense.
One of the commissioners is Gavin Newsom, California’s Lieutenant Governor, 2018’s leading gubernatorial candidate. Newsom said he sees no long-term future for Diablo.
Another commissioner, state controller Betty Yee, is widely thought to favor the requirement.
State finance director Michael Cohen is the third commissioner. He generally votes as instructed by Gov. Jerry Brown. Brown opposed Diablo early in his career, but has recently waffled.
Among other things, Diablo dumps daily some 2.5 billion gallons of super-heated water into the ocean, killing vast quantities of marine life and worsening the global climate crisis. The project’s chemical runoff infamously killed millions of abalone years before it operated.
Diablo may soon face regulatory challenges from other state and federal agencies that could, among other things, require cooling towers, at a cost of up to $14 billion. PG&E would then face a fierce public fight over who would pay for them.
Diablo is surrounded by a dozen earthquake faults. It is half the distance from the San Andreas as was Fukushima from the shock that destroyed it. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s former resident inspector Dr. Michael Peck has warned Diablo might not survive a similar quake. Such a disaster would irradiate the Central Valley, which supplies much of the U.S. with its fruits, nuts and vegetables. It would send radioactive clouds into Los Angeles within about five hours, and across virtually the entire continental U.S.
Closing Diablo would make California entirely nuke-free. Grassroots activists, with help from U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer and Friends of the Earth, recently shut two big reactors at San Onofre, between Los Angeles and San Diego. They also closed plants at Rancho Seco (near Sacramento) and Humboldt Bay, and stopped proposed projects at Bodega and Bakersfield.
Along with most nukes around the world, the only other remaining west coast reactor, WPPS2 on Washington’s Hanford military reservation, is also losing massive amounts of money.
Because they can’t evenly compete with renewable energy or gas, a tsunami of shut-downs has swept away a dozen U.S. reactors since October, 2012. Dozens more teeter at the brink, including two at Indian Point, just north of Manhattan, and Ohio’s rapidly crumbling Davis-Besse reactor near Toledo.
In Japan, more than 40 reactors remain shut despite intense government pressure to reopen them in the wake of the Fukushima catastrophe. Germany’s energiewende conversion to 100 percent renewables, which aims to shut all its reactors by 2022, is ahead of schedule and under budget. Much of the rest of Europe, including France, is now moving that way.
Should California follow suit at Diablo, its conversion to a wholly green-powered economy would accelerate, likely leading Los Angeles to become the world’s first Solartopian megalopolis.
Ironically, with citizen action, a big push in that direction could now come from a state commission’s decision to enforce environmental protections signed into law by California’s most pro-nuke governor.
Harvey Wasserman’s SOLARTOPIA! OUR GREEN-POWERED EARTH is, along with his upcoming AMERICA AT THE BRINK OF REBIRTH: THE ORGANIC SPIRAL OF U.S. HISTORY. He has co-written six books on election protection with Bob Fitrakis (, and was arrested at Diablo Canyon in 1984.
* 米国では原発閉鎖の津波が、カリフォルニア州の2基の原子炉をもつ悪名高いディアブロ・キャニオン
* 先月だけでも全米で5つの原子炉の閉鎖が発表されたが、加州の環境基準に基づく規制の決定により
* 加州から全原発をなくし放射能汚染と地球温暖化の危機から救えるかどうか、6月28日に開かれる
* 3人の州土地利用委員会委員がカリフォルニア環境質法(CEQA)を適用するかを決定する。
* そのひとり、2018年州知事選候補でもあるガヴィン・ニューサム副知事は、ディアブロの将来は
* 電力会社のPG&Eがディアブロの冷却システムのために得た潮水地積借用権は2018-19年に失効する。
* 1970年にロナルド・レーガン州知事が署名したCEQAは、水質保全、人間や他の生物への潜在的な被害、
* 原発推進派曰く、PG&Eはディアブロの原子炉を閉鎖しようとしている。ディアブロは経済的に
* ディアブロ原発では、どこの原発よりも多くの反対者が逮捕されており、閉鎖に追い込む市民の圧力が
* ディアブロは25億ガロンの熱い排水を太平洋に流しており、多くの海洋生物を殺し、地球規模の
* ディアブロを環境基準に適合させるため、冷却塔に最大140億ドルが必要で、PG&Eはその調達に関して
* ディアブロは10以上の地震断層に囲まれている。サンアンドレアス断層までの距離は、
* ひとたび原発事故が起きれば、果物、ナッツ、野菜の生産地であるセントラル・ヴァレーを汚染し、
* ディアブロの閉鎖によりカリフォルニアは原発のない州となる。
* 上院議員バーバラ・ボクサーと"地球の友"の助力を得た草の根運動は、ロサンジェルスと
* 西海岸で残っているのはワシントン州ハンフォード軍用地にあるWPPS2だが、これも巨額の金を
* 再生エネルギーや天然ガスと対等に競争できないため、2012年10月以来、米国では1ダースもの
* 日本では、40基以上が政府の再稼働圧力にもかかわらず停止中。ドイツでは2022年までに全廃。
* ディアブロ閉鎖でグリーンエネルギーに加速がつき、ロサンジェルスは世界初の
ソーラートピアン・メガロポリス(solartopian megalopolis)になるかも知れない。
* 皮肉なことに、加州切っての原発推進派であった州知事の署名した環境保護政策が、
「ディアブロ・キャニオン原子力発電所」 (ウィキペディア)
「米電力大手エクセロン、採算悪化で原発2カ所閉鎖 (日経)」 (拙稿 2016/6/4)
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