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TV: Surge in babies being born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima — “I feel officials know the cause is radiation” — Nurse says many are getting abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies — “High number of stillbirths” — Many people reporting cancers, even far away from Fukushima (VIDEO)
テレビ:福島(事故)後、余分な腕・足を持って生まれた赤ちゃんが急増 - 「私は、当局が原因は放射能であると知っていると感じている」 - 看護師は、「不自由な」赤ちゃんを回避するために多くが中絶されている、と言います - 「死産の高い数」 - 多くの人々は、福島から遠く離れてさえも癌を報告している(動画)
Published: April 18th, 2016 at 8:14 am ET By ENENews
公開:2016年4月18日、8:14 ET ENENewsによる
LaborNet TV (subtitles by Emiko Suehiro), Feb 24, 2016 (emphasis added):
Satomi Horikiri, Host (8:30 in): Have you heard of any health hazards in Fukushima?
Hisae Unuma, evacuee Futabamachi: I know many saying they have cancers, even in Saitama Prefecture…
堀切さとみ、論主( 8分30秒の所で):あなたは福島で何らかの健康被害を聞いたことがありますか?
Setsuko Kida, evacuee from Tomiokamachi: My daughter [got] pregnant in the fall of 2013, but she was diagnosed with tethered miscarriage… the womb grew…but her unborn baby didn’t grow at all. She… got a second opinion from another clinic in Mito, only to get the same result. When the Mito doctor asked her why she came for the second opinion, she told she couldn’t trust the doctor in Fukushima…
Many with a birth defect were born after Hiroshima/Nagasaki A-bomb, but the number dropped in one or two years. I only knew the reason in 2013; many women had to have an abortion, so that inconvenient babies wouldn’t be born… One month later, I was happy to know my daughter got pregnant. But in only 3 months my daughter told me the bad news and my mind got flooded with that story of Hiroshima/Nagasaki.
先天性欠損症(先天異常)の多くは広島 / 長崎原爆の後に生まれました、しかしその数は、1〜2年で低下しました。私は2013年にその理由を知っていました;多くの女性は不自由な赤ちゃんが生まれることがないように、中絶をしていました...1ヶ月後、私は自分の娘が妊娠したことを知って幸せでした。しかし、わずか3ヶ月で私の娘は私に悪いニュースを語りました、そして私の心は、広島 / 長崎のその話で充満しました。
That’s where I started to doubt. Although I asked the doctor to wait and see since my daughter could give birth if she tried, but the doctor said that the unborn child inside her was not alive anymore… So she had the abortion. My daughter called and told her friend about her abortion… She was told that out of 4 in her friends group, 3, including herself, had abortion during early pregnancy.
それが私の疑い始めたところです。もし私の娘が試みれば出産する可能性があるので、待って様子を見るように私は医者に頼んだが、医者は彼女の内部の胎児はもう生きていない、と述べました...だから彼女は中絶をしました。私の娘は彼女の友人を呼び、彼女の妊娠中絶について話しました... 娘の友人グループの4人から、3人(自分自身を含む)が初期の妊娠の間に妊娠中絶を受けた、と彼女は(娘に)話されました。
The only one who could give birth was told by her doctor that she was unable to give birth because of the baby’s weak heart sound. So my daughter began to doubt her doctor, thinking her unborn baby could have made it. I became doubtful as well. A nurse I knew told me that many get abortions in Fukushima. My daughter and friends are just a few of those.
Host: That is a painful story.
Kida: A year later I got to hear first hand cases of babies with a structural birth defect or polymelia ["Birth defect… in which the affected individual has more than the usual number of limbs" -Source] twice as many. I feel our gov’t or the medical university knows the cause is the radiation… My daughter remembers the words by her doctor… “We’ll send this cell to Fukushima Medical”… Why do they have to send a cell of aborted fetus? Is that what they had been doing? For what?
木田:一年後私は最初に、構造的先天性欠損症や多肢症[“先天異常…影響を受けた個人が通常の四肢の数よりも多くを持っている" – 情報源]を持った赤ちゃんのケースが2倍の多さである、と聞きました。私たちの政府あるいは医科大学は、原因が放射能であることを知っている、と感じます...私の娘は自分の医師の言葉を覚えています...「私たちは福島県立医大にこの細胞をお送りします」...なぜ彼らは流産した胎児の細胞を送る必要がありますか?それは彼らがやっていたことですか?何のために?
Host: So many doubtful things going on…
Kida (23:15 in): I just shared the story about my daughter’s abortion and high number of stillbirths. Whenever I deliver such a message I’m told to shut up. People say it’s a delicate issue, bad influence on Fukushima reconstruction or no data to back up. But more than 10 girls had similar experience as my daughter’s. Actually one woman was recommended to get an abortion at 6 months pregnancy last summer, and her unborn baby lacking one arm, one leg, with only 3 fingers on its foot…
木田( 23分15秒の所で):私は正に私の娘の妊娠中絶や死産の高い数についての話を共有しました。私がそのようなメッセージを配信するたびに、私は黙っているように言われています。人々は、それは微妙な問題で、福島の復興への悪影響がある、そしてバックアップするデータがない、と言います。しかし、10人以上の女子が私の娘と同様の経験をしました。実際に一人の女性は、昨年夏に妊娠6ヶ月で中絶をするように推奨されていました、そして、彼女の胎児は一方の腕、一方の足を欠いています、その足は指が3本しかありませんでした...
The nuclear reactors exploded, melted through… contaminated water keeps flowing into the Pacific Ocean. That’s the reason they asked not to restart nuclear plants. But isn’t the real reason the health hazard caused by radiation coming out? Health hazards are actually caused, and we have to send out such messages. But if we denied health problems… that would be the same as what Tepco or the gov’t is doing.
Watch the broadcast here
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