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Nuclear Expert: Fukushima “like the worst nightmare becoming reality” — Released as much as 1,000 atomic bombs worth of radioactive material — “Everyone on earth has been exposed… an increase in cancer will be the result”
原子力専門家(小出裕章):「福島は最悪の悪夢が現実となっているようだ」 - 原子爆弾の千倍に値する放射性物質が放出された - 「地球上の誰もが暴露されている... 結果として癌が増加する」
Published: March 11th, 2016 at 10:06 am ET By ENENews
公開:2016年3月11日 10:06 ET ENENewsによる
Interview with nuclear engineer Hiroaki Koide (translation by Prof. Robert Stolz, transcription by Akiko Anson), published Mar 8, 2016 (emphasis added):
As for the scale of the [Fukushima] accident… we simply don’t know… all the measuring equipment was destroyed at the time of the accident…
The Japanese government has reported estimates [of] 1.5×10^16 Becquerels of Cs-137, which would make it a release of 168 times more radioactive material than the Hiroshima bombing. And this is only material released into the atmosphere…
But I myself think the government’s numbers are an underestimate. Various experts and institutes from around the world have offered several of their own estimates… some two or three times higher than the government’s numbers. According to these other estimates I think that the release of Cs-137 into the atmosphere could be around 500 times the Hiroshima bombing.
What has been washed into the sea… is likely not much different from the levels released into the atmosphere. Even today we are unable to prevent this release. And so if we combine the amount of Cs-137 released in the air and the ocean together, we get an estimate several hundred times the Hiroshima levels. And some estimates suggest the Fukushima accident could be as much as one-thousand Hiroshimas…The amount released into the atmosphere from the explosion during the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant was 800 to 1000 times the Hiroshima levels.
Put simply, these estimates place Fukushima on par with Chernobyl… [T]he radioactive material released from Fukushima has been dispersed across the globe… everyone on earth has been exposed to additional radiation… An increase in cancer will be the result…
Not a single nuclear expert or policy maker ever seriously considered the possibility of an accident like this… I had been commenting on the possibility, referring to some results of simulations. But still I would have thought the kind of disaster that happened at Fukushima was some kind of impossible nightmare―yet it actually happened. It was like the worse nightmare becoming a reality… all those pronuclear people surely never gave it a moment’s thought. And so when it actually happened, no one had thought about, let alone built a system to deal with it.
専門家や政策者は今までに、一人も真剣にこのような事故の可能性を考えませんでした...私は幾つかのシミュレーションの結果を参照して、可能性についてコメントしていました。しかし、それでもまだ私は、福島で起こった種類の災害は、ある種の信じがたい悪夢だと考えていました – しかしそれは実際に起こった。それは現実化している一層悪い悪夢のようでした...核(原子力)時代の前の人々は全て確実にそれを一瞬でも考えたことが決してありませんでした。そしてそれが実際に起こったとき、誰もそれについての考えがありませんでした、対処するためのシステムを構築することは言うまでもなく。
Asia-Pacific Journal, Mar 2016: As we learn in this wide-ranging and important interview [with Hiroaki Koide], the accident often referred to as 3/11 was enormous and in many ways unprecedented. The full scope of the disaster is still unknown, but is clearly on the scale of Chernobyl, placing the amount of radioactive material released… up to 1,000 times the Hiroshima bombing of 1945.
アジア太平洋ジャーナル、2016年3月:我々が[小出裕章との]この広範囲で重要なインタビューで学ぶように、しばしば3月11日として言及されるその事故は、巨大あり様々な点で未曽有であった。災害の完全な範囲はまだ不明です、しかし放出された放射性物質の量が、チェルノブイリの規模に位置づけられるのは明らかです... 1945年の広島原爆投下の1000倍に及ぶ。
See also: Japan Professor: I believe airborne release of cesium-137 from Fukushima equals 400 to 500 Hiroshima nuclear bombs -- Another 400 to 500 bombs worth has already flowed into Pacific Ocean (VIDEO)
参照:日本の教授(小出裕章):私は福島からのセシウム137の大気中への放出は広島の核爆弾の400倍から500倍に等しいと考えています – (それと)別に400〜500個の爆弾に値するものが既に太平洋に流入した
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