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中東同行企業リストが出てきました。日本国内にはなく、Jordan Times である。
人道支援が聞いてあきれる。His Majesty King Abdullah様がおっしゃるには。「日本の温かい支援に感謝する、共に新しいチャレンジに向かおう。とする、新しいチャレンジとは、テロへの対峙である」と明記してある。
”Emphasising the common challenges, King Abdullah said that what brings Japan and Jordan together today is “the global threat of international terrorism, and I believe that working hand-in-hand, this will solidify our relationship, and this is the challenge of this generation”
Members of business delegations
Following is a list of the representatives of the Japanese and Jordanian business delegations which took part in the talks held over two days between Jordan and Japan:Japanese delegation
NEC Corporation Board Chairman — Kaoru Yano (IT sector)
Mayekawa MFG. Co, Ltd. Chairman — Yoshiro Tanaka (Food sector)
Mitsubishi Corp. President and CEO — Ken Kobayashi (Trading sector)
Fujifilm Holdings President and CEO — Shigehiro Nakajima (Manufacturing sector)
Chiyoda Corp. Executive Chairman — Takashi Kubota (Engineering sector)
Japan Gasoline Company Corp. Chairman Emeritus of JGC Group — Yoshihiro Shigehisa (Engineering sector)
Dai Nippon Construction President and Representative Director — Hiroki Sato (Infrastructure sector)
Spiber Inc. Director and Executive Officer — Kazuhide Sekiyama (Manufacturing sector)
Nippon Export and Investment Insurance Chairman and CEO — Kazuhiko Bando (Independent administrative agency)
Mitsui Representative Director and Executive VP — Shintaro Ambe (Trading)
Japan Bank for International Cooperation Executive Managing Director and COO — Koichi Yajima (Banking)
Kikkoman Corporation Executive Adviser — Mitsuo Someya (Food sector)
Bank of Tokyo — Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. CEO for EMEA — Masato Miyachi (Banking)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Co., Ltd. Managing Director and Head of SMBC EMEA Division — Masahiko Oshima (Banking)
Mizuho Bank Managing Executive Officer — Atsushi Narikawa (Banking)
Sumitomo Corporation Executive Officer and General Manager for Middle East — Yoshihiro Fujiura (Trading)
ITOCHU Corporation Executive Officer — Hiroyuki Fukano (Trading)
Marubeni Corp. Executive Officer and Regional CEP for ME and Africa — Masataka Kuramoto (Trading)
Sojitz Corporation Executive Officer — Masashi Shinohara (Trading)
Japan External Trade Organisation Executive VP — Tsuneyuki Kato (Independent administrative agency)」
Source:Global threat of terror brings Jordan, Japan together — King.…
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