01. 2015年1月21日 12:22:44
: nJF6kGWndY
まあ20兆円程度の債務だから、内需拡大効果に比べて、そう大したことではないがほぼ受益のみの日本などと違ってマイナス効果もあるから ドル高と株高が、年内に減速・調整する可能性は、そう低くはないだろうな まあ、その場合、また金利引き上げは延期にはなりそうだが http://richardkoshimizu.at.webry.info/201501/article_50.html 20兆円の債務が米国の石油ガス産業に立ちはだかる。 > ナイス ブログ気持玉 500 / トラックバック 0 / コメント 35 画像
だが、掘り続けないと、即座に破産。赤字垂れ流し操業するしかない。 シェールガス詐欺で世界中の間抜けな投資家を騙して20兆円を集めたが、これが不良債権となってウォール街に襲い掛かる。 既に世界に冠たるS商はシェールガス投資で生産量が期待通り上がらずに1700億円の損失を出している。立派です。世界の情勢が全く分かっていないで、つまらない投資をしている。というか、S商のご担当者さん、ユダ金からいくら裏金貰いましたか?三菱・住友・丸紅・伊藤・双日も続々と数千億円の不良債権を抱えます。 テキサスのWBH社を皮切りに200社のシェールガス採掘会社が破産します。米大手銀行がもっとも大きな被害を受けますが。 シェールガス・ショックが、ユダ金に最後の引導を渡すのではないでしょうか。冬ですが、盛大に花火を打ち上げましょう。「ユダ金自爆感謝冬季花火大会」。 2015/1/9 02:28 http://richardkoshimizu.at.webry.info/201501/article_50.html 巨額の投資利益を期待して、シェールガス会社は、その開発や実現できないであろう計画に充てるため、ウォール・ストリートとロンドンから二千億ドル(20兆円)以上の債券と借金を借り入れた。ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルによると、石油生産者の2010年からの債務は55%以上増加したが、収入の伸びは鈍く、2010年と比べて、2014年の9月からはたったの36%しか伸びなかった。 フラッキング、つまり地面を水圧破砕と水平掘削で開発する工法は、平均的な水圧式油田に比べて大変コストがかかる。しかし、それは過去数年間においては、比較的安くて手っ取り早いものとなった。エネルギー会社は、アメリカの石油ブームにわくお金持ち連中にあやかりたいと願って、収益が上がってくるよりも速いペースで資金を借りてきた。 http://rt.com/business/220619-shale-debt-us-companies/ $200 bn in debt looms over American oil and gas Published time: January 07, 2015 17:44 Get short URL David McNew / Getty Images / AFP Download video (23.68 MB) 3K294 Tags Gas, Global economy, Oil, USA Plummeting Brent oil prices are putting pressure on North American shale, which has sunk hundreds of billions of dollars into investment, and could soon come crashing down. Tempted by big returns, shale companies have borrowed more than $200 billion in bonds and loans, from Wall Street and London, to cover development and projects that may not even come to fruition. Oil producers' debt since 2010 has increased more than 55 percent, and revenues have slowed, rising only 36 percent from September 2014, compared to 2010, according to the Wall Street Journal. Fracking, the process of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling on land is much more expensive than the average water-based oilrig. However, over the past years, it has become relatively cheap and fast. Energy companies, eager to get in on the riches of the American oil boom, have been borrowing money faster than they have been earning it. On Sunday, the first shale company filed for bankruptcy. WBH Energy LP, a private Texas-based drilling group, filed for bankruptcy after saying that their lender was no longer willing to advance money. The company estimates their debt between $10-50 million. There are hundreds more in the US alone. Analysts believe North American shale needs to sell at $60-100 per barrel to break even on the billions of debt accrued by the energy companies. Indebted companies, fearing bankruptcy, may therefore be forced to keep selling oil, even at a loss. AFP Photo / Mircea ResteaAFP Photo / Mircea Restea One way to avoid going bust is to merge, which is what many companies already have on the negotiation bloc. “We’ve already seen Baker Hughes and Halliburton agree to merger, and these were two titans that used to compete head to head,” Ed Hirs, managing director independent oil and gas company Hillhouse Resources, told RT. “They’ve decided they can’t survive separately, they need to combine,” Hirs said. The Texas-based driller believes that lower prices and major mergers will hinder progress in the industry. “We will see a loss of tech. innovation and a loss of competition in the oil service business,” Hirs said. Energy companies that can afford it will cut production, but this will prove more difficult for smaller companies with larger debt hanging over their balance sheets. Oil prices lost more than 50 percent in 2014, and have already dropped 10 percent in 2015. Futures dramatically dipped when the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries decided not to curb production at their November meeting. Source: ZeroHedgeSource: ZeroHedge Some experts believe the decision not to cut production, which would have alleviated oil prices, was a direct strategic move by the cartel to reduce the profitability of North American oil fields, from Alberta to Oklahoma. In the past five years, the US has moved from being one of the world’s biggest oil customers to the largest producer, even overtaking Saudi Arabia. Bubble burst? This ‘bubble’ of debt could come crashing down on oil companies, as the housing bubble did on the sub-prime mortgage industry in 2008, which sparked a crisis in global financial markets. “It begins in one place like fracking in North Dakota or Texas, but it very quickly engulfs the rest of the world. In that way, its very similar to what happened in 2008… when billions of dollars were lent to people to buy homes they couldn’t pay off,” economist Richard Wolff told RT. The industry expanded rapidly, as the method proved capable of extracting oil and gas faster and easier than before, albeit with a certain environmental cost. Fracking can increase seismic activity, as well as penetrate water systems. Many states in the US have followed European nations in banning the oil extraction method. 3K294 430 comments Login Scott Kuli 0 The fact that the US republicans are still pushing hard for the Keystone XL pipeline proves what I've said before - that it isn't about oil, it's about ruining water.
There have been a record number of pipeline spills and the fracking damages is off the charts in the US. Add to that the fact that paid media pundits have been telling us for more than 10 years that water is "the new oil", and that the Wall Street mega banks, Bechtel, Nestle, and other entities and individuals are buying up water rights and you can see that it's really about water at this point for US investors who knew this sort of thing was coming. How long has Russia been riding the oil boom? That's how long they were planning this. This is currently hurting Russia more than the US because Russian gas companies don't have outlets all over like the big US and European oil giants do. They have the benefit of selling at retail prices, while Russia sells at business buyer's prices, not consumer buyer's prices. On the other hand there are still a lot of things Russia can do to hit back at the US oligarchs who are behind this. They're heavily invested in Monsanto. What if Russia offers to help countries whose leaders are uncomfortable with that particular US scam de-Monsantofy? That'll hurt. As for energy in the US, they could have been making synthetic oil from coal since the '50s, and quite efficiently too, but they don't want to do that because then the Arab countries wouldn't be dependent on them as a customer and they wouldn't have political influence there except by force of arms. 10 days ago 14:33
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