4. 2015年10月06日 11:24:44
: OO6Zlan35k
コラム:大筋合意のTPP、経済効果は限定的かDaniel Indiviglio [ワシントン 5日 ロイター BREAKINGVIEWS] - 米国を含む12カ国が閣僚交渉で大筋合意した環太平洋連携協定(TPP)の経済的な効果はそれほど大きくはないだろう。 米議会の反対派を説き伏せて無事批准されたとすれば、TPPによって自動車部品からがん治療薬に至るまであらゆる分野の貿易障壁が緩和される。中国不在は重大な問題ではあるが、米国と日本の妥協は成立した。 それでも、北米自由貿易協定(NAFTA)のケースが参考になるのであれば、TPPがもたらす関係諸国の国内総生産(GDP)押し上げ効果は限られるかもしれない。 TPPは世界経済の40%前後に影響する。一方で米議会に目を向けると、既に左派と保守派の双方が懸念を表明しており、承認を得るのは簡単ではないだろう。 無所属の社会主義者として来年の大統領選の民主党候補指名争いに名乗りを上げたバーニー・サンダース上院議員は、TPPの勝者は大企業とウォール街だと主張。これに対して共和党のオリン・ハッチ上院財政委員長は、合意内容は議会が交渉のたたき台として示した原則を「悲惨なほど満たしていない」と批判した。 TPP交渉が合意されたことは、いくつかの理由から大きな意義があるだろう。だが米国の関係諸国からの財輸入額が昨年8840億ドルあったにもかかわらず、恐らく経済的な意味合いは比較的小さい。 米議会予算局(CBO)が2003年に行った分析では、1994年発効のNAFTAは01年の米GDPに最大36億ドル、比率で言えばわずか0.041%を付加したにすぎない。他の加盟国であるカナダとメキシコへのプラス効果も似たようなものだった。 これは上記3カ国の間で、NAFTAが実施された時点で既に貿易が拡大していたことが一因だ。TPP参加の12カ国についても同様で、差し引きのメリットはわずかしかないだろう。 もちろん多少でもプラスがあれば何もないよりはましだ。例えば日米間では自動車や農業の分野で進展があり、長年の通商分野における懸案解決に向けてある程度道が開けた。バイオ医薬品の特許保護期間をめぐる関係国の歩み寄りもまた重要な成果と当然みなされる。 TPPは国際政治の面で各国の胸算用に変化を与える可能性があるし、欧州連合(EU)と米国の自由貿易協定交渉を前進させる力として働くこともあり得る。 さらに日米を差し置いてアジアインフラ投資銀行(AIIB)設立構想を主導した中国は、TPP交渉で蚊帳の外に置かれたことは注目に値する。オバマ米大統領は、TPPの大筋合意を称賛した上で、「われわれは中国のような国が世界経済のルールを定めるのを許すことはできない」とまで言い切った。そうした点からすれば、少なくともTPPは外交的には一定の成果を示しつつある。 ●背景となるニュース ・環太平洋連携協定(TPP)交渉に参加した米国とそのほかの11カ国は5日、なかなか歩み寄れなかった乳製品やバイオ医薬品の分野を含めて閣僚会合で大筋合意したと発表した。今後各国は議会の承認を経て協定に批准する。 ・米政府のTPPに関するファクトシート(概要説明)は以下のアドレスをクリックしてご覧ください。https://ustr.gov/sites/default/files/TPP-Overall-US-Benefits-Fact-Sheet.pdf The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a new, high-standard trade agreement that levels the playing field for American workers and American businesses, supporting more Made-in-America exports and higher-paying American jobs. By eliminating over 18,000 taxes—in the form of tariffs— that various countries put on Made-in-America products, TPP makes sure our farmers, ranchers, manufacturers, and small businesses can compete—and win—in some of the fastest-growing markets in the world. With more than 95 percent of the world’s consumers living outside our borders, TPP will significantly expand the export of Made-in-America goods and services and support American jobs. Overall U.S. Benefits TPP ELIMINATES OVER 18,000 DIFFERENT TAXES ON ‘MADE-IN-AMERICA’ EXPORTS TPP levels the playing field for American workers and American businesses by eliminating over 18,000 taxes that various countries impose on Made-in-America exports, providing unprecedented access to vital new markets in the Asia-Pacific region for U.S. workers, businesses, farmers, and ranchers. For example, TPP will eliminate and reduce import taxes—or tariffs—on the following Made-in-America exports to TPP countries: • U.S. manufactured products: TPP eliminates import taxes on every Madein-America manufactured product that the U.S. exports to TPP countries. For example, TPP eliminates import taxes as high as 59 percent on U.S. machinery products exports to TPP countries. In 2014, the U.S. exported $56 billion in machinery products to TPP countries. • U.S. agriculture products: TPP cuts import taxes on Made-in-America agricultural exports to TPP countries. Key tax cuts in the agreement will help American farmers and ranchers by expanding their exports, which provide roughly 20 percent of all farm income in the United States. For example, TPP will eliminate import taxes as high as 40 percent on U.S. poultry products, 35 percent on soybeans, and 40 percent on fruit exports. Additionally, TPP will help American farmers and ranchers compete by tackling a range of barriers they face abroad, including ensuring that foreign regulations and agricultural inspections are based on science, eliminating agricultural export subsidies, and minimizing unpredictable export bans. • U.S. automotive products: TPP eliminates import taxes as high as 70 percent on U.S. automotive products exports to TPP countries. In 2014, the U.S. exported $89 billion in automotive products to TPP countries. • U.S. information and communication technology products: TPP eliminates import taxes as high as 35 percent on U.S. information and communication technology exports to TPP countries. In 2014, the U.S. exported $36 billion in information and communication technology products to TPP countries. TPP INCLUDES THE STRONGEST WORKER PROTECTIONS OF ANY TRADE AGREEMENT IN HISTORY TPP puts American workers first by establishing the highest labor standards of any trade agreement in history, requiring all countries to meet core, enforceable labor standards as stated in the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The fully-enforceable labor standards we have won in TPP include the freedom to form unions and bargain collectively; prohibitions against child labor and forced labor; requirements for acceptable conditions of work such as minimum wage, hours of work, and safe workplace conditions; and protections against employment discrimination. These enforceable requirements will help our workers compete fairly and reverse a status quo that disadvantages our workers through a race to the bottom on international labor standards. In fact, TPP will result in the largest expansion of fully-enforceable labor rights in history, including renegotiating NAFTA and bringing hundreds of millions of additional people under ILO standards—leveling the playing field for American workers so that they can win in the global economy. TPP INCLUDES THE STRONGEST ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS OF ANY TRADE AGREEMENT IN HISTORY TPP includes the highest environmental standards of any trade agreement in history. The agreement upgrades NAFTA, putting environmental protections at the core of the agreement, and making those obligations fully enforceable through the same type of dispute settlement as other obligations. TPP requires all members to combat wildlife trafficking, illegal logging, and illegal fishing, as well as prohibit some of the most harmful fishery subsidies and promote sustainable fisheries management practices. TPP also requires that the 12 countries promote long-term conservation of whales, dolphins, sharks, sea turtles, and other marine species, as well as to protect and conserve iconic species like rhinos and elephants. And TPP cracks down on ozone-depleting substances as well as ship pollution of the oceans, all while promoting cooperative efforts to address energy efficiency. TPP HELPS SMALL BUSINESSES BENEFIT FROM GLOBAL TRADE For the first time in any trade agreement, TPP includes a chapter specifically dedicated to helping small- and medium-sized businesses benefit from trade. Small businesses are one of the primary drivers of job growth in the U.S., but too often trade barriers lock small businesses out of important foreign markets when they try to export their made-in-America goods. While 98 percent of the American companies that export are small and medium-sized businesses, less than 5 percent of all American small businesses export. That means there’s huge untapped potential for small businesses to expand their businesses by exporting more to the 95 percent of global consumers who live outside our borders. TPP addresses trade barriers that pose disproportionate challenges to small businesses, such as high taxes, overly complex trade paperwork, corruption, customs “red tape,” restrictions on Internet data flows, weak logistics services that raise costs, and slow delivery of small shipments. TPP makes it cheaper, easier, and faster for American small businesses to get their products to market by creating efficient and transparent procedures that move goods quickly across borders. TPP PROMOTES E-COMMERCE, PROTECTS DIGITAL FREEDOM, AND PRESERVES AN OPEN INTERNET TPP includes cutting-edge rules to promote Internet-based commerce—a central area of American leadership, and one of the world’s great opportunities for growth. The agreement also includes strong rules that make sure the best innovation, not trade barriers and censorship laws, shapes how digital markets grow. TPP helps preserve the single, global, digital marketplace. TPP does this by preserving free international movement of data, ensuring that individuals, small businesses, and families in all TPP countries can take advantage of online shopping, communicate efficiently at low cost, and access, move, and store data freely. TPP also bans “forced localization” - the discriminatory requirement that certain governments impose on U.S. businesses that they place their data, servers, research facilities, and other necessities overseas in order to access those markets. TPP includes standards to protect digital freedom, including the free flow of information across borders - ensuring that Internet users can store, access, and move their data freely, subject to public-interest regulation, for example to fight spamming and cyber-crime. TPP LEVELS THE PLAYING FIELD FOR U.S. WORKERS BY DISCIPLINING STATEOWNED ENTERPRISES (SOES) TPP protects American workers and businesses from unfair competition by State-owned companies in other countries, who are often given preferential treatment that allows them to undercut U.S. competitors. This includes the first-ever disciplines to ensure that SOEs compete on a commercial basis and that the advantages SOEs receive from their governments, such as unfair subsidies, do not have an adverse impact on American workers and businesses. TPP PRIORITIZES GOOD GOVERNANCE AND FIGHTING CORRUPTION TPP includes the strongest standards for transparency and anticorruption of any trade agreement in history. As such, TPP strengthens good governance in TPP countries by requiring them to ratify or accede to the U.N. Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), commit to adopt or maintain laws that criminalize bribing public officials, adopt measures to decrease conflicts of interest, commit to effectively enforce anticorruption laws and regulations, and give citizens the opportunity to provide input on any proposed measures relating to issues covered by the TPP agreement. TPP also requires regulatory transparency policies based on standard U.S. practice. TPP INCLUDES FIRST EVER DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER For the first time in any U.S. trade agreement, TPP includes stand-alone chapters dedicated to development and capacity-building, as well as a wide range of commitments to promote sustainable development and inclusive economic growth, reduce poverty, promote food security, and combat child and forced labor. TPP CAPITALIZES ON AMERICA’S POSITION AS THE WORLD LEADER IN SERVICES EXPORTS TPP lifts complex restrictions and bans on access for U.S. businesses—including many small businesses—that export American services like retail, communications, logistics, entertainment, software and more. This improved access will unlock new economic opportunities for the U.S. services industry, which currently employs about 4 out of every 5 American workers. http://jp.reuters.com/article/2015/10/06/trade-tpp-breakingviews-idJPKCN0S001Q20151006 安倍首相はTPP大筋合意を評価、総合対策本部を設置 [東京 6日 ロイター] - 安倍晋三首相は6日、環太平洋連携協定(TPP)の大筋合意を受けて記者会見した。政府はTPP総合対策本部を設置、今後、甘利明TPP担当相からの報告を受けた上で、首相が指示を出すという。 主な発言は以下の通り。 ─品質の高さが正しく評価されるルール共有 ─持続可能な経済圏を作る野心的取り組み ─世界に誇るべき国民皆保険制度は今後も堅持する ─重要品目は最後までギリギリの交渉、関税撤廃の例外をしっかり確保 ─TPP総合対策本部を設置、甘利氏からの報告受け具体的指示出す ─コメでも必要な措置、流通量は増やさないようにする ─TPPはピンチではなくチャンスにしていかなければならない ─欧州とのEPA交渉も年内合意目指して加速させる http://jp.reuters.com/article/2015/10/06/abe-tpp-idJPKCN0S003H20151006