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Major Japan Newspaper: Mutations in nearly every fir tree by Fukushima plant — Insects with missing legs or crooked — Abnormalities also found in monkeys, fish and frogs
日本の主要新聞(朝日新聞):福島原発によってほぼ全てのモミの木が突然変異 - 足が欠落したり曲がった昆虫 - サル、魚やカエルにも異常が見つかった
Published: December 23rd, 2015 at 7:09 pm ET By ENENews
公開:201512月23日、19:09 ET ENENewsによる
Asahi Shimbun, Dec 22, 2015 (emphasis added): More than 90 percent of the fir trees in forests close to the site of Japan’s 2011 nuclear disaster are showing signs of abnormality, and plant lice specimens collected in a town more than 30 kilometers from the crippled facility are missing legs or crooked. But it remains unclear whether the mutations in plants and animals are definitively connected to the disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.
All that scientists in Japan are prepared to say is they are trying to figure out the effects of radioactive cesium caused by the release of huge amounts of radioactive materials from the triple meltdown at the Fukushima plant… Scientists are seeking… signs of mutation in plants and animals in areas close to the stricken nuclear plant… Scientists have reported on mutations and abnormalities among species varying from fir trees and plant lice to Japanese monkeys, carp and frogs.
The National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS), a government-affiliated entity, said in late August that the trunks of fir trees are not growing vertically. Fir trees are among the 44 species that the Environment Ministry asked the NIRS and other research organizations to study in trying to determine the effects of radiation on living creatures. The NIRS reported that the frequency of these mutations corresponds to a rise in natural background radiation. More than 90 percent of fir trees in the town of Okuma, just 3.5 kilometers from the crippled plant, showed signs of abnormal growth…
Among other changes reported: the legs of plant lice collected in Kawamata, a town more than 30 km from the plant, were found to be missing or crooked and the white blood cell count of Japanese monkeys was lower in Fukushima, the prefectural capital, which is about 60 km from the plant… There is also a possibility that some animals, even if they exhibited signs of radiation’s effect, may no longer be alive for analysis.
報告されたその他の変化の中で:原発から30キロメートル以上にある、川俣町で集めた植物シラミ(アリマキ) の脚は、存在しないか、あるいは曲がっていることが判明しました、そしてニホンザルの白血球数は、原発から約60キロメートルにある、県庁所在地、福島市で低かったです...いくつかの動物は、たとえそれらが放射能の影響の徴候を示していても、もはや分析のために生きていない可能性があります。
See also: Japan Reporter: Mutations increasing in Fukushima -- TV: "Strange things are happening to the plants and animals" -- Gov't News Agency: "Long list of mutated life forms reported" (VIDEO)
参照:日本のレポーター:突然変異が福島で増加し始めています - テレビ:「奇妙な事が福島に住んでいる植物や動物に起こっています」 - (ロシア)政府の通信社:「変異した生命体の長いリストが報告された」(動画)
And: Former Japan TV News Anchor: The mutations have begun in Fukushima; Birds found blind, unable to fly -- Magazine: "Birds in tailspin 4 years after Fukushima... the proverbial canary in a coalmine" -- Professor: Birds with mutations popping up all over in contaminated areas (VIDEO)
そして:元日本のテレビ(NHK)のニュースアンカー(ニュース番組のディレクター兼キャスター、マヤ・ムーア):突然変異が福島で始まっています。;盲目で、飛ぶことができない鳥を見つけました - 雑誌:「福島後4年できりもみ落下する鳥...ことわざにある炭鉱のカナリア」 - (ムッソー)教授:汚染されたあらゆる全てのエリアで突然変異を持つ鳥が出現する(動画)
And: Professor: "It's really a dead zone" in areas of Fukushima -- "Huge impacts... there are no butterflies, no birds... many dramatically fewer species" -- "Why does it matter to you (in the U.S.)? The reason is, it's coming, it is coming" (VIDEO)
そして: (ティモシー・ムッソー)教授:福島エリア、「それは本当にデッドゾーンです」 - 「(放射能の)莫大な影響...蝶はいない、鳥はいない...殆どの種が劇的に少ない」 - 「なぜそれは、米国のあなた方に問題となるのですか?その理由は、それが(米国に)来ている、それが 来ているのです」(動画)
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