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Former Japan Official: “Unstoppable contamination of Pacific Ocean… is seriously menacing US West Coast” — “Fukushima now undeniably a global security issue… can’t be brought under control by single state” — Experts: Wave of radiation will be 10 times more than entire world’s nuclear tests combined
元(在スイス)日本大使(村田光平):「止めることができない太平洋の汚染は...深刻にアメリカ西海岸を脅かしている」 - 「福島は今紛れもなく世界の安全保障上の問題である...単一国家によって制御下に置くことができません」 - 専門家:放射能の波は、全世界の核実験を合わせた全量と比べて10倍以上になります
Published: December 2nd, 2015 at 7:05 am ET By ENENews
公開:2015年12月2日、7:05 ET ENENewsによる
Mitsuhei Murata, former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland, Nov 1, 2015 (emphasis added):
The lack of the sense of crisis over Fukushima is in stark contrast to the gravity of the crisis. Fukushima is now undeniably a global security issue. The unstoppable contamination of the Pacific Ocean and the atmosphere with ionizing radiation from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear reactors is seriously menacing the West Coast of the United States. Japan should make utmost efforts to cope with the Fukushima crisis by retreating from the Tokyo Olympic Games that disseminate the false impression that Fukushima is under control.
Deteriorating situation in Fukushima — Japan is laboring under the consequences of the Accident never before experienced by humanity, including the simultaneous destruction and meltdown of three commercial nuclear reactors. Four and half years after the 3.11 disaster, it has been shown that a severe nuclear accident cannot be brought under control by a single state… It is questioned if Japan is in possession of the governability and the capacity needed to cope with the impending crisis. The melted cores of the reactors from Units 1, 2 and 3 remain inaccessible…
福島の悪化した状況 - 日本は、かつて人類が経験したことがない事故の影響下で苦しんでいます、3基の商業用原子炉の同時破壊やメルトダウンを含みます。3.11震災後4年半の間、深刻な原発事故が単一国家によって制御下に置くことができないことが示されています...日本が差し迫った危機に対処するために必要なガバナビリティー(統率力)と(知的)能力を所有しているかどうかは疑問です。1号機、2号機および3号機からの原子炉溶融炉心は近づくことができないままです...
If the molten nuclear fuel rods are exposed through cracks to the atmosphere due to a mega earthquake or the liquidization of soils on the site that could cause the collapse and breach of Fukushima’s spent fuel pools, Japan’s landmass would become uninhabitable to a large extent… The whole of Japan is threatened by the worsening situation emanating from the molten fuel rods, which continue to widely disseminate large amounts of dangerous radionuclides into the sea and atmosphere. Limitless steam observed evokes the possibility of re-criticality at the site.
The undeniable necessity for international verification of the suspected re-criticality at the site should bring about the indispensable international cooperation to cope effectively with the Accident. The ongoing radioactive contamination of the sea with no prospect for a solution is dishonoring Japan, causing it to be criticized for harming the global environment. In spite of all this, attempts are shamefully being made to hide Fukushima…
World is menaced by the spreading contamination… The consequences of the radioactive contamination of the Pacific Ocean from Japan to the West Coast of the United States are drawing increased attention. Some experts now estimate that the wave of radiation from Fukushima will be 10-times bigger than all of the radiation from the entire world’s nuclear tests throughout history combined…
The Tokyo Olympic Games belittle the Fukushima crisis — It is undeniable that the Tokyo Olympic Games constitute serious impediments for coping with the consequences of the March 11 Disaster… My interview article was published in the magazine “Monthly Japan” (September 2015). It is entitled “An honorable retreat from the Tokyo Olympic Games” and is given a central place. Reactions are noteworthy and expanding… The Tokyo Olympic Games diverts attention from Fukushima and gives the false impression to the world that Fukushima no longer poses a threat.
東京オリンピックは福島の危機を軽視します - 東京オリンピックが3月11日災害の影響に対処するための重大な障害を成していることは否定できません...私のインタビュー記事が雑誌「月刊日本」に掲載されました(2015年9月)。それは、「東京オリンピックから名誉ある撤退」と題され、中心的な場所を与えられています。反応(反響)は注目に値し拡大しています...東京オリンピックは福島から注意を逸らします、そして福島がもはや脅威を与えていないという誤った印象を世界に与えます。
The advancement of the Tokyo Olympic Games comes at the expense of the funds needed to address the host of environmental disasters created by the destroyed Fukushima nuclear reactors… The future of the Olympic Games is at stake. It is as a believer in the spirit of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement that I am pleading for an honorable retreat, and this, in order for Japan to devote maximum efforts to controlling the Fukushima crisis.
From last month: Former Japan Ambassador: Uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions could be underway at Fukushima -- "Troubling indications of recurring criticality" as Tellurium-132 detected over 100 miles from plant -- 'Recriticality' discussed by Japan's top nuclear official
先月(の記事)から:元(在スイス)日本大使(村田光平):制御されていない核連鎖反応が福島で進行している可能性が高い -。テルル132が原発から100マイル(160キロメートル)にわたって検出されたように、「定期的再臨界の厄介な兆候」 - 「再臨界」が日本の原子力関係者トップ(田中俊一)によって議論されている
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