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TV: Underground wall around Fukushima reactors started “leaning” — Cracks developing due to rising water levels — Problems seen along almost entire length of sea wall — Trying to make repairs to keep groundwater from surging (VIDEO)
テレビ:福島原子炉周囲の地下壁が「傾き」始める – (陸側)水位の上昇に起因するひび割れが進行 - 海側壁のほぼ全長に沿って問題が見られる -地下水の急増を止めるために修復を試みる(動画)
Published: November 25th, 2015 at 10:56 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2015年11月25日、22:56 ET ENENewsによる
NHK World, Nov 25, 2015 (emphasis added): Groundwater wall at Fukushima plant leans slightly — The operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has found that a wall it built 30 meters into the ground to block the flow of radioactive water is leaning slightly. [TEPCO] built the steel barrier along a coastal embankment to stop contaminated groundwater from seeping into the sea… TEPCO inspectors found that the wall is leaning up to some 20 centimeters toward the sea. They say this is due to the pressure of the groundwater flow. The officials also blamed rising groundwater levels for cracks found in the embankment’s pavement. The utility says workers are buttressing the wall with steel pillars…
NHKワールド、2015年11月25日(強調を追加):福島原発の地下水壁が僅かに傾いています - 損傷を受けた福島第一原子力発電所のオペレータは、放射性(汚染)水の流れを遮断するため地下30メートルに建設された壁が少し傾いているのを発見しました。[東京電力は]汚染された地下水が海に浸入するのを止めるために、沿岸堤防に沿って鉄骨の壁を建てました...東京電力の検査官は、壁が海に向かって約20センチメートルまで傾いているのを発見しました。彼らは、これは地下水流の圧力によるものだと言います。当局者(規制委員会)はまた、堤防の舗装に見つかったひび割れによる地下水位上昇を非難しました。電力会社は作業員が鉄製の柱でもって壁を補強している、と言います...
NHK (Google translation), Nov 25, 2015: In TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, it can be seen that the equipment called “impervious wall”, which was completed last month in order to reduce the outflow of the contaminated groundwater, are slightly tilted to the sea side… [T]he pavement of the seawall also cracked… When depends on the Tokyo Electric Power Company, after the “impervious wall” has been completed, it is that it’s because the water level of the land side of the groundwater is rising.
Fukushima Minyu Shimbun (Google translation), Nov 26, 2015: … sea side wall is inclined about 20 centimeters at the maximum to the sea side, cracks of up to about 1 centimeter has occurred in the pavement of the seawall. That inclination and cracks have occurred in almost the entire sea side wall… TEPCO, rain water enters the cracks of the pavement, so that the groundwater does not surge, is promoting the repair to block the cracks spraying resin.
Watch NHK’s broadcast here
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