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Former Japan Ambassador: Uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions could be underway at Fukushima — “Troubling indications of recurring criticality” as Tellurium-132 detected over 100 miles from plant — ‘Recriticality’ discussed by Japan’s top nuclear official
元(在スイス)日本大使(村田光平):制御されていない核連鎖反応が福島で進行している可能性が高い -。テルル132が原発から100マイル(160キロメートル)にわたって検出されたように、「定期的再臨界の厄介な兆候」 - 「再臨界」が日本の原子力関係者トップ(田中俊一)によって議論されている
Published: November 5th, 2015 at 4:07 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2015年11月5日、16:07 ET ENENewsによる
Japan Times, Nov 4, 2015 (emphasis added): The former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland, Mitsuhei Murata, recently suggested that Japan should stage an ‘honorable retreat’ from hosting the 2020 Olympics due to the unpredictable situation at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.
Japan Times (Hotline to Nagatacho — Brian Victoria, Kyoto), Nov 4, 2015: [F]ormer Japanese ambassador to Switzerland, Mitsuhei Murata, recently proposed… for Japan to stage an “honorable retreat” from hosting the 2020 Olympics… [I]n the September issue of Gekkan Nippon, Murata… noted the danger still posed by large numbers of spent fuel rods suspended in spent fuel pools in reactors 1, 2 and 3 [which] can’t be removed from the damaged reactor buildings due to the high levels of radioactivity surrounding these reactors…
ジャパンタイムズ、(永田町- ブライアン・ビクトリア、京都へのホットライン)、2015年11月4日:[元]在スイス日本大使、村田光平は最近提案した...日本は2020年のオリンピックをホストから「名誉ある撤退」を行うように...月刊日本9月号[の中で]、村田は... 1、2、3号機原子炉内の使用済燃料プール内に吊るされた多数の使用済み燃料棒によって依然としてもたらされる危険、を指摘した、[これらは]原子炉周囲の高レベル放射能のために、損傷した原子炉建屋から取り除かれることができません...
Murata’s gravest concern is a number of troubling indications of recurring criticality [ i.e. uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions] in one or more of the reactors at Fukushima No. 1. For example, he notes that in December 2014, both radioactive iodine-131 and tellurium-132 were reported as having been detected in Takasaki city, Gunma Prefecture [~130 miles SW of Fukushima Daiichi]. Given the short half-lives of these radioactive particles, their presence could not be the result of the original meltdowns at Fukushima.
Ambassador Murata to Dr. Thomas Bach (President of the International Olympic Committee), Jun 15, 2015: Allow me to send you a letter, motivated by my sense of mission to inform you of the worsening situation in Fukushima, which regrettably is being downplayed by our Government and does not seem to be well known internationally… Contrary to the assurances of the Japanese Government and [TEPCO], the situation at the site of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is not at all under control… Not only do we have a continued contamination of the groundwater and the Pacific Ocean… but the brittle structure of the damaged plant represents itself a serious threat, in particular in our earthquake prone region.
Ambassador Murata to Susana Malcorra (United Nations Chef de Cabinet), Aug 27, 2015: I am sending you my fourth message to President Bach of The IOC. I inform him of my message addressed to Prime Minister Abe. In my message… I ask for the first concrete international cooperation concerning the method of cooling spent fuel rods making use of zinc instead of water. This is crucially important. The Pacific Ocean is more and more contaminated with the daily release of more than 300 tons radioactive groundwater.
I remind Prime Minister Abe that the decision to retreat from the Tokyo Olympic Games and carry out an international verification of the suspected re-criticality is urgently needed… My interview article was published in the magazine “Monthly Japan” (September). The article entitled “An honorable retreat from the Tokyo Olympic Games” is given a central place. Reactions are noteworthy and encouraging. Conscientious citizens start questioning the integrity of the IOC. Please convey my warmest greetings to Secretary-General Ban-kimoon.
私は、東京オリンピックからの撤退を決定すること、そして再臨界疑いの国際的検証を行うことが緊急に必要とされている、と安倍首相に催促した...私のインタビュー記事が雑誌「月刊日本」に掲載されました(9月号)。「東京オリンピックからの名誉ある撤退」と題した記事は(雑誌の中で)中心的な場所を与えられています。反応は注目に値し心強いです。良心的な市民は国際オリンピック委員会IOCの健全性に疑問を持ち始めています。潘 基文(パン・ギムン)事務総長にどうか心からの挨拶を伝えてください。
Interestingly, two weeks ago the head of Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority addressed the recriticality issue:
Fukushima Minpo, Oct 20, 2015: Nuclear regulator chief says Fukushima Daiichi recriticality “physically impossible” — Shunichi Tanaka, chairman of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, visited the Minamisoma city government for talks with Mayor Katsunobu Sakurai on Oct. 22. Regarding Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Tanaka said, “We are no longer in a situation that prevents residents from returning (to their evacuated hometowns). Recriticality is physically impossible.”
福島民報英語版、2015年10月20日:原子力規制委員会委員長は、福島第一の再臨界は「物理的に不可能」と述べています - 田中俊一、原子力規制委員会の委員長は、10月22日に櫻井克信市長との会談のために南相馬市政府を訪問しました。東京電力の不具合になった福島第一原子力発電所について、田中は、「我々はもはや(彼ら住民が避難した故郷に)帰還するのを妨げるような状況ではなくなりました。再臨界は物理的に不可能です。」と言いました。
See also: MIT professor: “There is a high probability that, if a quake of magnitude 7.9 or above, or some other serious event, strikes Fukushima, a ‘criticality’ will occur… The next criticality may be far more serious”
参照: マサチューセッツ工科大学MIT教授:「もしマグニチュード7.9以上の地震、または他のいくつかの重大な事故が福島を襲った場合、「臨界」が発生する可能性が高いです、...次の臨界は遥かに深刻でしょう」
And: Gov’t Document: Re-criticality a threat at Fukushima
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