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UPI: ‘Skyrocketing’ cancer cases in Fukushima — AP: ‘Alarming’ cancer rates after nuclear disaster — Times: Child cancers up 5,000% — Radiation doses may be “considerably higher” than estimated — Expert: Cancer outbreak shows officials must now prepare for onset of leukemia, other diseases (VIDEO)
UPI通信:福島の癌症例が「空にロケットが打ち上げられる程に急増加」 - AP通信:原子力災害後の癌の発生率に「警報」- タイムズ:子供の癌が最大50倍に - 放射線量は、推定よりも「かなり高い」であろう - 専門家:癌の流行は、(医療)関係者が現在、白血病や、他の疾患の発症に対し準備する必要があることを示している(動画)
Published: October 8th, 2015 at 4:07 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2015年10月8日、16:07 ET ENENewsによる
The Times, Oct 8 2015 (emphasis added): Child cancers up fiftyfold after Fukushima disaster — Cases of thyroid cancer among children living close to the Fukushima nuclear power plant have increased fiftyfold since the meltdown in 2011, according to Japanese scientists… in one of the most pessimistic assessments of the health implications of the world’s second-worst nuclear disaster. He urged the Japanese authorities to stop quibbling over the interpretation of cancer statistics, and to muster medical resources. “We need to prepare for leukaemia, breast cancer and (remainder of article only available to subscribers)… Photo Caption: 104 cases of thyroid cancer have been identified, a far higher rate than the national average
タイムズ、2015年10月8日(強調は記者):子供の癌は福島の災害後の最大50倍に増加- 福島原子力発電所の近くに住んでいる子供たちの間で甲状腺癌の症例は、日本の科学者によると、2011年のメルトダウン以来、50倍に増加しています...世界第二の最悪原子力災害の健康への影響に対する最も悲観的な評価の1つです、彼は日本の権威者に、癌統計の解釈上の言い逃れを止め、医療供給力を集約するように促します。「我々は、白血病、乳癌のために準備する必要があります、そして(記事の残りの部分はタイムズ加入者のみが閲覧可能です)...写真見出し:甲状腺癌の104例は全国平均よりもはるかに高い割合である、と確認されています
AP, Oct 9, 2015: Study shows alarming thyroid cancer rates in children living near Fukushima… “This is more than expected and emerging faster than expected,” lead author Toshihide Tsuda said…
UPI, Oct 8, 2015: Fukushima radiation has been linked to a surge in thyroid cancer among children near the disaster area… A team of Japanese researchers led by Toshihide Tsuda, a professor of environmental epidemiology at Okayama University, said cases of thyroid cancer in Fukushima Prefecture have skyrocketed since March 2011… and the culprit was increased radiation exposure since the Fukushima nuclear disaster…
T. Tsuda, A. Tokinobu, E. Suzuki, E. Yamamoto (Okayama Univ.), Oct 5, 2015:
Thyroid Cancer Detection by Ultrasound Among Residents Ages 18 Years and Younger in Fukushima… 2011 to 2014
18歳以下の福島住民間での超音波による甲状腺癌検診... 2011年から2014年
The highest incidence rate ratio… was observed in the central middle district of the prefecture… incidence rate ratio = 50…
最高の発生率比が...県の中心中央地区(=中通り?)で観察されました...発生率比= 50倍 ...
… estimated doses ranged from 119 to 432 mSv among mothers and from 330 to 1,190 mSv in their infants for those living 45 to 220 km south or southwest, including Iwaki City in the Fukushima Prefecture, Ibaragi Prefecture, and Chiba Prefecture.
… we could infer that the incidence of thyroid cancer in Fukushima rose more rapidly than expected… as estimated by the World Health Organization.
The radiation burden to the thyroid in Fukushima Prefecture might have been considerably higher than estimated…
The minimum empirical induction time for thyroid cancer is 2.5 years for adults and 1 year for children, according to the [CDC]. Therefore, we considered it possible to detect thyroid cancer… even within the 2011 fiscal year.
甲状腺癌における最小の経験的な(発症)誘導期間は、大人にとって2.5年、そして子供達にとって1年です、これは[米国の政府機関である疾病予防管理センターCDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)]によります。そのため、我々は、2011年度内にでも...甲状腺癌を検出することが可能と考えました。
In Chernobyl, excesses of thyroid cancer became more remarkable 4 or 5 years after… the observed excess alerts us to prepare for more potential cases.
Watch a recent presentation by Prof. Tsuda here
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