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Officials: Buildings sinking next to Fukushima reactors — Experts: We know structures decaying, getting more unstable — ‘Plant deterioration investigation’ underway — Molten fuel thought to be eating away structural materials (VIDEO)
関係者:福島原子炉隣で沈下する建造物 - 専門家:我々は、構造が荒廃し、より不安定なのを知っています - 進行中の「原発の劣化調査」 - 溶融燃料が構造材料を侵食していると考えられる(動画)
Published: July 29th, 2015 at 9:18 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2015年7月29日、午後9:18 ET ENENewsによる
Tepco handout (pdf), summary translation by Fukushima Diary, Jul 21, 2015 (emphasis added): Tepco announced Fukushima plant area has irregularly sunk since 311… The report reads Reactor 1 turbine building sank by 730 mm [2.40 ft], Reactor 2 by 725 mm, Reactor 3 by 710 mm, Reactor 4 by 712 mm.
IAEA Headquarters (pdf), 2015: We know that the buildings will decay and become less stable… there is the dilemma of 1) gathering more information… and 2) acting earlier and maybe not having enough information to make good decisions.
IAEA本部(PDFファイル)、2015年:我々は、建物が崩壊し、より不安定なことを知っています... ジレンマがある、即ち1)より多くの情報を収集...そして2)早期の行動と、おそらく良い決定をするための十分な情報を持っていない。
IAEA Nuclear Energy Series (pdf), 2014: The impact of the salt on the corrosion of structural materials had to be assessed and measures taken accordingly to retain integrity.
Lake Barrett, Tepco adviser (pdf): Reactor building structure has likely been degraded… Explosions Weaken RB Structure… Aftershock May Cause Building Failure… — Issues: … Aftershock Structural Integrity… — Safety Challenges: … Containment Degradation
レイク・バレット、東京電力顧問(PDFファイル):原子炉建屋の構造は、おそらく劣化しました...爆発は、原子炉建屋RB(Reactor Building) の構造を弱めます...余震が建造物の破損を発生させることがあります。...- 問題:...余震による構造健全性...- 安全の課題:...格納容器の劣化
US National Research Council, 2014: Substantial structural damage occurred… particularly Units 3 and 4… The explosions [were] extremely destructive. The complex structure of the lower part of the reactor buildings is well suited to cause flame acceleration… Ironically, having a strong structure with multiple compartments can greatly enhance the damage… this result, although not intuitive, is now well established.
Kazuhiro Suzuki, IRID managing director (pdf), 2014: Estimation of structural strength decline by sea water inflow; Evaluating device/structural integrity and remaining life…
鈴木一弘、技術研究組合 国際廃炉研究開発機構 IRID(International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning) 常務取締役(PDFファイル)、2014年:海水流入による構造強度低下の推定。装置/構造上の健全性と残余寿命の評価...
Sugiura Machine Design Office: We obtained results [using a] flying robot. We already have started to work on plant deterioration investigation with major manufacturer.
IRID 2014 Annual Symposium (pdf):
技術研究組合 国際廃炉研究開発機構IRID 2014年次シンポジウム(PDFファイル):
p. 94: Assessing structural integrity of RPV/PCV… data on corrosion rate will be collected… to evaluate aseismatic strength, taking into consideration long-term wall thinning by corrosion… stainless steel [components] may already be cracked
94ページ:圧力容器RPV(Reactor Pressure Vessel) / 格納容器PCV(Primary Containment Vessel)の構造的健常性を評価する... 耐震強度を評価するために...腐食速度のデータが収集されるであろう、腐食による長期的な壁の薄化が考慮されます...ステンレス鋼[コンポーネント]は既に割れていることがあり得ます
p. 95: Overall structural integrity… Building behavior analysis (building damage simulation)… Influence of corrosion [and] high-temperature strength deterioration
p. 98: Structural integrity of PCV structures… Corrosion wall thinning… Estimated thinning of Unit 1 dry well [and] suppression chamber… Generated stress… of the suppression chamber support structures was higher [than allowable]… reinforcement (such as burying the torus chamber with cement materials, etc.) will be studied
p. 99: Structural integrity of RPV pedestal… influences of corrosion by molten fuel debris are not taken into account and further study is needed
Shunichi Suzuki, TEPCO, IRID 2014 Annual Symposium:
鈴木俊一、東京電力、技術研究組合 国際廃炉研究開発機構IRID 2014年次シンポジウム:
Part 6: “One more important point I need to cite is to assure the stability of the site… because of the presence of the ocean water, corrosion could take place… preventative measures against the corrosion need to be taken.“
Part 85-87: “Next is assessing structural integrity of RPV and PCV [and] get qualitative data of corrosion rate. There is sea water injected so corrosion may gradually proceed… To be prepared against future possible earthquakes we have to evaluate whether this is tolerant or not… We must consider corrosion.”
Part 91: “PCV [integrity] is generally alright, but in some parts — for instance the column support of the suppression chamber — it [doesn't meet standards].”
パート91:「格納容器PCVの [健常性]は一般的に大丈夫です、しかしいくつかの部分で - 例えば抑制室(サプレッション・チャンバー)の支柱支持は - それは[基準を満たしていません]。
Part 92: “This is the pedestal of RPV… The molten debris may be causing corrosion.”
Watch Suzuki’s presentation here
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