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Unprecedented volcano warning near Japan’s only restarted nuke plant — Mountain is swelling, expanding — Large amounts of magma causing ‘sudden crustal movement’ — Gov’t Now: Extremely high risk of major eruption… Gov’t Before Nuke Restart: “Little chance of major eruption” (VIDEO)
日本で唯一再稼動した(川内)原子力発電所近くに、未曾有の火山警報 - 山が膨張し、拡大しています -大量のマグマが「突然の地殻変動」を引き起こす– 現在の政府:大噴火の非常に高いリスク...原発再稼動する前の政府:「大噴火の見込みは殆どない」(映像)
Published: August 17th, 2015 at 8:29 am ET By ENENews
公開:2015年8月17日、8:29 ET ENENewsによる
The Independent, Aug 16, 2015 (emphasis added): Japan’s weather agency issued a warning… that the likelihood of the eruption of [Sakurajima] was extremely high… after it detected a spike in seismic activity… They have warned an evacuation of the city of just over 600,000 people may be necessary. [JMA] said: “The possibility for a large-scale eruption has become extremely high for Sakurajima.”… It comes as a nuclear reactor 50 kilometres (31 miles) away was switched back on.
Mainichi, Aug 17, 2015: On Aug. 15 alone, there were 1,023 volcanic earthquakes… the JMA has pointed out that crustal changes that indicate mountain swell as a result of a magma rise are still continuing… Kazuya Kokubo [with JMA said] “underground pressure hasn’t been relieved. An eruption could occur at any time.”
Asahi Shimbun, Aug 16, 2015: … the mountain [is] expanding… [officials] estimate that a large volume of magma continues to accumulate.
朝日新聞英語版、2015年8月16日:...山は拡大[している] ... [関係者は]大量のマグマが蓄積し続けていることを推定しています。
Reuters/Kyodo, Aug 15, 2015: The agency also said it had raised the warning level … to an unprecedented 4.
Jiji Press, Aug 17, 2015: [Japan] remained alert for signs of a major eruption… [An official] called on the public to act calmly… a major eruption could be imminent. Level 4 is the highest ever for Sakurajima… “I have lived in Sakurajima for more than 50 years but have not imagined we would have to evacuate,” said Emiko Miyashita, 80… crustal movement was also observed [and there's] signs indicating magma has risen to near the volcanic vent… “It would be no surprise if it were to erupt at any moment,” an agency official said.
時事通信社英語版(=ジャパンタイムズ) 、2015年8月17日:[日本は]大噴火の兆候を警告し続けました... [関係者は冷静に行動するように公衆に呼びかけた] ...大噴火が差し迫っている可能性があります。レベル4は、桜島にとってこれまでで最高です...「私は50年以上にわたり桜島に住んでいる、しかし私たちが避難しなければならないだろうと想像したことはなかった、」とミヤシタ・エミコ、80歳は言いました...地殻変動が観察され[そして]マグマを示す兆候が火山口の近くで高まっている...「もしそれが如何なる時に噴火しても、何も驚くことはないだろう、」と電力会社の関係者は述べています。
Wall St Journal, Aug 17, 2015: [Japan] remained on high alert for a major eruption at Mount Sakurajima… Seismic activity began increasing dramatically Saturday morning and data showed swelling of the mountain, the agency said.
Asahi Shimbun, Aug 15, 2015: [JMA] said a major eruption of volcanic Mount Sakurajima could be imminent… signs of sudden crustal movement were also observed… Agency officials said there were indications a much larger eruption was in the offing.
Yomiuri Shimbun, Aug 15, 2015: A major eruption is highly likely to occur, the agency said… There is a possibility that magma has risen to the shallow part of the volcano…
Jiji Press, Aug 12, 2015: [NRA, Japan's nuclear regulator,] decided there is little chance of a major volcanic eruption in the next several decades.
時事通信社英語版(=ジャパンタイムズ) 、2015年8月12日:[NRA、日本の原子力規制委員会は]今後数十年において大規模な火山噴火の見込みは殆どない、と決定しました。
NHK, Aug. 15, 2015: Officials say they are not taking any particular precautions because they think a possible eruption would not affect the plant.
Bloomberg, Aug 15, 2015: Volcanic rock and ash could cut off transport routes and prompt workers at Sendai to flee the nuclear site in the event of an eruption… engineering consultant John Large wrote.
The Times, Aug 11, 2015: Environmentalists complain that the company has paid insufficient attention to the effect of heavy ash fall on the plant’s machinery.
Jiji Press, Aug 12, 2015: Sendai nuclear power plant… has not designated a site for relocating nuclear fuel in the event of a massive volcanic eruption, claiming that warning signs would give Kepco enough time to prepare and transfer the fuel… In the event of a major eruption, however, pyroclastic flows could reach the plant and disable cooling functions… which could trigger massive radioactive emissions… The sheer volume [of spent fuel] makes it hard to find a relocation site big enough to take them… Toshitsugu Fujii, a member of the panel [advising the gov't] said that the panel’s opinion is not necessarily consistent with that of the NRA.
時事通信社英語版(=ジャパンタイムズ) 、2015年8月12日:川内原子力発電所は...大規模な火山噴火の際に核燃料を移転する場所を指定していません、警告サインは関西電力にその燃料を準備し転送するのに十分な時間を与えるだろう、と主張している...大規模噴火が発生した場合には、しかしながら、火砕流が原発に達すると冷却機能を無効にし得ます...そのことは大規模な量の放射性物質排出を引き起こす可能性があります... [使用済み燃料の]莫大な量は、それを取り出すのに十分な大きさの移転先を見つけることを困難にさせます... 藤井敏嗣・[政府に助言する]研究班(パネル)のメンバーは、研究班(パネル)の意見は、原子力規制委員会NRAのものと必ずしも一致していません、と言った。
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