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Yahoo News: Mutated plants near Fukushima gain internet fame — Pics show centers fused together, petals growing out of sides, ring-shaped flower with 4 stems — US Gov’t Expert: Plant abnormalities can be induced after only 24 hours of exposure to radioactive fallout (PHOTOS)
ヤフー・ニュース:福島の近くの突然変異した植物がインターネットで評判です - 写真は、一つに融合した花の中心、辺側から成長する花びら、4つの花茎を持つ環状の開花、を示します - 米国政府の専門家:植物の異常は、放射性降下物への曝露の僅か24時間後に誘導され得る(写真)
Published: July 15th, 2015 at 2:21 pm ET
公開:2015年7月15日、午後2:21 ET
Yahoo News, Jul 13, 2015: Deformed daisies from Fukushima disaster site gain Internet fame… one Japanese amateur photographer has captured something a bit more unique than a beautiful bloom. Twitter user @san_kaido posted a photo of mutated yellow daisies last month, found in Nasushiobara City, around 70 miles from Fukushima… The photos show daisies with fused yellow centres and with the petals growing out the side of the flower…
Tweet from @san_kaido, translated by Fukushima Diary: “The right one grew up, split into 2 stems to have 2 flowers connected each other, having 4 stems of flower tied beltlike. The left one has 4 stems grew up to be tied to each other and it had the ring-shaped flower. The atmospheric dose is 0.5 μSv/h at 1 m”…
Taka Katsumi, former aide to Member of Japan’s Parliament, Jun 21, 2015: Deformed Margaret flowers found 130 km from Fukushima Daiichi plant at Nasu Shiobara on May 26, 2015.
Video from Nasushiobara City: Sep 2012, I measured radiation in front of SEKIYA elementary school of Nasushiobara… The monitor indicates… 6.94 on mud in the road side garter, 8.10 micro Sievert per hour on dusts of the school road.
More on Plant Fasciations (emphasis added)
> Univ. of Chicago w/ grant from Rockefeller Foundation (pdf), 1933: All vegetative parts are subject to injury by x-rays. Root tips may become bulbous and swollen, with tumor-like enlargements in which giant cells may occur. Stems become fasciated… flowers of plants rayed in seed or seedling stages may show fasciation…
>シカゴ大学 ロックフェラー財団からの助成金・W/(=with、による) (PDFファイル)、1933年:全ての発育に関する要素(部分)は、X線による損傷を受けます。根端は、巨大な細胞が発生する可能性のある腫瘍様拡大を伴い、球根状になったり腫れたりすることがあります。茎は帯状になります...種子あるいは苗の段階で放射化された植物の花は、帯化を示すことがあります...
> Japan’s National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, 2009: The proportion of plants showing stem fasciation increased with gamma-irradiation… Each single mutant also showed stem fasciation at a low frequency without gamma-irradiation, while gamma-irradiation induced stem fasciation. Importantly, in wild-type plants, the frequency of stem fasciation was very low (<0.1%) [but] were induced by gamma-irradiation.
> Affidavit of James Gunckel, Brookhaven National Lab (pdf), 1984: I have carefully examined… plants, collected shortly after the [1979] accident at TMI and compared them with specimens collected more recently. The current abnormalities [5 years post-accident] are probably carried forward by induced chromosomal aberrations. There were a number of anomalies entirely comparable to those induced by ionizing radiation — stem fasciations [etc.]…
>ジェームズ・ガンケル、ブルックヘブン国立研究所(PDFファイル)の宣誓供述書、1984年:私は慎重に...スリーマイル島TMIで[1979年の]事故直後に植物を調査し、収集した、そしてより最近に収集した標本と比較しました。 [事故5年後の] 現在の異常は、おそらく誘導される染色体異常により繰り越されます。電離放射線により誘発されるものに完全に匹敵する異常数があった – 花茎の帯化 [など]...
Most of the stem abnormalities… are induced by relatively high doses of X or gamma rays extending over a period of usually 2-3 months. Notable exceptions, however, are similar responses to beta ray exposure from radioisotopes… for only 24 hours. In other words, it would have been possible for the types of plant abnormalities observed to have been induced by radioactive fallout on March 29, 1979… I am the world authority on modifications of plant growth and development induced by ionizing radiations…
Watch the video from Nasushiobara City here
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