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Nuclear Expert: We should be very worried about ongoing catastrophe at Fukushima… “Complete failure” of ice wall built to contain extremely radioactive water… Plutonium is flowing into Pacific, will for many years to come — Strontium in ocean hits record level, huge increase reported since April (VIDEO)
原子力専門家(ガンダーセン):我々は、福島での継続的な大惨事について非常に心配する必要があります... 「極度の放射性(汚染)水を封じ込める様に構築された凍土壁の完全な失敗」...プルトニウムは末永く太平洋に流れ込むでしょう - 海洋のストロンチウムは記録的レベルに達する、4月以降に莫大な上昇が報告される(動画)
Published: July 20th, 2015 at 12:59 am ET By ENENews
公開:2015年7月20日、0:59 ET ENENewsによる
Excerpts from presentation by Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds Chief Engineer, Jul 16, 2015 (emphasis added):
Are the meltdowns at Fukushima Daiichi over?… This catastrophe is not over… We should continue to be very worried.
3 of the nuclear cores at Fukushima Daiichi are in direct contact with groundwater. Nuclear power designers and engineers never anticipated that possibility.
Fukushima Daiichi Units No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 were destroyed… allowing holes and cracks to form… We know for sure that the Fukushima Daiichi containments are full of holes that allow groundwater to come in direct contact with each nuclear core.
Groundwater is still leaking in and leaking out, at a rate of at least 300 tons per day… more than 1,500 days have passed… 23,000-tanker truckloads of radioactive water have already leaked into the Pacific Ocean. Worse yet, there is no end in sight.
As Fairewinds anticipated, the ‘ice wall’ is a complete failure.
Cesium, strontium and plutonium from Fukushima Daiichi will continue to bleed into the Pacific Ocean for decades because the groundwater flow is unmitigated.
Japan’s press looks on silently due to the real threat and constraints of the government’s secrecy act… The true human, financial, and environmental costs of this nuclear power catastrophe are not publicized and discussed.
TEPCO reported on July 17 that Strontium-90 concentrations in the ocean outside Fukushima Units 3 and 4 are at record highs. Levels have spiked around 1,000% in 3 months.
東京電力は、福島3・4号機外の海洋でストロンチウム90の濃度は過去最高であることを 7月17日に報じました。レベルは3ヶ月で約10倍にスパイク上昇しました。
Sr-90 measured between Unit 3 & 4 intake channel
July 17 report: 1,500 Bq/L*
April 23 report: 150 Bq/L
7月17日レポート:1,500ベクレル/ L *
4月23日レポート:150ベクレル/ L
Sr-90 measured at Unit 4 screen
July 17 report: 1,500 Bq/L*
April 23 report: 120 Bq/L
7月17日レポート:1,500ベクレル/ L *
4月23日レポート:120ベクレル/ L
* According to TEPCO’s July 17 report, the total level of all beta ray emitters (which includes Sr-90) was 1,200 Bq/L — yet the levels reported for Sr-90 were 1,500 Bq/L. When a similar occurrence happened last year, Asahi reported: “Strontium levels exceeded the all-beta readings in some instances, leading the utility to decide they were ‘wrong’.” TEPCO’s corrected data revealed much higher levels.
*東京電力の7月17日レポートによると、(ストロンチウム90を含む)全てのベータ線放射体の合計レベルは1200ベクレル/ Lでした – しかしストロンチウム90に対し報告されたレベルは1,500ベクレル/ Lでした。
Watch Gundersen’s presentation here
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