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NASA Experts: Southeast US hit by “anomalously high” levels of polonium from Fukushima — Never seen before, except during volcanic events — Fallout also detected in Mississippi river — Polonium releases kept secret in past nuclear disasters; Death estimates would skyrocket if included
アメリカ航空宇宙局NASAの専門家:米国東南は、福島からのポロニウムの「異常に高い」レベルに見舞われる- 火山事象の間を除いて、以前に見たことがありません - フォールアウトはミシシッピ川でも検出された- ポロニウム放出は過去の原子力災害で秘密にされています。死亡推定値は、もし(ポロニウムが)含まれていれば急騰する
Published: June 26th, 2015 at 2:21 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2015年6月26日 午後2:21 ET ENENewsによる
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, W. Yang and L. Guo, NASA Stennis Space Center and Univ. of Southern Mississippi Dept. of Marine Science, 2012 (emphasis added): Depositional fluxes and residence time of atmospheric radioiodine (131I) from the Fukushima accident
環境放射能ジャーナル、W.ヤンとL.グオ、アメリカ航空宇宙局NASA ステニス宇宙センターおよび南ミシシッピー大学、海洋科学部門、2012年(強調は記者):福島の事故からの大気中放射性ヨウ素(131 I)の堆積流束と滞留時間
The Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant explosions… emitted vast quantities of radioactive materials into the environment… radioiodine (131I)… 134Cs and 137Cs are of special concern to people because they could trigger dangerous health effects
However, data on time series depositional fluxes are still lacking, preventing… prediction of the scope of dispersion especially in North America
Following the Fukushima accident, a high level of 131I was first detected on March 23 in a dry deposition sample at [NASA's space center]
After this initial fallout, the 131I depositional flux increased up to ten- to twenty-fold during the following two weeks, varying from 218 mBq/m^2/day to 463 Bq/m^2/day
Concurrent high rainfall and high 131I fluxes were observed at the SSC site… from 97 to 337 mBq/L with an average of 217 mBq/L
同時に高度の降雨と高いヨウ素131流束がステニス宇宙センターSSCの施設で観察されました...97〜337メガベクレル/ Lで、平均217メガベクレル/ Lでした
In addition to precipitation samples, 131I was also detectable in surface waters from the Pearl River in Mississippi, with an activity of 6.7 mBq/L
沈殿試料に加えて、ヨウ素131は、ミシシッピ州のパールリバーから表層水でも検出可能でした、6.7メガベクレル/ Lの活性を有します
Interestingly, the 210Po/210Pb ratios of the fallout samples during the peak 131I fallout period were anomalously high… Before and after the Fukushima accident, the environmental 210Po/210Pb ratio in precipitation samples varied from 0.02 to 0.09 with an average of 0.06 at the SSC in southern Mississippi… However, the 210Po/210Pb ratio during the Fukushima fallout was up to 1.5 on March 23…
To date, excess 210Po in the atmosphere was only reported for high temperature activities such as volcanic eruptions or degassing… Therefore, the anomalously high 210Po/210Pb ratios observed in the southern US were mostly derived from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant explosions which could have resulted in the fractionation of environmental 210Po and 210Pb and thus the preferential release of volatile 210Po into the atmosphere. Indeed, the anomalous 210Po/210Pb ratios were accompanied by the peak fallout of 131I… indicating that the Fukushima nuclear plant explosions mainly contributed to the anomaly in the 210Po/210Pb ratio…
現在まで、大気中の過剰な鉛210は、火山噴火やガス除去(ガス抜き)などのような高温の活動についてのみ報告されている...そのため、米国南部で観察された異常に高いポロニウム210/鉛210は、主に福島第一原子力発電所の爆発に由来しました、その爆発は環境中のポロニウム210と鉛210の分画をもたらし、したがって、大気中へ揮発性ポロニウム210を優先して放出した可能性があります。実際、異常なポロニウム210/鉛210比はヨウ素131のピーク降下に伴っていました...福島原子力発電所の爆発は、主にポロニウム210/ 鉛210比の異常に寄与しましたことが示されます...
it seemed that regions reachable by 131I transport within two weeks from Fukushima would receive much more fallout…
New Scientist, Mar 1983: 25 years since the nuclear accident at Windscale… Attention has centred [on] radioactive iodine… the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) said the iodine-131 may have killed 13… However, the damage to health may have been much more severe… Indeed, it could represent the worst environmental disaster that Western Europe has known this century… re-examination of the data… reveals that one crucial isotope released in the fire has been ignored… there was one isotope released in the accident that is highly mobile [with] a high take-up by the human body… this was only revealed this week by the NRPB after New Scientist’s inquiries…
ニュー·サイエンティスト、1983年3月: (イギリス)ウィンズケールの原発事故以来25年...注目は、放射性ヨウ素[に対し]集中しています... (英国)国立放射線防護委員会(NRPB)は、ヨウ素131は13人を殺したことがあります、と言いました、...しかしながら、健康への被害ははるかに厳しい可能性があります...確かに、それは西欧で今世紀(20世紀)に知られている最悪の環境災害であると示されるでしょう...再検査データは...火災により放出された一つの重要な同位体が無視されてきたこと、を明らかにしました...人体により高く摂取され[る] 移動性の高い1つの同位体が、事故で放出されました... ニュー·サイエンティストの問い合わせ後、国立放射線防護委員会(NRPB)により、今週この事がただ明らかになっただけでした...
It is polonium… polonium could give… a total dose to the UK of 5 million man-rems… the death figures may have to be revised significantly upwards… The figures suggest that some 1200 excess cases of leukaemia may have been caused in Britain by the Windscale accident. Since leukaemia deaths account for some 15 per cent of cancers attributable to nuclear accidents, the total toll of cancer deaths suggested is 8000… Clearly further investigations into the whole of the Windscale accident must be urgently pursued. The British are in effect now the nuclear laboratory of the world.
それはポロニウムです...ポロニウムは与えることができる... 英国500万の人へのrem総線量を...死亡数は上向きに大幅に改訂(修正)する必要があります...図は、白血病の1200人程の過剰症例がウィンズケール事故によって英国で引き起こされた可能性があることを示唆しています。白血病死亡は原子力事故に起因する癌の15パーセント程を占めているので、示唆される癌死亡の総人数は8000人です...明らかにウィンズケール事故全体へのさらなる調査が早急に進めなければなりません。英国は現在実際には世界の核実験室です。
Woods Hole’s Ken Buesseler and others have cited polonium-210 levels in seafood tested for Fukushima radionuclides, for example: “Doses from eating fish are very low off US, and in fact 500 times greater from a natural radionuclide, polonium-210, but no one worries about 210Po.”
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