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Japan volcano violently erupts without warning — Gov’t issues highest level alert for first time — Reuters: “Smell of sulfur, smoke blacked out sky… Officials warn of more big eruptions” — Expert: “I don’t think this is finished… We could see a more powerful eruption” — Upsurge in volcanic activity linked to 3/11 quake (VIDEO)
2015年5月29日、日本の火山(口永良部{くちのえらぶ}島・新岳{しんだけ}山)が警告なしに激しく噴火する – 政府は初めて最高レベルの警報を発令 - ロイター通信:「硫黄の匂い、煙が空をブラックアウトする(空全面を黒く埋め尽くす)...当局者は「より大きな噴火を警告します」 - 専門家:「私はこれが終了するとは思いません...我々は、より強力な噴火を見る可能性がある」 - 3/11の地震に関連した火山活動の激増(動画)
Published: May 29th, 2015 at 11:50 am ET By ENENews
公開:2015年5月29日、11:50 ET ENENewsによる
NBC News (emphasis added): Volcano Violently Erupts… in a towering plume of thick, black smoke almost six miles high and a shower of fiercely hot rock… NHK broadcast a bulletin showing smoke billowing over Mount Shindake, which the Japanese Meteorological Agency said erupted violently… Sadayuki Kitagawa, director of the Meteorological Agency’s volcanology division, characterized the eruption as one of “explosive power,” with a smoke plume rising 9,000 meters, or almost 30,000 feet, from the crater… He said the alert level of 5, the highest on the scale, was being maintained because more powerful eruptions are possible.
NBCニュース(強調は記者):火山が激しく噴火...そびえる厚いプルームの中に、黒煙は殆ど6マイルの高さで、激しく熱い岩のシャワー...NHKは、新岳山の上に煙渦が巻くのを映し出す(ニュース)速報を放送しました、その放送で日本の気象庁は、激しく噴火した、と述べました... 北川貞之、気象庁火山部のディレクターは噴火を、9000メートル(9キロメートル)上昇する、あるいは火口から殆ど3万フィート(9.14キロメートル)の煙プルームを伴う「爆発力」の一つとして特徴付けました。...彼は、より強い噴火が起こる可能があるため、そのスケールの最高である警告レベル5が維持されている、と述べました。
USA Today: A violent volcanic eruption in southern Japan forces scores of people to evacuate and shoots a huge column of ash high into the air… in spectacular fashion… The Japan Meteorological Agency raised the volcano alert level to five, the highest on its scale.
Reuters: [Residents] described a smell of sulfur and clouds of smoke that blacked out the sky. Ash blanketed lower slopes and fell like snow on Yakushima, 12 km (7 miles) to the east… Smoke shot more than 9,000 meters (29,000 feet) into the sky and officials warned of more big eruptions and urged “extreme caution”… It was not clear if the eruption would affect the restart of Kyushu Electric Power’s Sendai nuclear plant, which on Wednesday cleared the last of the nuclear regulator’s safety hurdles… Mount Shindake was dormant for 34 years until last year. Japan is one of the world’s most seismically active countries and there has been an upsurge in volcanic activity in recent weeks, which volcanologists said may be linked to the big 2011 earthquake.
Yomiuri Shimbun: Massive eruption on Kuchinoerabu… The agency raised the volcanic alert… to Level 5… This is the first time for the agency to issue the highest-level warning since the current alert system was introduced in 2007… On May 23, the agency detected a volcanic earthquake [but] found no significant developments in observation data, the official said. “There were no signs of this eruption”
Guardian: Shindake erupts without warning
ガーディアン:新岳 (しんだけ)は警告なしに噴火する
Yomiuri Shimbun: Expert: Possibility eruption was magmatic… the direct ejection of magma… Setsuya Nakada, a professor at the University of Tokyo’s Volcano Research Center, said Friday’s eruption appeared to be magmatic after observing the height of its volcanic column and the way its pyroclastic flows had been generated.
AP: A volcano erupted in spectacular fashion… spewing out rocks and sending black clouds of ash 9 kilometers (5.6 miles) into the sky… The agency raised the alert level… to five, the highest on its scale… The eruption [of Mount Ontake] last September… killed 57 people. Setsuya Nakada [said this] eruption on Kuchinoerabu was stronger than Mount Ontake’s.
AP通信:火山は壮大な様式で噴火した...岩を噴き出します、そして空に灰9キロ(5.6マイル)の黒い雲を送り出します...(気象)庁は警戒レベルを上げた...そのスケールの最高、5に...この前の(2014年)9月(27日)の... [御嶽(おんたけ)山の]噴火では57人が死亡しました。中田節也(教授)は、口永良部での[この]噴火は御嶽山のよりも強力でした、と語った。
Nakada: “This sort of activity has continued [since 3/11]… Probably the eruptions will continue.”
Prof. Ryusuke Imura, specialist in volcanic geology at Kagoshima Univ.: “I don’t think this is finished. The activity could continue and we could see another, more powerful eruption.”
井村隆介教授、鹿児島大学火山地質学の専門家: 「私はこれが終了するとは思いません。その活動は続く可能性があります、そして我々は別の、より強力な噴火を見る可能性があります。」
Sadayuki Kitagawa, JMA official: “More strong and large scale explosions could happen.”
北川貞之、気象庁(Japan Meteorological Agency)関係者:「もっと強力な、大規模な爆発が発生する可能性があります。」
Watch NHK’s broadcast here
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