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US Gov’t Contractor: Fukushima so fragile it can turn globally catastrophic at any moment — Concern about impact to West Coast from another meltdown — Danger of something “far worse” than initial event — “Substantial risk to stability of Asia-Pacific” — National Lab: Fukushima already a global disaster (VIDEO)
米国政府の(福島原発事故)請負人:福島は、何時でも世界的な破滅に転化し得るほど脆弱です - 別のメルトダウンによる西海岸への影響についての懸念 - 最初の事故よりも「はるかに悪い」何かの危険性 - 「アジア太平洋地域の安定に対する重大リスク」 - (サンディア)国立研究所:福島は既に地球規模の災害(動画)
Published: June 9th, 2015 at 5:50 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2015年6月9日、17:50 ET ENENewsによる
Banyan Analytics, an institute that assists the U.S. Government in developing strong emergency preparedness and response systems in the Asia-Pacific; Founded by ANSER, a security and defense analysis group that works with the U.S. government and military, Nov. 14, 2013 (emphasis added):
バンヤン・アナリィティクス、アジア太平洋地域における強烈な緊急事態への準備と対応システムの開発で米国政府を支援する機関。 ANSERつまり米国政府および米軍と共に仕事をする、安全と防衛を分析するグループ、によって設立された、2013年11月14日(強調は記者):
Few issues on the Asia-Pacific security horizon are more worrying and potentially more destabilizing to the region than the decommissioning and cleanup of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant… the situation is dangerous enough that a single mistake could potentially lead to a radiological disaster far worse than the initial disaster… That there has not yet been a major disruption in Fukushima that could cause another meltdown and potentially affect the lives of millions in the Asia-Pacific and on the western coast of the United States is an incredible relief to all.
But, as some scientists have asserted, the situation in Fukushima is so fragile that a number of things could go wrong at any moment to make the currently risky situation turn globally catastrophic. An earthquake or severe storm… could cause damage… leading to the massive radiological contamination of the Pacific region, which would endanger the lives of millions of people and force mass evacuations… In the context of regional security, it is important to acknowledge that the situation in Fukushima poses a substantial risk to the stability of the Asia-Pacific.
If an incident occurred during the decommissioning of… the nuclear facility, it would impact systems such as the social and political stability of Japan as well as countries in the region; food security; public health; trade and commerce; the global environment; and regional politics. Governments in the Asia-Pacific would do well to anticipate a variety of emergency scenarios that could unfold during the upcoming and most fragile phases of decommissioning.
Sandia National Laboratories, Nov. 21, 2013: Cleaning Contaminated Water at Fukushima — “As the tragedy unfolded, a unique partnership came together to help solve the problems related to this global disaster.”
サンディア国立研究所、2013年11月21日:福島汚染水のクリーニング - 「悲劇的展開として、ユニークな協力関係が、この地球規模の災害に関連する問題を解決するために結成されました。」
Watch Sandia’s video here
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