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Gov’t Officials: Fukushima should be declared uninhabitable — “Conditions are getting worse, we have to move people away… we can’t wait” — “Someone has to do something” — “Just like evacuation of children in WWII” — Newspaper: “Fukushima youths ready to desert irradiated hometowns” (VIDEO)
行政関係者(村上達也・前東海村村長):福島は居住不可能と宣言する必要があります - 「状態が悪化しています、我々は人々を離れた所へ移動させる必要があります...我々は待てません」 - 「誰かが何かをしなければならない」 - 「正に第二次世界大戦中の子供達の避難のようだ - 新聞:「福島の若者は被曝した故郷を見捨てする準備がある」(動画)
Published: June 5th, 2015 at 1:28 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2015年6月5日、13:28 ET ENENewsによる
Jiji Press, Jun 5, 2015 (emphasis added): Fukushima youths ready to desert irradiated hometowns, survey finds… a majority of the young people living in 12 radiation-contaminated municipalities in Fukushima do not plan to be living in the same place… The survey, conducted in February and March, covered members of some 13,000 households randomly selected from the 77,600 still remaining in the 12 municipalities… “The results are very shocking,” said Satoshi Endo, mayor of the town of Hirono… Fukushima Prefectural Government will present a clear vision so young people can have hope about their hometowns, a senior official said..
時事通信社 (ジャパンタイムズ)、2015年6月5日(強調は記者):福島の若者は被曝した故郷を見捨てする準備がある、と調査は見い出しました... 放射能に汚染された福島の12の市町村に住んでいる若い人たちの大半は、同じ場所に住む計画がありません...2〜3月に実施した調査では、まだ12の市町村に残っている77600人から無作為に抽出された、ある13,000世帯のメンバーに及んでいます...「結果は非常に衝撃的です、」と遠藤智、広野町町長は言いました...福島県は明確なビジョンを提示するでしょう、ですから若者は故郷について希望を持つことができる、と上級関係者は言いました..
The Asia-Pacific Journal, May 25, 2015:
Murakami Tatsuya, former mayor of Tōkaimura (“Birthplace of nuclear power in Japan”): There are 14 reactors on [Japan's Pacific coast] and I wouldn’t have been surprised if all these reactors had ended up failing in some way or another… It tells you how catastrophic it could be for a country like Japan to house nuclear power plants… It is crazy. Right now about 130,000 people in Fukushima have been evacuated from the exclusion areas, although it would be 80,000 or 90,000 people if we do not count voluntary evacuees… Speaking from the examples of Chernobyl, Fukushima should have been declared uninhabitable, especially to raise children.
Prof. Katsuya Hirano, UCLA: I agree… families with small children should have been given new land somewhere safe to start their lives again. The government should have provided them with a new village and community to live…
Murakami: I thought about the possibility of relocating the entire Tōkaimura myself. The news about the Fukushima crisis chilled me to the bone. As I mentioned, we were so close to having a similar situation, so I started thinking about relocating the entire village and in fact found a place in Hokkaido… and have them start dairy farming and cultivating new land in Hokkaido… I even visited the area. If it doesn’t work, I thought, other alternatives would be Australia or our sister state, Idaho.
Press Conference for Dr. Akira Sugenoya, Mayor of Matsumoto, Japan (AP: Sugenoya is a surgeon and thyroid specialist who left a prestigious Japanese hospital to perform lifesaving cancer surgeries in Chernobyl for several years): “It is clear that a significant amount of radioactive iodine was released from Fukushima Daiichi. It was a huge mistake not to take any measures immediately… There are children in Fukushima diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and the number of cases is increasing…
I have said “children and pregnant women will suffer negative health effects in the future, as a result of external — and especially internal — exposure… In order to protect their lives, the government must, as a matter of national policy, move the children out of contaminated regions… The people are being exposed to radiation on a daily basis. Someone has to do something… A good part of Japan has been contaminated with nuclear fallout. This is just like the evacuation of children that took place en masse during the World War II.”
私は以下のように述べました、「子供達や妊娠中の女性は、-外被曝- 特に内被曝の結果として将来の健康への悪影響を受けます...彼らの生活を守るために、政府は国の政策の問題として汚染地域の外に子供を移動する必要があります...人々は日常的に放射能にさらされています。誰かが何かをやらなければならない...日本の相当な部分が核放射性降下物で汚染されています。これは正に第二次世界大戦中に一斉に行われた子供達の避難(疎開)のようなものです。」
Taro Yamamoto, member of Japan’s Upper House of Parliament: “We have to grasp the real situation of which our children are in… we cannot wait around, because the conditions are getting worse. We have to move people away from the affected areas.”
山本太郎、日本議会の参議院議員: 「我々は子供達の本当の状況を把握する必要があります...我々は、ウロウロしながら待つことはできません、何故ならば状態が悪化しているからです。我々は被災地の人々を離れた所に移動させる必要があります。」
Dr. Sugenoya’s press conference here | Interview with Yamamoto here
ここで菅谷博士の記者会見| ここで山本氏のインタビュー
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