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US university testing animals in Pacific for Fukushima radiation — Photos show bodies riddled with tumors, eyes bleeding, covered in lesions — Some are missing testicles, eyeballs — Skin disintegrating, peeling off, turning yellow — Mammals affected by diseases never seen in species (WARNING: Graphic Pics)
米国大学(コロラド州立大学)が福島放射能に関して太平洋の動物(アザラシ・セイウチ)を分析する- 写真は、腫瘍だらけの体、眼出血、病変で覆われた体を表示します – 幾つかは睾丸、眼球が欠落しています - 皮膚は崩潰、剥離し、黄変 -哺乳動物は、種で決して見たことがない病気によって影響を受けた(警告:グラフィックフォトギャラリー)
Published: May 6th, 2015 at 1:26 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2015年5月6日、13:26 ET ENENewsによる
Colorado St. Univ., Apr 13, 2015 (emphasis added): CSU partners with Fukushima University to study radiation effects… Many CSU faculty and researchers are contributing to radiation research in Japan… including Thomas Johnson… professor of health physics, who is testing trace radiation samples in seal populations in the northern Pacific Ocean, where radiation from the Fukushima disaster was released.
Alaska Marine Science Symposium presentation, Raphaela Stimmelmayr (Dept. of Wildlife Management, North Slope Borough) & Gay Sheffield (Univ.of Alaska – Fairbanks Marine Advisory Program), 2014:
アラスカ海洋科学シンポジウムのプレゼンテーション、ラファエラ・スティメルマイア(野生生物管理部門、ノーススロープ郡)&ゲイ・シェフィールド(アラスカ大学 - フェアバンクス海洋諮問プログラム)、2014年:
Incidental Gross Necropsy Findings in Subsistence-Harvested Ice Seals and Walruses
•Reproductive system: adnexal cysts [uterus], uterine and penile melanosis [darkening of skin], cliteromegaly [enlarged clitoris], cryptorchism [testicle(s) absent from scrotum], retained placenta;
•Endocrine system: thyroid cysts, adrenal nodules;
•Musculoskeletal system: synovial cyst [fluid-filled sacs in spine due to degeneration];
•Integumentary system: panniculitis [inflammation of fatty tissue], epidermal molt, skin sloughing;
•Respiratory system: lung tumor, parasitic granulomas [inflammation that forms when immune system is unable to eliminate a substance];
• Digestive system: microdontia [teeth smaller than normal], chronic interstitial pancreatitis [inflammation of pancreas], hepatic cyst [liver], cholestatic jaundice [yellowing of skin caused by thickening of bile or problems in liver], geophagia [eating dirt], and primary diffuse peritoneal tumor [membrane lining abdomen];
•A variety of the observed disease conditions are reported for the first time in ice seals and/or walruses.
• The majority of observed conditions in our material is classified as benign and are mostly inconsequential to the health of the harvested animals.
See also: Scientists present links between Alaska seal deaths and Fukushima disaster — Exposed to ‘pulsed release’ after fallout that accumulated in ice was quickly set free when melting occurred — “Wildlife health implications” due to radiation exposure discussed
参照:科学者はアラスカ・アザラシの死亡と福島の災害との間の関連性を発表する – (炉心)溶融が発生したときに直ちに放出され、氷の中に蓄積されたフォールアウト後の「パルス放出」で被曝した - 」放射能被曝による「野生生物の健康への影響」が議論された
View the AMSS presentation poster here
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