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CBS: Worst may not be over from Fukushima — “Effects of radiation have become much more severe” — “Enormous decline” seen in animal species — “Striking drop-off… really dramatic impacts” due to nuclear disaster (VIDEO)
CBSテレビ・ラジオネットワーク:最悪は福島から終わらないかもしれない - 「放射能の影響は遥かに厳しくなってきた」 - 動物種に見られる「莫大な衰退」 - 原子力災害に起因する「著しい下落は...本当に劇的な影響を与える」(動画)
Published: April 17th, 2015 at 10:18 am ET By ENENews
公開:2015年4月17日10:18 AM ET ENENewsによる
University of South Carolina, Apr 15, 2015 (emphasis added): Dwindling bird populations in Fukushima… as several recent papers from University of South Carolina biologist Tim Mousseau and colleagues show, the avian situation there is just getting worse… They recently published a paper in the Journal of Ornithology showing results from the first three years…
Many populations were found to have diminished in number as a result of the accident, with several species suffering dramatic declines… What might be most disheartening to the researchers involved, and bird-lovers in general, is how the situation is progressing in Fukushima. Despite the decline in background radiation in the area over these past four years, the deleterious effects of the accident on birds are actually increasing.
Dr. Tim Mousseau, USC biologist: “The declines have been really dramatic… now we see this really striking drop-off in numbers of birds as well as numbers of species of birds. So both the biodiversity and the abundance are showing dramatic impacts in these areas with higher radiation levels, even as the levels are declining.”
ティム・ムッソー博士、南カリフォルニア大学USCの生物学者: 「衰亡は本当に劇的である...今我々は、これを本当に著しい鳥の数の下落と見ている、鳥類の種の数(の下落)も同様です。ですから、生物多様性と発生量(存在率)の両方は、(放射能のバックグラウンド)レベルが減少しているが、より高い放射線レベルによってこれらのエリア(地域)で劇的な影響がある、と示している。」
CBS News, Apr 16, 2015: Near site of Fukushima disaster, birds still in peril… birds are becoming a rarity around the damaged nuclear site… “There are dramatic reductions in the number of birds”… Mousseau told CBS News. “In terms of barn swallows in Fukushima, there had been hundreds if not thousands in many of these towns where we were working. Now we are seeing a few dozen of them left. It’s just an enormous decline.”… Around Fukushima, Mousseau predicts the worst may not be over… “So now we see this really striking drop-off in numbers of birds as well as numbers of species of birds.
CBSニュース、2015年4月16日:福島災害現場近くで、鳥類は依然危険に晒されている...鳥類は損傷した原発の周囲で希少になっている... 「鳥の数が劇的に減少しています」...ムッソーはCBSニュースで語った。 「福島の納屋のツバメに関しては、私たちが調査研究したこれらの町には、何千羽ではないにしても何百羽も多くいた。現在、私たちはそれらが数十羽残っているのを見ている。それは正に莫大な衰亡だ。」...福島の周囲に、ムッソーは最悪が終わらないかもしれないと予測する... 「だから今私たちは、これは本当に著しい鳥類の数の下落であると見ている、鳥類の種の数の(下落)も同様です。
So both the biodiversity and the abundance are showing dramatic impacts in these areas with higher radiation levels, even as the levels are declining.” Mousseau said the reason comes down to the long-term impact of the radiation. “It takes multiple generations for the effects of mutations to be expressed…”
ですから、生物多様性と発生量(存在率)の両方が、より高い放射線レベルでこれらのエリア(地域)での劇的な影響を示している、(バックグラウンド放射線)レベルが減少しているとしても。」ムッソーは、その理由は放射能の長期的な影響に帰着する、と言った。「変異の効果が発現するのに複数の世代がかかる... 」
Journal of Ornithology, A. Møller, I. Nishiumi and T. Mousseau, March 2015: Cumulative effects of radioactivity from Fukushima on the abundance and biodiversity of birds… overall abundance and diversity of species on average decreased with increasing levels of background radiation… the relationship became more strongly negative across years… Although there has been great public interest concerning the ecological, genetic and potential health consequences of the Fukushima radiological disaster, basic research to date has been surprisingly limited…
Recent seminal studies of butterflies exposed to radioactive contaminants associated with the Fukushima disaster found strong evidence for increased mutation rates, developmental abnormalities and population effects as a direct consequence of exposure to radionuclides… Murase et al. (2015) made an equally compelling case for radiation having a negative impact on reproductive performance in the decline of Japanese goshawks.
Environmental Indicators (Journal), A. Møller and T. Mousseau, 2015: Many species occur both at Chernobyl and Fukushima, allowing a test of similarity in the effect of radiation on abundance….among the 14 species occurring at both sites [the] slope of the relationship between abundance and radiation for the 14 common species was… much stronger at Fukushima… [Since 2011] the effects of radiation on abundance became much more severe.
環境指標(雑誌)、A・モーラーとT・ムッソー、2015年:多くの種が、チェルノブイリと福島の両方で発生する、そして発生量(存在率)における放射能の影響が類似していることのテストを可能にする... 両方の原発施設で発生した14種の中で、その一般的な14種に対する発生量(存在率)と放射能との相関の傾き(相関係数)は...福島で遥かにより強い... [2011年以来]発生量(存在率)に対する放射能の影響は遥かに厳しくなりました。
Watch the researchers bird counting in Fukushima at a “very hot and quiet site”
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