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Gov’t Report: Plutonium at 1,000,000 Bq/m3 was detected in ocean off Fukushima — “Contaminated waters will be transported rapidly to east” across Pacific — This is “the most important direct liquid release of artificial radioactivity into sea ever known” — Scientists: “Remember, its not just cesium that’s released”
(米国)政府のレポート:百万ベクレル/立方メートルのプルトニウムが福島から離れた海洋で検出された - 太平洋を渡って「汚染水は東に迅速に輸送される」 - これは、「今までに知られている中で最も重要な、海洋への人工放射能の液体の直接的な放出」である - 科学者:「覚えておいて下さい、放出されたのはセシウムだけではない」
Published: March 27th, 2015 at 12:37 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2015年3月27日 午前12時37時ET ENENewsによる
Comparison between modelling and measurement of marine dispersion, environmental half-time and 137Cs inventories after the Fukushima Daiichi accident, Pascal Bailly du Bois (IRSN), Pierre Garreau (IFREMER), Philippe Laguionie (IRSN), Irène Korsakissok (IRSN), 2014:
福島第一事故の後、海洋散乱のモデリングと測定の比較、環境中の半減期とセシウム137の保有量、パスカル・バイイ・ドゥ・ボワ(放射線防護・原子力安全研究所(フランス語:Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire、略称:IRSN)、ピエール・ガロー(フランス国立海洋開発研究所(IFREMER)、フィリップ・ラギオニー(IRSN)、イレーヌ・コルサキソク(IRSN)、2014年:
Contamination of the marine environment following the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (FDNPP) represents the most important influx of artificial radioactivity released into the sea ever recorded… The direct liquid releases from FDNPP represent the largest influx of artificial radioactivity into the sea ever occurring over a short period of time on a small spatial scale… Although controlled releases of liquid effluent from the Sellafield reprocessing plant can be compared in terms of total quantities, they have occurred over several years (1970-1980) instead of days, weeks and months as in the case of the FDNPP accident…
[W]hatever the detailed current direction at the time of the accident is, water mass fluxes were governed by the generally strong Kuroshio and Oyashio currents that are stable at this scale… Contaminated waters will be transported rapidly to the east… Contamination of the marine environment following the accident at the FDNPP represents the most important direct liquid release of artificial radioactivity into the sea ever known…
Supplementary material for study: Database of seawater measurements (.xls spreadsheet)
Ken Buesseler (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) and Mitsuo Uematsu (Univ. of Tokyo) (pdf): Remember, its not just cesium isotopes that were released… What about plutonium?… Surface ocean in June 2011 see slightly elevated Pu – from direct discharge?
ケン・ベッセラー(ウッズホール海洋研究所)と植松光夫(東大)(PDFファイル形式):覚えておいて下さい、放出されたのは、セシウムの同位体だけではない...プルトニウムはどうですか?...2011年6月における海洋表面では、わずかに上昇したプルトニウムが分かる - 直接放出からか?
See also: VIDEO: Fukushima corium found in Pacific -- Flowing into ocean after hydrogen dissolves nuclear fuel -- Scientist: We've actually seen plutonium floating on surface; "We have no control over this accident... they've got leaks everywhere"
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