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Mushroom-shaped “pink cloud” seen at Fukushima after Reactor 3 exploded — Film: Nuclear bomb explosions caused “pink clouds of radiation”; “Clouds were pink from fallout… They told everyone there’s nothing to worry about” (VIDEO & PHOTOS)
Published: December 17th, 2014 at 10:49 am ET By ENENews
公開:2014年12月17日、午前10:49 ET ENENewsによる
‘The Age of Radiance: The Epic Rise and Dramatic Fall of the Atomic Era’ (2014) Craig Nelson, Simon&Schuster (emphasis added): Explosion tore through [Fukushima] Daiichi at 3:40 pm on the 14th, destroying Unit 3′s outer building… raising into the air a pink cloud. Some onlookers became terrified when winds pushed it into what to their eyes was a mushroom shape.
‘Under the Pink Cloud: Living Downwind from Nuclear Testing’, Rachel Spotts (reporter at NBC affiliate in New York), Ali Sadler, Laura Price, 2012:
Quentin Nisson, Mayor of Washington City, Utah during nuclear testing: “You could see that actually up in the air here, the clouds, kind of like reddish dust would come over.” — Interviewer: Radiation? — Mayor Nisson: “Radiation. We still didn’t catch on to anything about the damage it could do… We didn’t realize that we were really guinea pigs for it. We paid dearly for it.”
Ralph Morris, child during nuclear testing: “We would see a cloud going over town… looked like, maybe very high clouds, but they were pink… like a pink covering of the sky. We later learned that was from the fallout… They told everyone there was nothing to worry about… My grandfather said, “Oh no, the government would never do anything to hurt us, never anything.” Really, that’s how people felt… It was an absolutely terrible, terrible thing. It devastated and shattered families… they didn’t care about us at all.”
Ali Sadler, host: “Would my cousin… have died [at 13 from leukemia] if he hadn’t farmed and played in fallout beneath pink clouds of radiation?… The Atomic Energy Commission told my family, the citizens of southern Utah, and all Americans, that there’s no danger. Time and time again the message of ‘no danger’ was spread.”
Jim Matheson, Congressman: “The government was telling people time and time again it was safe… They knew all along… When I was in high school, my father was governor… He had… this list [and said] “That’s a cousin, that’s a cousin, that’s an uncle.” It was all these people who died of cancer in southern Utah… I don’t think we know everything that happened… [There's] cause for concern about the ramifications of testing where ever it happened again. We still don’t know all the impacts… What I tell anyone who lives downwind is that you can never take it for granted.”
私が高校にいたとき、私の父は知事だった...彼は...このリストを持って[そして言った]「それはいとこだ、それはいとこだ、それは叔父だ。」このリストは、南部のユタ州で癌のため亡くなったこれら全ての人でした...私たちは起こった全てを知っているとは思わない... それが再び起こった所のテストの事態の成り行きについて懸念する要因が[あります。] 我々はまだ全ての影響を知らない...私が風下に住んでいる誰にでも言う事は、あなた方は決してそれを当たり前の事と取ることはできないという事です。」
See also: “I heard a loud noise, then saw a purple cloud… it was an explosion at the nuclear plant… we left here on the night of the 14th.” -Yoshiharu Sue, former Hitachi engineer
Watch ‘Under the Pink Cloud: Living Downwind from Nuclear Testing’ here
