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Official: Fukushima “destroyed our life… it can destroy history itself” — Professor: “Very hard to imagine a future beyond Fukushima, it’s so uncontainable” — Filmmaker: Meltdowns “opened up a fissure in time and space… Horror of radiation menaces the future in the present” (VIDEOS)
Published: November 2nd, 2014 at 3:38 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2014年11月2日、午後3:38 ET ENENewsによる
Guggenheim Global Art Initiative — Q&A with the Otolith Group discussing their film ‘The Radiant’ which explores the aftermath of 3/11, published Oct. 29, 2014 (emphasis added):
グッゲンハイム・グローバル・アート・イニシアティブ— オトリート・グループのQ&A、3/11の余波を探る彼らの映画「ラディアント」について議論する、2014年10月29日に公開(強調は記者):
Anjalika Sagar (at 2:00 in): Things have got much worse — and at the same time that things have got much worse, you have an accelerated form of secrecy relating to the level of the contamination in food products, in the sea… We were interested in… the politics of how disposable this population has become… Where the threat of the earthquakes could possibly contaminate the whole of Japan, which has happened…
Kodwo Eshun: We made a distinction between the nature of an accident and the nature of a catastrophe… The idea is that an accident is located in time and space… the earthquake and tsunami are a terrible tragic instance, but they are accidents. The catastrophe is potentially unlimited in time and space… The [meltdowns are] a catastrophe that opened up a fissure in time and space both in the past and in the present and in the future. So that what seems to be past is no longer past, but becomes present in a new way. And similarly what hasn’t happened yet is menaced by this moment…
コドー・エシュン:我々は、事故の性質と(原子力)破局の性質を区別した...この考えは、事故が時間と空間に位置しているということです...地震と津波は恐ろしい悲劇の事例ですが、それらは事故です。(原子力)破局は時間と空間において潜在的に無限です... [メルトダウンは]過去と現在と未来において、時間と空間両方に亀裂を開けた大惨事です。ですから、過去であると思われる事はもはや過去ではありません、しかし新しい経路で存在している。そして同様に、まだ起きていない事がこの瞬間によって脅かされている...
The horror of inhabiting radiation is that it menaces the future in the present. And it makes the future hostile in the present. So that mothers cannot be certain the babies they will have will not mutants. It makes the question of mutation — which is a core fantasy of science fiction, for comics, for superheroes — take on a real world effect… Very few people trusted the Japanese government anymore…. What we heard… was this notion of Japan as a laboratory, the notion of the citizens of Japan as guinea pigs. The sense that the Japanese government are carrying out an experiment in which they are calculating the levels at which people will revolt, and the levels at which people will accept their fate.
放射能に宿る恐怖は、それが現在において未来を脅かすことです。そして、それ(放射能)は現在において未来を不適にします。ですから、母親達が赤ちゃんは突然変異体ではないだろうと確信することができない。突然変異の疑問をおこす—それは漫画、スーパーヒーローのための空想科学コア・ファンタジーですが—現実世界に影響を与えます...もはや非常に少数の人々しか日本政府を信頼していない... 私たちが聞いたことは... 実験室としての日本というこの概念、モルモットとしての日本市民という概念であった。日本政府は、人々が反乱を起こすレベル、そして人々が自分たちの死すべき運命(不幸な運命・破滅)を受け入れるレベルを計算する実験を行っているという感覚だ。
Katsunobu Sakurai, Mayor of Minamisoma, Fukushima: “To put it simply, it destroyed our life… The region was lost, then the countryside was lost… In our history, it’s only for a moment that we’ve had nuclear power — 40 years. But it can destroy history itself.” >> Watch here
櫻井克信、南相馬市市長:「簡潔に言えば、それ(原発)は私たちの生活を破壊した...その地域は失われた、それから田舎の一地方が失われた... 私たちの歴史の中で、私たちが原子力発電を持っていたのはほんの一瞬だ—40年。しかし、それは(人類の)歴史自体を破壊することができます。"」">>>ここで見る
Katsutaka Idogawa, Mayor of Futaba, Fukushima during 3/11: “I’m really ashamed for my country, but I have to speak the truth for the sake of keeping our planet clean in the future… The same thing happened with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The authorities lied to everyone. They said it was safe. They hid the truth. That’s the situation we are living in. It’s not just Fukushima. Japan has a lot of dark history, what’s happening now is sort of a sacrifice to the past.” >> Watch here
Professor Norma Field, University of Chicago: “One can imagine a future beyond [the earthquake and tsunami]. It is very hard to imagine a future beyond the nuclear disaster of Fukushima. It is so uncontrollable — uncontainable — and that is why it gets left out of all the official and entertainment discourses. You have to be impassioned about it, and then you find a while lot. Especially on the internet.” >> Watch here
Full Q&A on ‘The Radiant’ here
