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Nuclear Engineer: Studies show multiple fuel cores ejected from Fukushima reactors… I thought so too, it was one of my big concerns — Radiation Expert: Hot particles of uranium and plutonium fuels detected nearly 300 miles away (VIDEO)
Published: August 25th, 2014 at 10:13 am ET By ENENews
公開:2014年8月25日、10:13 ET ENENewsによる
Chris Harris, former licensed Senior Reactor Operator & engineer, Aug 21, 2014 (at 24:00 in): NHK just [broadcasted] that many studies are showing… that multiple cores — parts of it, or some, or even most of it — had been ejected. We thought that too. Once you breach containment, that was one of my big concerns — where did the core go after an explosion like? Whether it be steam or hydrogen explosion or a combination of both… it got ‘sneezed out’ all over the place. It’s totally – it’s a huge mess.
Marco Kaltofen, Nuclear Science and Engineering (pdf), presented at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, March 19, 2014: High Radioactivity Particles in Japanese House Dusts… The Fukushima Dai‐ichi accident released very high activity inhalable dust particles that travelled long distances…
Airborne dusts can transport radioactive materials as isolated individual particles containing high concentrations of radioisotopes. Alpha and beta emissions related to fission wastes and dispersed fuel particles are hazardous when inhaled or ingested.
Radioactively‐contaminated environmental dusts can accumulate in indoor spaces, potentially causing significant radiation exposures to humans via inhalation, dermal contact, and ingestion… a micron‐scaled particle [had] activity greater than 1.0 PBq kg [1 Quadrillion Bq/kg]. The particle was collected from a home in Nagoya, Japan.
放射性に−汚染された環境粉塵は屋内スペースに蓄積し得る、そして吸入、皮膚接触、経口摂取を経由してヒトに潜在的に重大な放射能被ばくを引き起こす... ミクロン−スケールの粒子はキログラム当たり1.0ペタベクレル[1兆ベクレル/ kg]の放射性活性 を[持っていた]。 パーティクルは、日本・名古屋の家庭から収集された。
Nagoya is 460 km from the accident site… It contained both fission products and decay products of 238U… tellurium up to 48.0 %, cesium up to 15.6 %, rubidium up to 1.22 %, polonium up to 1.19 %, dysprosium up to 0.18 %, as well as trace amounts of Sn, lead, nickel, iron, and chromium… 226Ra, 134Cs, and 137Cs, 241Am, and 230Th [were] the most commonly detected gamma photon-emitting isotopes…
about 25 % of dusts sampled [were] autoradiographically positive for hot particles… the majority of these hot particles were 10 um [micrometers] or less in size, meaning that they were potentially inhalable… Radioactively‐hot particles on the respirable size range were routinely detected, with one as far as 460 km [285 miles] from the release site.
サンプリングされた中の約25%はホット・パーティクルとしては放射性写真(オートラジオグラフィー)において陽性[だった] ... これらのホット・パーティクルの大部分は、10[マイクロメートル]か、いやそれ以下のサイズだった、そしてそれらは潜在的に吸入可能であったことを意味していた...放射性−熱粒子(ホット・パーティクル)は、吸入可能なサイズの範囲にあり、放出された原発から460キロメートル[285マイル]も遠くにおいて、ルーチンで(試験すると常に)検出された。
Kaltofen (pdf): Radioisotopes in dusts released by Fukushima Daiichi units [include] Uranium and plutonium fuels and transuranics such as americium and neptunium… individual radioactive particles [in an] Ibaraki dust sample [include] Eu, Y, Zr, Th, Ce, Sr… in 1 to 15 um size range…
カルトーフェン(PDFファイル):粉塵中の放射性同位元素が、福島第一原発によってウランとプルトニウム燃料やアメリシウムやネプツニウムのような超ウラン元素を[含めて]放出された...茨城県のあるダストサンプル[中の]個別の放射性粒子は、ユウロピウム、イットリウム、ジルコニウム、トリウム、セシウム、ストロンチウムを[含める]... サイズは1から15 マイクロメートルの範囲である...
Kaltofen (pdf): The Japanese samples came from as far north as Sapporo in Hokkaido Prefecture and as far south as Tokyo, a range of 780 km. Fifty nine samples of dust from Japan were analyzed… Radioisotopes specific to the Fukushima Daiichi accidents, including Cs134, Cs137, and Co60 were detected in dust samples taken throughout Northern Japan, including areas more than 200 km outside of the accident exclusion zone.
Cs134 was detected at all of the Japanese sites tested… Japanese samples… analyzed in the first month after the accident also contained I131 and Am241… Radioactive dust has become a ubiquitous part of life in northern Japan.
Full interview with Harris here
