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Gov’t: Radiation level 60 km from Fukushima plant is as high as the most contaminated areas in Chernobyl — “Fukushima far exceeded any crisis previously encountered” — “A risk of destruction of the society” — Expert: “It’s unprecedented in scale and duration” (VIDEOS)
政府:福島原発から60キロメートル離れた所の放射線レベルはチェルノブイリの中で最も汚染された地域と同じ位に高い−「福島は以前に発生した危機をはるかに超えた」−「社会破壊のリスク」 −専門家:「史上空前の規模と期間である」(映像)
Published: August 18th, 2014 at 11:48 am ET By ENENews
公開:2014年8月18日、午後11:48 ET ENENewsによる
Interview with Dr. Brad Sample, ecotoxicologist and Hazard/Risk Assessment Editor for ‘Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry’ (at 8:10 in): “The event [at Fukushima Daiichi] is unprecedented in scale and duration.” >> Full interview here
IRSN News Magazine – Fukushima special report (pdf): “The Fukushima disaster far exceeded any crisis previously encountered”
Fukushima Accident — Contamination of People and the Environment, IRSN (emphasis added):
6:45 in — Didier Champion, IRSN: “Japanese authorities… measured… 15 million Bq/m2 for Cs-137 for example. This is quite comparable to that we see in the most contaminated areas around the Chernobyl accident.”
7:00 in — Researchers have mapped the contamination of soil… It goes far beyond the evacuation zone, and extends to more than 80 miles away — agricultural and urban areas inhabited by hundreds of thousands of people.
Watch video here
Jacques Repussard, IRSN Director General (at 5:15 in): “These are such serious accidents covering so many aspects of life in a country… The ability of associations, of local elected officials, to act in an intelligent and in an efficient manner, is a great resource. And also a factor in social cohesion in a disuniting situation, where there is a risk of destruction of the society.” >> Watch video here
Fukushima Accident — Response of the Japanese Society, IRSN (at 1:30 in): 60 kilometers from the power plant, farmers organized themselves collectively [and] turned to a researcher in bioscience from Dokkyu Medical University [Dr. Shingo Kimura]… They travel the region to measure contamination on roadsides, in fields, and even within homes… Along this road the dosimeter shows a gamma wave radiation level at more than 50 microsieverts per hour — a tremendous level akin to the highest contamination from Chernobyl. [0.03 microsieverts per hour before 3/11] >> Watch video here
福島事故−日本社会の応答、フランス放射線防護安全研究所(1分30秒の所で):発電所から60キロメートル、農民は集団的に自分達自身で組織を作った[そして] 獨協医科大学の生命科学研究者[木村慎吾] に問い合わせた(委託した)...彼らは汚染を測定するため、その領域を、道端、野原、さらには家の中さえも移動した... この道に沿って、線量計は毎時50マイクロシーベルト以上のガンマ波放射レベルを示した−チェルノブイリによる最高の汚染に類似した途方もないレベルである。 [3月11日以前は毎時0.03マイクロシーベルトであった] >>ここでビデオを見る
