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Tokyo Professor: Surges in airborne radioactive releases have gone on for years at Fukushima — Exceeded 25,000 times normal level — Radiation alarms sound for hours at plant — ‘Extensive’ areas being impacted (VIDEO)
Published: July 31st, 2014 at 6:42 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2014年 7月31日、午後6:42 ET ENENewsによる
Asahi Shimbun, July 31, 2014: University of Tokyo’s [...] team noted a surge in concentration of airborne radioactive cesium [...] in neighboring Miyagi Prefecture. The researchers said the findings show that radioactive materials were repeatedly released into the environment and reached extensive areas [...] the team placed a device to collect airborne dust at the town office of Marumori, 59 kilometers north-northwest of the stricken Fukushima plant [...] between December 2011 and December 2013 [...] there were eight cases in which the amount of radioactive cesium in the samples were at least 10 times higher than normal levels [...] reaching 50 to 100 times higher than normal levels. [...] A worker at the Fukushima plant said that TEPCO has not discussed any drastic measures, such as covering the reactor [...] “It will likely resume debris cleanup when criticism calms down,” the worker said.
朝日新聞、2014年7月31日:東京大学[...]チームは、隣接する宮城県の空中放射性セシウムの濃度の急増を指摘した。[...]研究者は、調査結果は、放射性物質が繰り返し環境に放出され広範なエリアに達したことを示している、と述べた[...]チームは、丸森町役場で被災福島原発の59キロメートル北北西に浮遊粉塵を収集するために(測定)装置を置いた [...] 2011年12月と2013年12月の間、[...]サンプル中の放射性セシウムの量が正常なレベルよりも少なくとも10倍高かった8例があり、[...]正常レベルより50〜100倍以上に達した。 [...]福島原発のある作業員は、東京電力が原子炉をカバーするような抜本的な対策を何も議論していない、と言った[...]「批判が落ち着いたときに、おそらく瓦礫のクリーンアップを再開します、」と作業員は語った。
NHK, Jul. 23, 2014: [M]ore than one trillion becquerels of radioactive substances were released [...] with an estimate that the removal work discharged 280 billion becquerels per hour of radioactive substances, or a total of 1.1 trillion becquerels. The plant is believed to be still releasing an average of 10 million becquerels per hour [...]
Asahi Shimbun, July 24, 2014: More than 1 trillion becquerels of radioactive substances were released into the environment during debris-clearing work at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant [...] over a period of four hours. [...] The estimates were made by monitoring results in downwind areas and also took into account that alarms for highly contaminated dust concentrations sounded for four hours. The precise amount of radioactive substances that leaked out of the plant site remains unclear [...]
朝日新聞、2014年7月24日:1兆ベクレルを超える放射性物質が福島第一原子力発電所での瓦礫片付け作業中に環境中に放出された[...] 4時間。 [...]推定値は風下地域での結果をモニターすることによって得られ、また、高度に汚染された粉塵濃度のアラームが4時間聞こえていたことも考慮された。原発敷地の外に漏れた放射性物質の正確な量は不明のままです[...]
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2013:
The complexity of this disaster [includes] long-duration continuous release of radiation at an unknown rate
An accurate estimate [...] is necessary for scientists and government officials to make informed decisions that impact the estimation of long-term doses and the safety of people
Estimates include a large degree of uncertainty [about] environmental impacts, which significantly hamper the Japanese government’s ability to estimate doses and preserve the public’s safety
Information needs of the first responders and local and national decision makers span a broad time range extending from hours to months, even years, from the initiation of the incident
This incident highlights many of the challenges that must be overcome for decisions to be made in an event that has significant temporal variation [and] occurs over a long time frame
Scientific and engineering communities [...] are attempting to better understand the implications of this disaster [and] the constant evolution of the incident
Not only is the radiation release event constantly evolving, but so too are the weather conditions impacting the dispersion and fallout of radiation
Throughout an event of this type, the background radiation is also continually evolving as the various radioactive materials both decay and interact with the environment
Watch NHK’s broadcast here
