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Japan Correspondent: It’s very scary, officials trying to brainwash public about Fukushima crisis — Professor: We’re wrapping our heads more and more around Fukushima’s legacy… human impact becoming more clear… that’s a very big and serious issue here — “Virtually no public support for nuclear power” (AUDIO)
Published: July 16th, 2014 at 5:55 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2014年7月16日、午後5:55 ET ENENewsによる
KWMR 90.5 FM, July 14, 2014 (h/t Fukushima Response) — Umi Hagitani, interpreter, Japan correspondent for Ecological Options Network (at 9:30 in): The survivors of the nuclear power accident and supporters of children… are asking the city of Koriyama to evacuate them because of the exposure to the radiation. But the women of Fukushima, their statement demanded that the reduction of the radioactive exposure is more urgent than the current federal policies and practices in Japan, which is to force people to remain in the contaminated area…
KWMR(カリフォルニアのFM放送局) 90.5 FM、2014年7月14日( 福島質疑応答の記事より)−ハギタニ・ウミ、翻訳者、">生態系オプションネットワークの日本特派員(9分30秒の所で):原子力事故の生存者と子供の支援者は•••放射能への曝露のため、彼らを避難するように郡山市に求めている。しかし福島の女性たち、彼女らの声明は、放射性被ばくの低減の方が、人々を汚染された地域に残るように強制させるという日本にける現在の国家的政策および実践よりも、急務であると要求していた•••
Many students of the 5th and 6th grade in elementary school, they attend something called a cancer seminar where they learn about how cancer is such a typical story for many people, they don’t have to worry about it… They’re trying to even build a junior high school and high school combined together by 2020 in Futuba County — that is the closest place to the Fukushima Daiichi.
But the administration of the town invited and made a survey of the kids, and I guess kids were not told about the options that they could evacuate, they made it look like they’re interested in coming back. It seems that right now the Abe cabinet has already schemed out a lot of brainwashing and making people feel that it’s possible to decontaminate — and its making the suffering of the people invisible…
I feel like that after 3 years, there are more cover-ups and silencing the survivors of this ongoing nuclear accident in Fukushima Daiichi, and it’s really well supported by the structural power hierarchy… it’s very scary to see this. The current situation is that the Ministry of Environment is putting fake radioactive monitors all over. >> Full KWMR broadcast here
私は3年後、福島第一で進行中であるこの原発事故の生存者について、より多くの隠蔽と沈黙があるように感じます、そして本当に巧く、(社会)構造上の権力階層でサポートされている...これを見ると非常に恐ろしいです。現在の状況は、環境省が全面的に偽(いつわり)の放射能モニターを設置しているということです。 >>KWMR全放送はここです
ABC 90.3 FM, July 14, 2014 — Dr. Robert Jacobs, associate professor at Hiroshima City University (at 3:15 in): It’s become a much more common and regular thing you read in the newspapers and topic of discussion among people in Japan… it’s become increasingly a topic of conversation because we do here have to deal with the fact that it’s every day pouring radiation into the sea.
We’re wrapping our heads more and more around the legacy of it… The human impact is unfolding in more clear view than it did at first, so that’s a very big and serious issue here… People are very, very aware of [contamination in the food supply]… People are very anxious about it… There’s virtually no public support for nuclear power, especially in the communities in which the plants are located. >> Full ABC broadcast here
我々は遺物を避けて、我々の頭をますます覆い隠している•••人間への影響は、それが最初にあったよりも明確な展望で展開されている、ですからここでは非常に大きな、深刻な問題です...人々は [汚染食糧の供給を] 非常に、非常に認識しています...人々はそれについて非常に心配している...原子力発電に対する公的支援は、特に原子力施設が位置する共同体(地域社会)では事実上何もありません。 >>ABC全放送はここです
NHK, July 16, 2014: An NHK survey [on] the government’s policy to allow the restarting of nuclear power plants that pass safety screening [found] 21 percent supported the policy [...]
NHK、2014年7月16日:安全性審査に合格した原子力発電所の再稼働を許可する政府方針[に対する]NHKの調査は、21パーセントが方針を支持すると[見出した] [...]
NHK, July 14, 2014: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has suggested his cabinet’s new security policy may have influenced the outcome of a gubernatorial election in western Japan. Voters rejected the candidate recommended by Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party in the Sunday race in Shiga Prefecture. They elected an independent instead [who] campaigned on the promise of phasing out nuclear power generation in Japan.
Watch NHK’s broadcast ‘Support for Cabinet at New Low’
