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Top U.S. Official: “The reality is, no technology exists anywhere to solve problem” of Fukushima’s melted fuel — TV: Molten mass “will scorch into the earth” if not cooled, a ‘China Syndrome’; Geysers of radioactive steam shooting up for miles around (VIDEOS)
Published: July 3rd, 2014 at 2:19 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2014年7月3日、午後2:19 ET ENENewsによる
NHK Nuclear Watch: US View on Fukushima Daiichi, July 2, 2014 (at 2:00 in):
NHK: Experts say that one of the most difficult challenges of decommissioning the plant is removing fuel debris… And Magwood says that there is no magic wand to wipeout this problem.
William Magwood, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission: I think people have to be realistic how difficult this is, how long it’s going to take. During my visit to Japan this week, people have asked me from time to time, “Are there technologies in the US that can help solve this problem?” The reality is there is no technology that exists anywhere to solve this problem.
Watch the NHK broadcast here
ウィリアム・マグウッド、米国原子力規制委員会:私は、人々がこのことがどんなに困難か、どんなに長い間かかるか現実的でなければならないと思います。私が日本へ今週訪問した間、人々は随時「この問題を解決することのできる米国の技術がありますか? 」と私に尋ねてきた。現実には、この問題を解決するための何の技術も何処にも存在しないのです。
‘Modern Marvels‘, History Channel (at 11:30 in):
Narrator: With the [water] pumps off, the core is being uncovered and its temperature is over 2,000 degrees and rising. When the core reaches 5,000 degrees it will melt, becoming a molten mass — metallic lava that will burn through the 8 inch steel containment vessel. Once out of the plant it will scorch into the earth itself. What happens next could become an unrivaled technological disaster.
Wilborn Hampton, New York Times reporter: They reach the water table, it will immediately turn to steam, boiling steam. There will be geysers of radioactivity steam shooting up in parking lots and driveways and streets and houses for miles around.
Narrator: The nightmare scenario is known as the ‘China Syndrome’. Land surrounding the plant will become uninhabitable. A study some years earlier has suggested upwards of 40,000 people could die if the ‘China Syndrome’ becomes reality.
Watch the History Channel broadcast here
See also:
Tepco: We should’ve told public sooner… we failed to cool molten fuel after meltdowns began
TV: Workers say ground under Fukushima plant is cracking and radioactive steam is coming up — Melted core may be moving out of building (VIDEO)
Japan Journalist: Gov’t source says “I’ve heard about the steam coming out from the ground, and I am concerned” — “Some kind of reaction may be occurring underground” writes plant worker
Cracks in ground, escaping steam reported “after two large quakes in the last few weeks”
NHK, Tepco confirm steam came up from underground at Reactor No. 1
Fukushima Worker: Water was steaming in basement under Unit No. 3 turbine
