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Yohei Kabasawa
南京大虐殺はなかった」百田発言は世界の非常識(赤旗3/6) ニューヨークタイムズ紙のダーディン記者「大規模な略奪、婦人への暴行、民間人への殺害、住民を自宅から放逐、捕虜の大量虐殺、青年男子の強制連行など、南京を恐怖の都市と化した。
2014-03-06 11:06
The Fall of Nanking
What Foreign Journalists Witnessed
Five Western Journalists in the Doomed City
Five Western Journalists in the Doomed City
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War damage in the southern section of Nanking. Photo taken by an American missionary, Ernest Forster, in March 17, 1938. |
"Wholesale looting, the violation of women, the murder of civilians, the eviction of Chinese from their homes, mass executions of war prisoners and the impressing of able-bodied men turned Nanking into a city of terror," wrote Frank Tillman Durdin of the New York Times on December 17, 1937, two days after he escaped from the "reign of terror" aboard the U. S. S. Oahu.
Archibald Steele of the Chicago Daily News called the siege and capture of Nanking "Four Days of Hell" in his dispatch on Dec. 15.
C. Yates McDaniel of the Associated Press jotted down the following sentence in his diary on Dec. 16, which was wired to the United States the following day, "My last remembrance of Nanking: Dead Chinese, dead Chinese, dead Chinese."
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