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ついにオバマ大統領が慰安婦問題に巻き込まれたようなんだが --- うさみ のりや
朴大統領に対する記者質問:〜 Madam President, given that South Korea and Japan have important shared security interests in the region, what, if anything, can your government do to get past this ritual of bitter dispute over Japan’s World War II militarist past?
朴大統領発言: 〜 I think what is most important is that we go back to the pledges made by Prime Minister Abe and their truthful actions be implemented from the Japan side. That is very important. And for the comfort women issue, for the Korean victims, at the director general level at the Foreign Ministry there will be further consultations. We hope that there will be talks carried out at that director general meeting and that there will be truthfulness displayed by the Japanese side so that we can carry on the momentum for cooperation. And if we’re not able to achieve much progress as we anticipated at that moment, we won’t be able to carry on, to make progress from the momentum that we were able to realize at that time. 〜However important the coordinated efforts will be between our three countries, I think efforts should be exerted by all the parties concerned. And progress cannot be achieved by efforts of a single party. And, therefore, in this regard, I really look forward to efforts made by the Japanese side.
オバマ大統領に対する記者質問:〜 I’d like to talk about the conflicts going on in Northeast Asia. Korea, Japan and China are the three countries in Northeast Asia engaged in close political cooperation relative to their historical territorial disputes. How do you foster a friendly atmosphere for cooperation? What can the United States do? And in regards to Prime Minister Abe’s statement at the press conference yesterday, he has made statements justifying the visit to Yasukuni Shrine by Japanese political leaders. I’d like to hear your views over the historical views held by Japanese politicians.
オバマ大統領:〜with respect to the historical tensions between South Korea and Japan, I think that any of us who look back on the history of what happened to the comfort women here in South Korea,for example, have to recognize that this was a terrible, egregious violation of human rights. Those women were violated in ways that, even in the midst of war, was shocking.And they deserve to be heard; they deserve to be respected; and there should be an accurate and clear account of what happened.
I think Prime Minister Abe recognizes, and certainly the Japanese people recognize, that the past is something that has to be recognized.honestly and fairly. But I also think that it is in the interest of both Japan and the Korean people to look forward as well as backwards and to find ways in which the heartache and the pain of the past can be resolved, because, as has been said before, the interests today of the Korean and Japanese people so clearly converge. They’re both democracies. You both have thriving free markets. Both are cornerstones of a booming economic region. Both are strong allies and friends of the United States. And so when you think about the young people of the Republic of Korea and Japan, my hope would be that we can honestly resolve some of these past tensions, but also keep our eye on the future and the possibilities of peace and prosperity for all people.
こちらが報道されているは重要な発言なので全訳をこちらから引用します。(have toのニュアンスなどちょっと加工)
「韓国と日本の歴史問題に関しては、 たとえば韓国の慰安婦に何が起きたかに関する歴史を振り返る者は皆, これがおぞましい, 言語道断の人権侵害であったと認識せざるを得ないだろう。 これらの女性は, 戦時という状況をふまえてなお衝撃的な方法で蹂躙された. 彼女たちの声に耳を傾け, 彼女たちを尊重すべきだ. そして, 起きたことに関する正確で明快な弁明がなければならない。
過去は誠実かつ公正に認識しなければならないものだということを, おそらく安倍首相はわかっているし, 日本国民は確実にわかっていると思う. 一方, 日韓双方の人々は, 過去と同様に未来にも目を向け, 過去の苦痛を解決する方法を探ることに関心を持っていると思う. なぜなら, 先に述べたように, 韓国と日本の人々の今日の利害は一致しているからだ. これらはいずれも民主主義国で, 自由市場を育てており, 経済発展している地域の要で, 米国の強い同盟国で友人だ. そして, 韓国および日本の若い人々のことを考えれば, 我々は誠実に過去の緊張を解決しつつ, 未来と, すべての人々のための平和と繁栄の可能性に目を向けることができるという希望を持っている. 」
