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件名:I'm Ukrainian, can answer your questions.
My name is Sergey, I'm 23 years old. I live near Nikolaev, Nikolaev is near Odessa. It is the South of Ukraine. My English is poor, but my goal is to stop Putin's propaganda. I can answer your questions if you have.
[質問]EnterSamMan 14 points 19 days ago
What in god's name is going on? Invasion? Troops called in left and right? There are just so many different accounts about the situation across the news and reddit that I can't get a solid answer. I need a TL;DR.
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 29 points 19 days ago*
It is 100% invasion with a brand "Help for russian people of Ukraine". Troops are in Crimea right now, but this is not the end I think. Former adviser of Putin (mister Illarionov) says that Putin want provoke a civil war. Why? Becouse the main battlefield of Putin is TV and media. Every Russian media except blocked "TV Rain" are lying. They call "fascists" every person, who want to get rid of the corrupted government hands, which has good relations with Russia by default.
[質問]EnterSamMan 3 points 19 days ago
Gotcha. Follow-up question: why is Russia invading in the first place?
Also, thank you for bearing with me. This is all such a fustercluck that it's hard to follow sometimes :/
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 15 points 19 days ago
why is Russia invading in the first place? There are many reasons, it is difficult identify the main. 1) Crimea 2) Russia afraid of EU in the border 3) Russia afraid of Ukraine without 100% corrupted government. 4) Russia need russian-friendly government. 5) However, Putin wants to show that he has eggs.
[質問]webhyperion 12 points 19 days ago
If Ukraine would vote tommorow, what is the most likely choice ukrainians would do (I mean which Party).
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 16 points 19 days ago
You must understand that this is just my personal opinion. Any new Party can't win. The Party must be perceived both in the west and the east of Ukraine. Party of Regions is dead even for East now, but Party of Regions is a big machine. Now they are working on rebranding. They can be a big player with new name. So, we have 3 major candidates: 1) Party of Regions with new name 2) UDAR (Party of Klichko) 3) Batkivschina (Yulia Timoschenko) But people of Ukraine need new faces in goverment, so I think UDAR can win, but without very high score (hope you understand my opinion).
[質問]0BigBadWolf0 6 points 19 days ago
In what shape is Ukrainian military? Are they capable of mounting anything resembling a defense should Russia decide to move out of Crimea? I'm assuming Crimea is lost, please correct me if I'm wrong.
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 17 points 19 days ago
The shape of Ukrainian military is very very very bad, but don't forget about our population. More than 40 million. I beleive, that we can defense the rest part of Ukraine. The truth is on our side. It is a big argument. And I think you are right - Crimea is lost for this moment. The last chance is some help from Europe, USA, NATO, Turkey. But I don't beleive that this guys can give someting more than "deeply concerned".
[質問]Whadios 5 points 19 days ago
How big was difference of opinion between east and west in Ukraine before all this? By sounds of it Crimea region was already looking at independence prior to this, how close was that to happening? Are people who were supporting ties to Russia supporting these moves by Russia or has it turned more people against them?
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 10 points 19 days ago
The difference of opinion between east and west before all this was not very big. Now this "differnce" is the main weapon in Putin's hands and he makes it bigger and bigger. TV and media helps him. He don't want to kill Ukrainians, he wants civil war in Ukraine. The "sounds of Crimea region" = "the sound of Putin's media". Read (use google translate) and you can understand real situation. 99% of Ukrainians do not want to join Russia. But many Ukrainians are afraid of mythical "extremists army" from West which "kills those who speak Russian". It is the result of TV, media and social media propaganda.
[質問]Whadios 5 points 19 days ago
Thanks for the response :) Hard to try and learn what's really going on in these situations, lots of propaganda from all sides I find.In another post someone submitted this video, are you able to translate some of what they're chanting and what's on their signs?
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 3 points 19 days ago
"Crimea - get up!" "Russia! Russia! Russia!" and no more. Read and use google translate to understand (I'm not the bot of this source :D)
[質問]Chinatownsocks 6 points 19 days ago
I don't think Putin's propaganda has much effect on Reddit. Reddit is dominated by liberals from countries in the EU or NATO. -- most people here are sympathetic towards Ukraine, and criticize Russia but would also criticize military intervention by the west. Most people here like to say: HELP, SOMEONE DO SOMETHING -- but not me.
I am curious to the actual perception of the Russian invasion from Ukrainians. How many of your friends think that Russia is rightfully getting involved? What are you opinions of Russia in general? Most Ukrainians speak Russian, right? A lot just prefer Ukrainian? What are the Russians telling everyone (I don't see a lot of this propaganda)? How true is it?
Wishing you and your country the best of luck.
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 2 points 19 days ago
100% of my friends speak about invasion. 70% of my friends speak russian. We feel positive about russian nation, but we hate russian government. There is no dominative language. Russian, ukrainian, mix of those languges. Nobody feels the pressure for any language in the East and in the West.
[質問]YuriPup 4 points 19 days ago
Odessa is on the mainland and west of Crimea. Russian troops won't be seen in Odessa short of invasion.Stevastopol is the home of the Black Sea Fleet, and on the Crimean peninsula.
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 6 points 19 days ago
In my area (Nikolaev, check google maps) there are not any Russian troops now. Odessa in not where main Russian naval base is. But Odessa has access to the Black Sea. I have read about this in our local news, but this is not the most important event for this days.
[質問]YuriPup 2 points 19 days ago
What kind of historical filter do you see this it? Do you see this as part of the repeated invasions of Ukraine by Moscow for the last 100 years? (WWI/Russian Revolution, World War 2, this..)
Stepan Bandera: Hero or Villain? Or something more nuanced?
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 8 points 19 days ago
Very hard to answer your question with my English :) I think it is the real chance to go out of USSR life standards and Putin's mind for every pepople of Ukraine. Yanukovich was the doll of Putin. Without this doll he lost a lot leverage in Ukraine. For this moment we don't have citizenz killed in the war. So I can't compare this situation with WW1, WW2. And dont' forget about this when you say about Crimea
[質問]zam0s 2 points 19 days ago
Is there any chance that Ukraine release Crimea peacefully
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 5 points 19 days ago
I don't know. I think "yes" if the question will be "Crimea or Crimea + some part of Ukraine".
[質問]LogicalLarynx 2 points 19 days ago
Side note: I'm looking for a news-source in the Ukraine. I understand if it may be troublesome to contact me directly, so I will try my hardest to find a way to contact me anonymously.
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 2 points 19 days ago
Side note: I'm looking for a news-source in the Ukraine. I understand if it may be troublesome to contact me directly, so I will try my hardest to find a way to contact me can translate It is 100% honest source. Use google translate to understand it ;)
[質問]johnsbury 2 points 19 days ago
Is there anything like a normal life there now? Will people go to work tomorrow and try to carry on like usual?
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 6 points 19 days ago
Everybody goes to work, everything working. But many people are preparing for real war - mentally first of all.
[質問]humanlifeform 2 points 19 days ago
Hello. Can you explain to me if people are still being shot at in the streets? And if so, how on earth are they justifying this?
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 5 points 19 days ago
No shoots in the streets now. Even in Crimea. But this will continue until the first shot from either side.
[質問]miraoister 2 points 19 days ago
Are you worried about your personal safety?
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 6 points 19 days ago*
I don't worry about my personal safety. I am worried about safety of my mother, little brother and girlfriend. I'm not trying to express pathos. I'm really think so.
[質問]mrgoditself 2 points 19 days ago
Hello Biguntee. I seriously want you to answer this question. Do you seriously want to join EU? I'm not talking about getting the grip off from the russia and becoming free- Only about joining the EU. And what benefits will it give to you and your country?
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 2 points 19 days ago
As for me. If "EU or Russia" I choose EU. If "EU or corrupted bandits in government" I choose EU. If "EU, Russia or Ukraine without 100% influence of Russia or EU" i choose Ukraine. A lot of benefits, but the main - bandits in government will not be so brazen.
[質問]Rusty_The_Taxman 4 points 19 days ago
Who is taking the most hold of the Ukranian government after the President was exiled?
I've seen many videos & articles showing how there are ex-soviet groups that are attempting to represent the revolutionaries in order to front their Stalinist/nazi regime, and it frustrates me there are groups that are abusing the revolution like that.
Do the Ukrainian people understand the threat that they pose to their freedom internally?
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 12 points 19 days ago
We have no a solid leader, because this revolution was not "for some person". This revolution was "against something". Lots of really bad groups had been joining to the process, when it went to victory. But kernel of revolution are the common people of Ukraine - different people that want better future.The role of some "Nazis" and "extremists" is exaggerated artificially. Putin's propaganda is in the game.
[質問]agnesua 1 point 19 days ago
What do you think of your new government, taking in consideration that is composed by:
Members of the old Yushchenko party;
Most of them from west Ukraine.
Who represents East Ukraine now?Thanks.
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 6 points 19 days ago
Don't forget about Party of Regions. They have more than 100 members in Rada now. And a lot of their members left this Party after killings, but they still represent East of Ukraine.
[質問]LogicalLarynx 1 point 19 days ago
Russia is scaring me. Putin is invading the Ukraine for the same reason Hitler invaded Czechoslovokia. Are you afraid that the other countries are going to sit and do nothing while Putin scoops up your home country?
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 6 points 19 days ago
I don't beleive in fairy tales. I understand, that this situation is more than "Russia vs. Ukraine". I'm afraid of lack of REAL support from other countries. But this is the moment of the true. This this the chance for REAL freedom. We must rely only on themselves.
[質問]jfishious 1 point 19 days ago
So you were just born around the time Ukraine, Russia, and the US were negotiating nuclear disarmament. Is it known by your generation that Russia agreed to respect the integrity of Ukraines borders and sovereignty in exhchange for denuclearization?
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 3 points 19 days ago
Yes, I know about this. And everybody knows. This is VERY BIG argument. It is the test for deals with such a high level. And our FREE media talks about it every hour.
[質問]zoo0ega 1 point 19 days ago
Hi Sergey, I´m Swedish and I have a few questions. 1. How was the reactions you witnessed around you when it was clear that Russia is taking at least Krim from Ukraine? 2. Are there any tensions between ethnic Russians and other groups outside Krim? 3. If Russia would expand their operations, do Ukrains want to fight or lay down their weapons?
Great that you want to talk here! Take care
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 5 points 19 days ago
1) All were angry. Anybody wants Russia here. We want free Ukraine. 2) The tansion takes place. But this tansion is artificial. It is a result of huge propaganda on TV, media and social media. People in Crimea watch Russian news. Russian news = comedy, lie and hypocrisy. 3) Ukrainians will fight. I will fight. We all know, that it can be our death, but I think, that death in the fight for freedom is better than life in Orwell's world.
[質問]juu4 1 point 19 days ago
What were the exact changes to language law prior to these events? Are the Russian claims that the status of the Russian language has been amended true?
[Sergey氏の回答]biguntee[S] 2 points 19 days ago
There was canceled a law allowing any national minorities to equate their language to the "national". In other words, people can write official documents in their own language. But after the resonance in the media, repeal of the law did not take place. However, this no longer speaks.
I don't beleive in fairy tales.
Russian news = comedy, lie and hypocrisy.
Ukrainians will fight. I will fight.
We all know, that it can be our death, but I think,
that death in the fight for freedom is better than life in Orwell's world.
- Putin’s Crimea Propaganda Machine:露が策動する内戦を防げるかどうか 手紙 2014/3/23 11:11:28
