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2015 年 6 月 1 日 14:00 JST 更新
インド熱波の死者、2200人以上に インドでは先週、気温が47度を上回り、4月半ば以降に熱波で死亡した人の数が2200人を超えた。ニューデリーでは5月29日、暑さ対策のため屋根の上で寝る一家の姿もあった。電力供給の安定しない地域では、夜に屋外で寝る人も多い。熱中症患者への対応のため、医師たちは休暇をキャンセルしている。
2015 年 5 月 29 日 11:40 JST
子供に水をかけてやるインド南部の女性(26日) Jagadeesh Nv/European Pressphoto Agency
An Indian man rests in front of an air cooler to cool himself on a hot summer day in Hyderabad, in the southern Indian state of Telangana, Sunday, May 31, 2015. Isolated thundershowers have failed to break a raging heat wave in the southern Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, claiming dozens of lives over the weekend and raising the overall death toll to more than 2,000 since mid-April. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.) Mahesh Kumar A/Associated Press

An Indian boy drinks water collected from a government water supply tap at an impoverished settlement on a hot summer day in Bhubaneswar, India, Saturday, May 30, 2015. Heat-related conditions, including dehydration and heat stroke, have killed more than 1,000 people in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh and hundreds in Telangana since mid-April, according to state officials. (AP Photo/Biswaranjan Rout)
An Indian family sleeps on the roof of a house to beat the heat in New Delhi, India, Friday, May 29, 2015. In neighborhoods with irregular electric supply and sometimes to escape the heat that gets trapped in concrete houses in severely congested colonies people often sleep outside at night. (AP Photo/Tsering Topgyal)
People enjoy on a beach along the Arabian Sea on a hot summer day in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, May 29, 2015. A heat wave in India has killed at least 1,371 people this week as temperatures soar above 47 Celsius (116.6 Fahrenheit), and doctors\' leave has been cancelled to help cope with the sick. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui danish siddiqui/Reuters

An Indian volunteer distributes sweet juice to passers-by on a roadside in Amritsar on May 29, 2015. As scorching weather conditions continue across India. Indian authorities urged hospitals to treat heatstroke as an emergency as the toll from a long heatwave topped 1,800 on May 29, making it the deadliest in more than two decades. AFP PHOTO/NARINDER NANUNARINDER NANU/AFP/Getty Images narinder nanu/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

An Indian man takes bath under the tap of a water tanker on a hot day in Ahmadabad, India, Thursday, May 21, 2015. Ajit Solanki/Associated Press