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Japan TV: Failure at Fukushima — Cement not stopping highly contaminated nuclear waste from flowing out of reactor buildings — IAEA: Radioactive releases from plant into ocean “a challenging issue” — Officials: Don’t know what to do next, or how this will affect whole ‘decommissioning’ project (VIDEO)
日本のテレビ(NHKワールド):福島の失敗 - セメントは原子炉建屋の外に流出する高度汚染された核廃棄物を停止していない- IAEA:海への原発からの放射性物質の放出は「挑戦的な問題」である - 関係者:次に何をするか、あるいはこれが「廃炉」プロジェクト全体にどのような影響を与えるかが分からない(動画)
Published: February 11th, 2015 at 1:14 am ET By ENENews
公開:2015年2月11日、午前1:14 ET ENENewsによる
NHK World transcript excerpts, Feb. 9, 2015: Managers of Japan’s damaged nuclear plant are facing another delay in dealing with a major source of contamination. They’re working on blocking the flow of radioactive water from reactor buildings to underground tunnels. TEPCO officials met with members of the Nuclear Regulation Authority [which] approved a plan to delay the project… Workers were supposed to remove the highly radioactive water… and after that they would have filled in the tunnels with cement.
However, efforts to block the flow of water failed. Engineers need to fill in some gaps that may be left in the area where the tunnels and reactor buildings meet. The setback will likely affect a second project to build an ice wall around the 4 damaged reactor buildings. Tepco officials say they’re already 2 weeks to a month behind schedule on that work.
NHK, Feb. 9, 2015: The workers poured cement into the tunnels while draining contaminated water. But blocking the water was not successful as it continued to flow through the buildings… They say they do not yet know how the latest delay will affect the whole decommissioning project. They are still studying the next steps they need to take.
Kyodo News, Feb 2, 2015: … the project to build a huge underground ice wall — a key measure to prevent radioactive water from further building up at the site — and other operations will likely be delayed by up to a month, it added… TEPCO initially planned to finish constructing the 1.5-kilometer frozen wall around the buildings housing the Nos. 1 to 4 reactors…by the end of next month.
共同通信社(英語版) 、2015年2月2日:...巨大な地下凍土壁を構築するプロジェクト - 原発施設でさらに増え続ける放射性(汚染)水を防ぐための重点施策 - およびその他のオペレーションは、おそらく1月(ひとつき)まで遅れるでしょう、とそのことが追加された...東京電力は当初、1〜4号機の原子炉を収容する建造物の周りに長さ1.5キロメートルの凍土壁構築を完了するように計画した...来月末までに
Al Jazeera, Feb 9, 2015: The UN’s nuclear watchdog* says contaminated water leaking from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant is still “a challenging issue”. The IAEA is reviewing work to decommission the plant… Tepco is criticized with its handling of radioactive water leaks into the Pacific Ocean.
アルジャジーラ、2015年2月9日:国連の原子力監視人(番犬)は述べています、日本の福島原子力発電所から漏れた汚染水は、依然として「挑戦的な問題」である。IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency・国際原子力機関・1957 年設立) は原発を廃炉にする作業を検討している...東京電力は、太平洋への放射性(汚染)水漏れの取り扱いについて批判されている。
* IAEA the “UN’s nuclear watchdog”? CNN, ABC, Harvard researchers, and even the UN itself, say yes. Perhaps they should consult with the head of the IAEA on the matter: “I have tried to address some widespread misconceptions in the media about the IAEA’s role in nuclear safety… we are not a ‘nuclear safety watchdog’.” A Bloomberg report on the IAEA notes, “The agency’s safety division garnered little respect in US diplomatic cables that described the department as a marketing channel for countries seeking to sell atomic technology… The IAEA’s own mission [is] to promote atomic power.”
Watch: NHK | Al Jazeera | Tepco PR video
観る:NHKワールド| アルジャジーラ| 東京電力のPRビデオ
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