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Study: Fukushima plume spread worldwide, far exceeding the hundreds of miles mentioned previously — 100 Quadrillion becquerels of Cs-137 released tops Chernobyl — “Implicates radiological hazard at distances otherwise overlooked”
Published: January 21st, 2015 at 12:17 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2015年1月21日、午後12:17 ET ENENewsによる
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (pdf), University of Florida College of Medicine, Weill-Cornell Medical College, etc. (2014):
The Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident is an example of a contemporary nuclear plant accident with serious implications.
The Fukushima NPP accident has had health implications due to the high levels of radiation released and vast area over which the radiation has disperse.
The significant radiation release, as likened to Chernobyl, reflects the context and severity of the Fukushima accident.
The level of 137Cs that was released is likened to Chernobyl levels, with 100,000 TBq released.
Radioactive plume dispersion occurs worldwide, far exceeding 300 miles previously mentioned. This should implicate radiological hazard at distances otherwise overlooked.
Potassium Iodide Distribution
Radioactive plumes from the Chernobyl accident containing 131I caused benign and malignant thyroid nodules to develop, especially in children within a 310 miles radius of the incident.
The current recommendation is for KI [potassium iodide] availability to people 200 miles from a NPP. Plume radii for nuclear events have been shown to exceed 300 [miles]. Extension of KI availability to 300 miles only further underscores the inadequacy of current preparedness plans.
現在の推奨は、原子力発電所から200マイル(322キロメートル)の人へのKI[ヨウ化カリウム]が使用可能であることだ。原子力事故のプルーム半径は300 [マイル](483キロメートル)を上回ることが示されている。
In regard to KI prophylaxis, TEPCO utilized 17,500 KI tablets for 2,000 onsite workers… with one individual receiving and taking 85 tablets.
ヨウ化カリウムの予防に関しては、東京電力は2000人の現場作業員のために、17500錠のヨウ化カリウムを利用した... 1個人が受け取り85錠を服用した。
Radiological plumes containing 131I cause benign and malignant thyroid nodules to develop within a 300 mile radius… This necessitates KI pre-distribution to all schools, hospitals and other of-interest sites extending 300 miles from any nuclear reactor. Evacuation or sequestering is impossible in congested urban areas…
There is currently virtually no compliance with [the] 20 miles radius KI pre-distribution law, section 127 of the Bioterrorism Act of 2002. In fact, there is little compliance with the 10 miles Ki pre-distribution radius law in the United States.
20マイル(32.2キロメートル)半径のヨウ化カリウム事前配布法、2002年のバイオテロ法のセクション127 の遵守は現在、事実上ありません。実際には、米国では半径10マイル(16キロメートル)のヨウ化カリウム事前配布法は、殆どの遵守があります。
Japan did not utilize KI for prophylaxis of the general public, acknowledging it was not prepared to act accordingly.
See also:
Study: Daily release from Fukushima of 100+ Quadrillion becquerels of cesium-137 early on in crisis “seems reasonable” — Chernobyl total release was ~70 Quadrillion Bq of cs-137
Canadian officials estimated Fukushima cesium-137 release almost double Chernobyl -- Based on the "most conservative and credible" projections
EU-funded Research: Fukushima atmospheric release of 210 quadrillion becquerels of cesium-137 used as upper bound in simulation -- Chernobyl estimated at 70 to 85 quadrillion
Marine Chemist in Jan. 2014: Latest numbers I have are Fukushima has released 80 Quadrillion Bq of cesium-137 (Chernobyl estimated at 70 Quadrillion) -- "The radioactive plume itself has actually arrived... it’s already here" on west coast of N. America (AUDIO)
Gov't Report: Fukushima released up to 181 Quadrillion Bq of cesium, Chernobyl was 105 Quadrillion -- Radioactive material to flow from Japan "for years to come" -- Fukushima radionuclides have now spread "throughout N. Pacific"
政府レポート:福島はセシウムを181兆ベクレル程まで放出、チェルノブイリは105兆ベクレル放出した--- 放射性物質は、「来る数年間」日本から流出する---福島放射性核種は今「北太平洋全体」に拡散している
View the study here
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