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Journal: Unprecedented phenomenon from using saltwater in Fukushima reactors — Forming new uranium compounds able to travel long distances… “like carbon buckyballs”
Published: January 27th, 2012 at 3:54 am ET By ENENews
公開:2012年1月27日、午前3:54 ET ENENewsによる
Title: How sea water could corrode nuclear fuel
Source: UC Davis News & Information
Date: January 26, 2012
Emphasis Added
Japan used seawater to cool nuclear fuel at the stricken Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant after the tsunami in March 2011 — and that was probably the best action to take at the time, says Professor Alexandra Navrotsky of the University of California, Davis.
But Navrotsky and others have since discovered a new way in which seawater can corrode nuclear fuel, forming uranium compounds that could potentially travel long distances, either in solution or as very small particles. The research team published its work Jan. 23 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
“This is a phenomenon that has not been considered before,” said Alexandra Navrotsky, distinguished professor of ceramic, earth and environmental materials chemistry. “We don’t know how much this will increase the rate of corrosion, but it is something that will have to be considered in future.”
Japan used seawater to avoid a much more serious accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi plant, and Navrotsky said, to her knowledge, there is no evidence of long-distance uranium contamination from the plant.
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Uranium in nuclear fuel rods is in a chemical form that is “pretty insoluble” in water, Navrotsky said, unless the uranium is oxidized to uranium-VI — a process that can be facilitated when radiation converts water into peroxide, a powerful oxidizing agent.
Peter Burns, professor of civil engineering and geological sciences at the University of Notre Dame and a co-author of the new paper, had previously made spherical uranium peroxide clusters, rather like carbon “buckyballs,” that can dissolve or exist as solids.
In the new paper, the researchers show that in the presence of alkali metal ions such as sodium — for example, in seawater — these clusters are stable enough to persist in solution or as small particles even when the oxidizing agent is removed.
In other words, these clusters could form on the surface of a fuel rod exposed to seawater and then be transported away, surviving in the environment for months or years before reverting to more common forms of uranium, without peroxide, and settling to the bottom of the ocean. There is no data yet on how fast these uranium peroxide clusters will break down in the environment, Navrotsky said.
Read the report here
Follow up to “Navrotsky said, to her knowledge, there is no evidence of long-distance uranium contamination from the plant”:
Title: Fukushima radiation could be ocean risk
Source: UPI
Date: Jan 26, 2012
情報源:UPI通信社(ユーピーアイつうしんしゃ、United Press International、ユナイテッド・プレス・インターナショナル)
Seawater used to cool nuclear fuel at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant after the 2011 tsunami could have corroded the fuel and spread radiation, scientists say. [...]
2011年の津波後、日本の福島原子力発電所の核燃料を冷却するために使用した海水は燃料を腐食し、放射能を拡散することができた、と科学者たちは言う。 [...]
Uranium in nuclear fuel rods is in a chemical form that is “pretty insoluble” in water, [Professor Alexandra Navrotsky of the University of California, Davis] said, but when radiation converts water into peroxide, a powerful oxidizing agent, uranium can be converted into uranium-VI, which in seawater is stable enough to persist in solution or as small particles.
The uranium-VI could form on the surface of a fuel rod exposed to seawater and then be transported away, surviving in the environment for months or years before reverting to more common forms of uranium and settling to the bottom of the ocean, researchers said. [...]
ウラン-VIは、海水にさらされる燃料棒の表面に形成され得る、そしてそれから遠く離れて輸送される、ウランのより一般的な形態に戻る前に、数ヶ月間または数年間環境中に存続し、そして海の底に定着する、と研究者らは述べた。 [...]
Read the report here
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