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Neutron beam seen 13 times at Fukushima — Maybe evidence of nuclear fission or release of plutonium
Published: March 23rd, 2011 at 11:49 am ET By ENENews
公開:2011年3月23日、午前11:49 ET ENENewsによる
Neutron beam observed 13 times at crippled Fukushima nuke plant, Kyodo, March 23, 2011:
中性子ビームは、不具合になった福島原子力発電所で13回観察された、共同通信(リンク切れ) 、2011年3月23日:
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Wednesday it has observed a neutron beam, a kind of radioactive ray, 13 times on the premises of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant…
TEPCO, the operator of the nuclear plant, said the neutron beam measured about 1.5 kilometers southwest of the plant’s No. 1 and 2 reactors over three days from March 13 and is equivalent to 0.01 to 0.02 microsieverts per hour and that this is not a dangerous level.
The utility firm said it will measure uranium and plutonium, which could emit a neutron beam, as well. …
[T]he measured neutron beam may be evidence that uranium and plutonium leaked from the plant’s nuclear reactors and spent nuclear fuels have discharged a small amount of neutron beams through nuclear fission.
Read the report here.
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