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Huge radiation spike detected at Fukushima plant — Multiple records set near workers trying to stop nuclear waste flowing into ocean — Cesium up 7,500% this week
Published: January 14th, 2015 at 4:02 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2015年1月14日、16:02 ET ENENewsによる
Tokyo Electric Power Company Press Release, January 12, 2015 (Google Translation):
東京電力プレスリリース(報道発表・記者発表) 、2015年1月12日(Google翻訳):
For pumping water groundwater observation hole No.1-12 taken on January 12, cesium 134, cesium 137, cobalt 60 and total beta value is higher as compared with the previous value, the maximum value previously is detected.
Cesium-134: 140 Bq/L [~7,500% above Jan. 5 level; new record high]
Cesium-137: 470 Bq/L [~7,500% above Jan. 5 level; new record high]
Cobalt-60: 1.9 Bq/L [Quadruple previous record high set in 2013]
β (all beta): 15,000 Bq/L [~6,000% above Jan. 8 level; ~1,300% above previous record high]
セシウム134: 140ベクレル/リットル[1月5日レベルの〜75倍以上:新高記録]
セシウム137: 470ベクレル/リットル[1月5日レベルの〜75倍以上。新高記録]
コバルト60:1.9ベクレル/ リットル[2013年に示された以前の最高記録より4倍高い]
Note that observation hole No. 1-12 is near the Unit 2 trench which is filled with thousands of tons of highly radioactive water. Tepco is attempting to seal the trench, but has failed to do so. According to page 2 of Tepco’s presentation to Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority on Dec. 26, 2014 the only part of the trench that has been blocked is right next to No. 1-12 (see map on right).
From Monday: Engineer: Outright failures continue to plague Fukushima plant -- "Public may think worst is over... Nothing could be further from the truth" -- Japan TV: New method failing to stop flow of highly contaminated water -- Experts: 'Diluting' radiation in ocean adds to danger; Spreading it out only makes health damages worse (VIDEO)
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