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Fukushima released 13,000,000,000 times more neutrons than initially estimated — “Obvious implication for human health” — Gov’t: “Neutron radiation is the most severe and dangerous radiation” known to mankind; Can travel great distances
Published: January 13th, 2015 at 6:23 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2015年1月13日、午前6時23分ET ENENewsによる
Scientists from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Univ. of California San Diego & Kyushu Univ., made available Oct 16, 2014 (emphasis added):
We estimated a lower limit of 5.2 × 1021 slow neutrons m–2 sec–1 [m–2 sec–1 = per sq. meter per second] were emitted from the nuclear fuel rods to the sea water injected in the reactors
我々は、低速中性子が下限で5.2掛ける10の21乗(個)/平方メートル・秒[m–2 sec–1 = 1平方メートル当たり、且つ1秒当たり] 核燃料棒より原子炉に注入した海水へ放出された、と推定する
Priyadarshi et al. (2011) have estimated a release amount of 4 × 1011 slow neutrons m–2. The large difference with our estimation [13,000,000,000 times higher] comes from the intrinsic limit of the box model study by Priyadarshi et al.
プリヤダーシらは、(2011年)低速中性子が1平方メートル当たり4掛ける10の11乗の放出量と推定している。我々の推計との大きな差[ 130億倍高い]は、プリヤダーシらによるボックスモデル研究の本質的な限界から来る。
Our model directly estimates the amount of material released from the reactor core
The estimated… number of neutron represent a lower limit of the amount of radiation emitted from the nuclear reactors… These values can be used as a proxy to the total amount of radiation emitted since the melt down
中性子の推定数は... 原子炉から放出される放射線量の下限を表している...これらの値は、メルトダウン以来放出される放射能の総量の代数(代理値・プロキシ)として使用できる
[The authors] express their gratitude to… the Japanese Ministry of Environment…Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, and Technology (MEXT)… [and] the Cabinet Office
Priyadarshi et al.: Evidence of neutron leakage at the Fukushima nuclear plant… Despite the obvious implication for human health… there are no quantitative estimates of the neutron flux leakage…
[T]ons of seawater were used as a coolant… A consequence is that salts and minerals present in seawater become radioactive by reaction with thermal neutrons… We calculated the total number of neutrons that leaked from the reactor core [and] estimate that a total of 4 × 1011 neutrons per m2 were released before March 20.
Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Coordination: Neutron radiation is a kind of ionizing radiation which consists of free neutrons… Neutrons readily pass through most material, but interact enough to cause biological damage. Neutron radiation is considered to be the most severe and dangerous radiation available. Neutrons can travel great distances…
[Previous reports on Fukushima neutrons:]
Neutron beam seen 13 times at Fukushima
UN Radiation Expert: Neutron exposure from Fukushima criticalities not measured
Experts: Nuclear chain reactions may have lasted over 7 months at Fukushima — Neutron leakage from ‘active’ molten fuel — Top Gov’t Official: MOX fuel could be neutron source
Gundersen: Discovery of neutron sources off site means Unit 3 fuel broken by detonation
Saltwater used at Fukushima made new uranium compounds able to travel long distances
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