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‘Nuclear Slaves’ at Fukushima: Workers have debts paid off, forced to stay as ‘indentured servants’ — Foreign workers may soon be needed at plant, official reveals
Published: October 28th, 2013 at 11:16 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2013年10月28日、23:16 ET ENENewsによる
Voice of Russia, Oct. 27, 2013: “Nuclear slaves” discovered at Fukushima [...] An in-depth journalistic investigation uncovered that thousands of unemployed Japanese were tricked into working underpaid and highly dangerous jobs on the site of Fukushima’s nuclear disaster. [...] Yakuza act as enforcers who keep the “nuclear slaves” from complaining or leaving their jobs. [...]
ロシアの声、2013年10月27日:「原子力奴隷」が福島で発見された [...]綿密でジャーナリスティックな調査は、何千人もの日本人の失業者が、福島原子力災害の現場で低賃金で労働し、非常に危険な仕事をするようにだまされていることを明らかにした。 [...]ヤクザが仕事の不満や離職からの「原子力奴隷」を保持するエンフォーサ(執行人)として活動している。 [...]
Reuters reports that “labor brokers” [...] resort to “buying” laborers by paying off their debts and then forcing them to work in hazardous conditions until their debt to the “labor broker” is paid off. Such “employment schemes” are commonly referred to as “indentured servitude” and are a form of slavery [...]
Lake Barrett, a former US nuclear regulator and an advisor to Tepco, told the news agency that existing practices won’t be changed for Fukushima decontamination: “There’s been a century of tradition of big Japanese companies using contractors, and that’s just the way it is in Japan. You’re not going to change that overnight just because you have a new job here, so I think you have to adapt.”
Asahi, Oct. 28, 2013: TEPCO President Naomi Hirose [...] explained that it is getting difficult for the utility to secure sufficient manpower at the plant and that it was grappling with tasks the company was not familiar with.
AP, Oct. 28, 2013: Hirose acknowledged that TEPCO is having trouble finding a stable pool of workers at the plant [...] TEPCO Vice President Zengo Aizawa said [...] that uncertainty remains over the long-term decommissioning process. “We are not sure about our long-term staffing situation during the upcoming process of debris removal, which requires different skills,” Aizawa told a news conference.
Asked if the company may have to consider hiring foreign workers, he said TEPCO is open to that idea even though it’s not an immediate option. [...] [Shunichi Tanaka, chairman of the NRA] called on Hirose to implement sweeping steps to safeguard workers from high doses of radiation and other troubles [...]
同社は外国人労働者を雇うことを考慮する必要があるかどうか尋ねられて、彼は、東京電力はそれが早急な選択枝ではありませんが、そのアイデアを持っている、と言った。 [...][田中俊一、原子力規制委員会委員長]は放射能の高線量およびその他のトラブルから作業員を保護するための抜本的ステップを履行する(備える)ように広瀬(社長)に呼びかけた[...]
UPDATE: Fukushima Worker: I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2012, now stomach and intestinal cancers found recently -- Each developed independently, not from one spreading – Worked at plant for just 4 months in 2011
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