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TV: Record level of “flesh-eating bacteria” cases in Japan — Spike began around 2011 Fukushima disaster — Now at 400% normal rate — US Gov’t: Radiation from nuclear accident greatly reduces ability to fight this infection — Officials: We don’t know what’s triggering it; Seek immediate help if symptoms develop (PHOTOS & VIDEO)
Published: January 6th, 2015 at 3:01 am ET By ENENews
公開:2015年1月6日、午前3:01 ET ENENewsによる
Yomiuri Shimbun, Dec. 24, 2014 (emphasis added): Patients with ‘flesh-eating bacteria’ hit record — A record high 263 patients are suffering from streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome (STSS), a deadly infection… National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) is calling on people to visit a doctor… immediately after a possible STSS symptom is detected, such as a severe sore throat… [A] maximum of 100 patients suffered from the disease annually until 2010…
This year, that number reached 263 as of Dec. 14, topping the previous worst record of 242 in 2012… Tokyo ranked first with 41… The infection is mainly caused by Group A Streptococcus… but details remain unclear. It is unknown what triggers the disease… The condition may lead to a state of shock, multiple organ failure and other results in a few days… It is also called “flesh-eating bacteria” [affecting] tissues such as on limbs and the face… NIID official said [to] “seek immediate treatment… should STSS symptoms appear.”
今年は、その数が2012年に242人という以前の最悪記録を上回り、12月14日の時点で263人に達した...東京は41人で第一位...感染は主にA群連鎖球菌によって引き起こされる...しかし詳細は不明である。何が病気の誘引(引き金)かは不明です... 病態が数日でショック・多臓器不全、そして他の結果につながる可能性がある...それはまた「人喰いバクテリア」と呼ばれている、手足や顔などのような組織を[冒す]からだ ...国立感染症研究所の関係者は「STSの症状が現れたら...すぐに治療を求める。」[ように]語った
New studies by scientists from Fukushima Institute of Public Health and others:
Increased prevalence of group A streptococcus isolates in streptococcal toxic shock syndrome cases in Japan from 2010 to 2012, published 2014: Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) is a severe invasive infection characterized by the sudden onset of shock, multi-organ failure, and high mortality… STSS is mainly caused by group A streptococcus (GAS). Although an average of 60–70 cases of GAS-induced STSS are reported annually, 143 cases were recorded in 2011. [We examine] the reason behind this marked increase… mefA-positive emm1 isolates has escalated since 2011.
2010から2012年にかけての、日本での連鎖球菌毒素性ショック症候群症例におけるA群連鎖球菌分離株の有病率の増加が、2014年に発表された:レンサ球菌毒素性ショック症候群(STSS)は、ショックによる突然の発症、多臓器不全、および高い死亡率によって特徴づけられる深刻で侵襲的な感染症である...レンサ球菌毒素性ショック症候群(STSS)は主にA群連鎖球菌(GAS)によって引き起こされる。STSSの誘引となるA群連鎖球菌は、毎年平均60〜70例報告されているが、2011年に143例を記録した。[我々は]この目立った増加の背後にある理由を調査した... mefA(遺伝子)陽性・emm1分離株が、2011年以来増加しています。
Evaluation of streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome caused by group B streptococcus [GBS] in adults in Japan between 2009 and 2013, published 2014: In recent years, [Streptococcus infection] is an important cause of morbidity and mortality among adults… disease similar to streptococcal toxic shock syndrome have recently been reported… underlying disease was present in 47.4% of the patients.
US Dept. of Defense, 2012: (Photo – “Crew member is checked for radiation [in] Japan… March 2011″); Ch. 5 – Therapy for Bacterial Infections following Ionizing Radiation Injury… [C]oncerns about nuclear disasters have… shifted to emphasize the low-dose acute and low-dose–rate chronic irradiation scenarios of nuclear accidents… nonlethal doses of ionizing radiation enhance susceptibility to exogenous bacterial infections… The predominant bacteria isolated from wounds included… b-hemolytic [and] a-hemolytic Streptococcus… [I]mmune responses are greatly diminished within a few days after irradiation… individuals should be monitored continually for… symptoms of infection [which] are difficult to treat effectively in those who receive whole-body ionizing radiation.
アメリカ合衆国・国防総省、2012年:(写真 - 「乗組員は日本[の]放射能のためにチェックされている...2011年3月」);5チャンネル−電離放射線損傷後の細菌感染の治療... [原]子力災害についての懸念は...低線量・急性および低線量・慢性の照射シナリオを強調する方へシフトしてきた...電離放射線の非致死的線量は、外因性の細菌感染に対する感受性を高める...傷から分離された優位な細菌は... B群溶血[および]A群溶血性連鎖球菌を含んでいた...[免]疫学的応答が、照射後数日以内に大幅に減少している...個人は感染症状を継続的に監視される必要があります... 全身電離放射線を受けた人において、[その感染症状]は、効果的に治療する事は難しいです。
Al Jazeera: What does Polonium do to a person?… An amount equivalent to the size of a particle of dust is lethal. After being taken into the body… it bombards people’s cells with millions of radioactive alpha particles [and] damages the intestines, causing toxic shock syndrome.
Dr. Nick Priest, toxicology professor at Middlesex Univ.: If polonium is ingested [it] will travel through the gut… Destruction of the inner gut wall will lead to… toxic shock syndrome.
Watch Japanese TV broadcast on STSS here
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