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TV: Officials outside Fukushima told not to accept voluntary evacuees from Fukushima? “Oh, finally, they confessed and gone this far” (VIDEO)
Published: February 11th, 2013 at 1:51 am ET By ENENews
公開:2013年2月11日、午前1:51 ET ENENewsによる
Title: FUKUSHIMA:What Can We Do Now? [part1]
Uploaded by: imawatachitachi
Date Broadcast: February 28, 2012
Upload Date: February 9, 2013
タイトル:福島:私たちは今何ができる? [その1]
In the wake of the Great East Earthquake and nuclear power plant accident on March 11th, 2011, a number of citizen groups developed detailed reconstruction plan through discussions from their standpoints and set up a program to send the news report and transmit information. The public access program, which broadcast voices of citizens, started on April 5th, with the cooperation from BS11, one of the commercial satellite broadcast channels. [...]
3月11日、2011年の東日本大震災や原子力発電所の事故をきっかけに、いくつかの市民グループは、自分たちの観点からの議論を通じて詳細な再建計画を開発した、そしてニュースレポートを送信し、情報を伝達するためのプログラムを設定した。市民の声を放送するパブリックアクセスプログラムは、BS11(チャンネル)の協力をもって、商業衛星放送チャンネルの1つで、4月5日に開始した。 [...]
At 11:15 in
Mother: I’ve heard that Fukushima governor told the other prefectures (which would be ready to accept evacuees from Fukushima) not to accept voluntary evacuees. [...]
Host: The comment at the end of VTR said that Fukushima prefecture has requested to other prefectures not to accept voluntary evacuees from Fukushima. Here is the article at that time, on Dec. 2 last year in Mainichi Newspaper Evening issue. The media reported that Fukushima prefecture announced to the other prefectures to stop the system of establishing temporary housings for evacuees, especially for voluntary evacuees. When I heard the news, to tell the truth, I thought ‘Oh, finally, they confessed and gone this far.’ How do you think of the situation as a resident?
Resident: Actually to my shame, I didn’t know the news. Come to think of it, we are facing the severe situation. However, the governor even said something like that. I think it is not acceptable. It is their responsibility to protect the citizens’ lives. I feel that they have done something they are not supposed to do, actually. Yes. We, the citizens in Fukushima have developed a feeling of distrust towards the government after learning the fact.
Watch the broadcast here
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